87 research outputs found

    The Liffey Waltz

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    An Organized Labor Perspective on Social Security Reform

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    United States Pension Benefit Plan Design Innovation: Labor Unions as Agents of Change

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    Labor unions played an historic role creating the occupational pension system in the private and public sectors in the post-World War II era. That system, which was dominated by defined benefit pension plans, is in decline. The transition to a new system is economically and socially painful, and has been accelerated by two financial crises in the past decade. This paper uses a case study of a private sector union to demonstrate how labor unions can influence the renegotiation of the pension contract for American workers. The case study describes how one union evaluated the pension crisis from a sustainability viewpoint, and responded pro-actively by developing a hybrid pension plan that attempted to align the interests of all stakeholders through equitable risk sharing. The hybrid plan developed by this union eventually had a broader influence on the pension community at large and the public policy debate around the pension crisis

    Bias–Variance and Breadth–Depth Tradeoffs in Respondent-Driven Sampling

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    Respondent-driven sampling (RDS) is a link-tracing network sampling strategy for collecting data from hard-to-reach populations, such as injection drug users or individuals at high risk of being infected with HIV. The mechanism is to find initial participants (seeds), and give each of them a fixed number of coupons allowing them to recruit people they know from the population of interest, with a mutual financial incentive. The new participants are again given coupons and the process repeats. Currently, the standard RDS estimator used in practice is known as the Volz–Heckathorn (VH) estimator. It relies on strong assumptions about the underlying social network and the RDS process. Via simulation, we study the relative performance of the plain mean and VH estimators when assumptions of the latter are not satisfied, under different network types (including homophily and rich-get-richer networks), participant referral patterns, and varying number of coupons. The analysis demonstrates that the plain mean outperforms the VH estimator in many but not all of the simulated settings, including homophily networks. Also, we highlight the implications of multiple recruitment and varying referral patterns on the depth of RDS process. We develop interactive visualizations of the findings and RDS process to further build insight into the various factors contributing to the performance of current RDS estimation techniques.Statistic
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