143 research outputs found

    Atomic Force Microscopy and Optical Studies of Organic Thin Films with Hydrogen-Bonded Networks

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    Brewster angle microscopy and atomic force microscopy were used to characterize the surface morphology of thin films in situ or after transfer onto solid supports. Two acids were studied, differing in carboxylic acid head groups, resulting in significantly different morphological features for thin films formed from these two amphiphiles on a Langmuir trough. Differences in self-assembly and domain sizes were correlated with the formation of hydrogen-bonded networks. The influence of surface hydrophobicity or hydrophilicity during deposition on morphology was also characterized, with spherulitic features appearing in some samples

    Well-aligned Nickel Nanochains Synthesized by a Template-free Route

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    Highly uniform and well-aligned one-dimensional Ni nanochains with controllable diameters, including 33, 78, and 120 nm, have been synthesized by applying an external magnetic field without any surface modifying agent. The formation can be explained by the interactions of magnetic dipoles in the presence of applied magnetic field. Magnetic measurements demonstrate that the shape anisotropy dominates the magnetic anisotropy. The demagnetization factor, ∆N, is in the range of 0.23–0.36

    Maze Solving Using Fatty Acid Chemistry

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    This study demonstrates that the Marangoni flow in a channel network can solve maze problems such as exploring and visualizing the shortest path and finding all possible solutions in a parallel fashion. The Marangoni flow is generated by the pH gradient in a maze filled with an alkaline solution of a fatty acid by introducing a hydrogel block soaked with an acid at the exit. The pH gradient changes the protonation rate of fatty acid molecules, which translates into the surface tension gradient at the liquid–air interface through the maze. Fluid flow maintained by the surface tension gradient (Marangoni flow) can drag water-soluble dye particles toward low pH (exit) at the liquid–air interface. Dye particles placed at the entrance of the maze dissolve during this motion, thus exhibiting and finding the shortest path and all possible paths in a maze

    Структура и электрические свойства легированных железом керамик на основе оксида цинка

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    The structure and electrical properties of (FexOy)10 (ZnO)90 ceramics (0 ≤ x ≤ 3; 1 ≤ y ≤ 4) synthesized in air by one− and two−stage method were studied. To dope ZnO, powders of FeO, α−Fe2O3, and Fe3O4 or a mixture (α−Fe2O3 + FeO) were used. On the basis of X−ray diffraction analysis, gamma−resonance spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy, it was established that at fixed average iron concentrations of 1—3 at.% in ceramic samples, at least three phases are formed: solid solution Zn1−δFeδO with wurtzite structure and residual iron oxides FexOy, used as doping agents. Scanning electron microscopy and energy−dispersive X−ray analysis have shown that, in the studied ceramics, the grain sizes of the wurtzite phase decreased from several tens of micrometers using one−step synthesis to the submicron level for the case of two−step synthesis. It was found that the incorporation of iron into ZnO leads to a contraction of the crystal lattice in the wurtzite phase and the stronger, the higher the proportion of oxygen in the doping iron oxides FexOy. The study of the temperature dependences of the electrical resistivity have shown that deep donor centers with an activation energy of about 0.35 eV are formed in the wurtzite phase Zn1−δFeδO. The temperature dependences of the electrical resistivity in the undoped ZnO in the temperature range of 6—300 K and in the doped ceramics (FexOy)10(ZnO)90, obtained by the one−step synthesis method, at temperatures below 50 K, are characterized by a variable activation energy, which indicates a strong disordering of their structure.В настоящее время особое внимание уделяется поиску экономичных технологий производства, а также исследованию структуры и свойств новых керамических композиционных материалов на основе оксида цинка. Такие керамики имеют ряд преимуществ по сравнению с материалами, полученными по более дорогим технологиям, поскольку дают возможность изготавливать изделия различных форм и размеров, в том числе с варьированием их морфологии и структурно−фазового состояния. Это позволяет контролировать их функциональные свойства путем изменения размеров частиц в исходной шихте; температур, длительности и атмосферы синтеза и термообработок, а также типа легирующих агентов в керамиках. Исследована структура и электрические свойства керамик (FexOy)10(ZnO)90 (0 ≤ x ≤ 3; 1 ≤ y ≤ 4), синтезированных на воздухе методом одно− и двухэтапного снтеза. Для легирования ZnO использовали порошки соединений FeO, α−Fe2O3 и Fe3O4 или смесь (α−Fe2O3 + FeO). На основе экспериментальных результатов, полученных методами рентгеновского дифракционного анализа, гамма−резонансной спектроскопии и рамановской спектроскопии установлено, что при фиксируемых средних концентрациях железа 1—3 % (ат.) в керамических образцах формируется не менее трех фаз: твердый раствор Zn1−δFeδO со структурой вюрцита, феррит ZnFe2O4 со структурой шпинели, а также остаточные оксиды железа FexOy, использованные в качестве легирующих агентов. Методами сканирующей электронной микроскопии и энерго−дисперсионного рентгеновского анализа показано, что в исследованных керамиках размеры зерен вюрцитной фазы уменьшаются от нескольких десятков микрометров при использовании одноэтапного синтеза до субмикронного уровня для случая двухэтапного синтеза.Обнаружено, что введение железа в ZnO приводит к сжатию кристаллической решетки вюрцитной фазы, тем более сильному, чем выше доля кислорода в легирующих оксидах железа FexOy. Изучение температурных зависимостей удельного электросопротивления показало, что в вюрцитной фазе Zn1−δFeδO формируются глубокие донорных центры с энергией активации порядка 0,37 эВ. Температурные зависимости электросопротивления электронов в нелегированном ZnO в диапазоне температур 6—300 К и в легированной керамике (FeO)10(ZnO)90, полученной методом одноэтапного синтеза, при температурах ниже 50 К характеризуются переменной энергией активации. Это указывает на сильное разупорядочение их структуры

    Formation of Crystal Structure in Dielectric BaAl2Si2O8BaAl_2Si_2O_8-Based Materials Depending on Preparation Conditions

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    Crystal structure formation of BaAl2Si2O8BaAl_2Si_2O_8 known as polymorphic compound is investigated in present work depending on conditions of preparation. Characteristics of ceramics have been studied for different modifications of crystal structure. Additional technologic operations (grinding with following heat treatment) have been found to result in polymorphic transformation. Dielectric properties of BaAl2Si2O8BaAl_2Si_2O_8 ceramics have been studied for hexagonal, monoclinic crystal structure modifications as well as for that based on phase mixture. It has been shown that the sintering of ceramic material based on the monoclinic crystal structure modification of BaAl2Si2O8BaAl_2Si_2O_8 takes place in temperature diapason of 1300-1350°C. Sintering of material with the hexagonal crystal structure modification occurs in temperature diapason of 1450-1500°C. Ceramics materials based on compound BaAl2Si2O8BaAl_2Si_2O_8 are found to have low porosity, high Q-factor and dielectric characteristics, allowing use of these ceramic materials for production of resonators and other microwave equipments

    Influence of ultrasonic mechanoactivation on phase formation in dielectric ceramic material based on BaAl2Si2O8

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    Mechanoactivation effect has been studied on crystal structure of BaAl2Si2O8 known as polymorphous compound. Ultrasonic treatment of the synthesized material powder has been used as mechanoactivation method. Ultrasonic grinding during 0.5–1.5 h was determined to result in polymorphous transformation. Dielectric properties of ceramics BaAl2Si2O8 have been investigated for hexagonal, monoclinic modifications of crystal structure as well for that based on phase mixture. It is shown that sintering of ceramic material based on monoclinic crystal structure modification of BaAl2Si2O8 takes place in temperature diapason of 1300– 1350ºС. Ceramic materials based on BaAl2Si2O8 compounds have been shown to exhibit low porosity, high Q-factor and dielectric parameters allowing use them for resonators, and other microwave devices