344 research outputs found

    Euphemisms of the Concept of death in the Internet Discourse of the Modern Russian Language (on the Material of Nominations of Death-groups)

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    Статья посвящена эвфемизмам с семантикой смерти, которые используются участниками так называемых «групп смерти» в интернет-дискурсе. Приводятся определения понятий «концепт» и «эвфемизм». Рассматривается несколько групп образов, через которые в названиях маскируется тема смерти и самоубийства. Автор считает, что посредством эвфемизации достигается эффект устранения негативных смыслов, подменяемых привлекательным образом. Использование метафорических номинаций характеризуется как основной и самый частотный способ эвфемизации.The article is devoted to euphemisms with the semantics of death, which are used in the nominations of death groups in the Internet. The definitions of concepts “concept” and “euphemism” are given. Several groups of images are considered and highlighted, through which the nominations mask the theme of death and suicide. Thus the nominations do not carry unpleasant information about death and distract the participants from recognizing it. The way of using metaphorical nominations is singled out as the main and most frequent way of evfemization

    Language complexity across sub-styles and genres in legal Russian

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    The purpose of the paper is to find out the differences in linguistic complexity between legal documents, opposed by domain, sub-style and genre. The authors explore the large and diverse corpus of Russian legal texts and compare international documents and documents of national law, documents of the three sub-styles (administrative, legislative and justiciary), and texts of differen

    Сайт медичного спрямування як різновид інтернет-ресурсу

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    On the example of four network resources, the content component and the specificity of the architectonic organization of medical sites located in the domestic segment of the Network were investigated. There were no explorations which the architectonics and content of the medical resources of the Ukrainian segment of the Network were considered, which evidently makes our work relevant. The purpose of the work was to study the specific features of the medical resources of the Ukrainian segment of the Network. The object is medical sites that function in the domestic web space. The subject of the article is the specificity of the architectonic organization and content of the four sites of the Ukrainian segment of the Network (http://diagnoz.net.ua, http://zdorovia.com.ua, https://www.health-ua.org, http: // Med-portal.in.ua.). To achieve this aim, the following tasks were implemented: - considering the peculiarities of the four medical resources of the domestic segment of the Network; - determining the specifics of the content of such sites; - highlighting the peculiarities of the visualization of the analyzed resources. The resources are quite informative, but the possibilities of the Internet environment are practically not used. As a rule, there is the only forum where only registered users can communicate. No informative video or audio content was found. It is for the first time that the analysis of medical web-resources of Ukrainian segment of the network is done. The results of the investigation can be used for further study of architectonics and specificity of the content of different specialized sites.Различные ресурсы медицинской тематики – чрезвычайно популярный сегмент среди представленных в Сети отечественных сайтов. Здесь есть официальные сайты медицинских учреждений, сайты-визитки медицинских клиник, справочные ресурсы, собранные по принципу медицинских отраслей, информацию из которых они дают, представлены и веб-ресурсы, которые можно назвать популярными или справочными. Собрана интересная информация, касающаяся болезней, их лечения, открытий, сделанных в последнее время в медицине. Даны и советы относительно лечения, рассказано о лекарственных средствах. Такие сайты рассчитаны на широкий круг посетителей. На примере четырех сетевых ресурсов рассмотрена содержательная составляющая и специфика архитектонической организации сайтов медицинского направления, размещенных в отечественном сегменте Сети. Ресурсы являются достаточно информативными, однако возможности интернет-среды практически не используются. Как правило, есть только форум, на котором могут общаться только зарегистрированные пользователи. Какого-либо информативного видео- или аудиоконтента обнаружено не было.Різноманітні ресурси медичної тематики – надзвичайно популярний сегмент серед представлених у Мережі вітчизняних сайтів. Тут є офіційні сайти медичних закладів та установ, сайти-візитівки медичних клінік, довідкові ресурси, зібрані за принципом галузей медицини, інформацію з яких вони подають, представлено і веб-ресурси, які можна назвати науково-популярними чи довідковими. Зібрано цікаву інформацію, що стосується хвороб, їх лікування, відкриттів, здійснених останнім часом у медицині. Подано і поради стосовно лікування, розказано про лікарські засоби. Такі сайти розраховані на широке коло відвідувачів. Відповідно, на прикладі чотирьох мережних ресурсів розглянуто змістове наповнення та специфіку архітектонічної організації сайтів медичного спрямування, розміщених у вітчизняному сегменті Мережі. Ресурси є досить інформативними, проте подано переважно текстову інформацію, а можливості інтернет-середовища, такі як мультимедійність, практично не використовуються. Зазвичай є тільки форум, на якому можуть спілкуватися зареєстровані користувачі. Якогось інформативного відео- чи аудіоконтенту виявлено не було

    Український науково-популярний сайт як різновид мережевого ресурсу

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    Research methodology. In order to determine the peculiarities of architectonics and content of popular-scientific web-sites, four resources of the Ukrainian network are under analysis. Results. Popular scientific resources are of users’ request. The most popular one is the content thatconsiders nature, space, physics, biology, medicine, history. However, the sites look amateurish and require modernizing processing and design. Only one of the four sites analysed have its modern architectonicorganization. Others leg several years behind the latest trends in web design. As for the content, it is the one which is relevant, interesting as well as providing discourses. So, resource http://scienceukraine.com isa summary of news from many disciplines. However, the information is not of great amount, its selection logic is not very clear. Web-site http://kosmosait.com.ua provides the visitor with the borrowed contentexclusively on the topic of the site. That’s why it can be considered as a kind of thematic aggregator. The site http://historians.in.ua/index.php/en considers only issues related to Ukrainian history as well as itsunexplored pages. It can satisfy the curiosity of the target audience. Resource http://my.science.ua is poorly designed in terms of architectonics and requires filling its content. Accordingly, scientific-popular resourcesare a fertile segment of focus for web designers and content managers. The multimedia capabilities of the web environment are not implemented in the full measure. Accordingly, popular-scientific resources needto be improved and modernized.Novelty. It is for the first time that the systematic analysis of popular-scientific web-sites of Ukrainian segment of the web was considered.The practical significance. The results of the research can be used for further study of the Ukrainian segment of the Web.На примере четырех сетевых ресурсов рассматривается содержательное наполнение и специфика архитектонической организации научно-популярных ресурсов отечественного сегмента Сети. Лишь один из четырех рассмотренных сайтов имеет современную архитектоническую организацию. Все остальные нуждаются в осовременивании. Кроме того, контент двух проанализированных сайтов заимствован, что делает их простыми дайджестами информации по определенной теме. Мультимедийные возможности веб-среды реализованы далеко не полной мерой. Соответственно, научно-популярные ресурсы требуют доработки и осовременивания.На прикладі чотирьох мережних ресурсів розглянуто змістове наповнення таспецифіка архітектонічної організації науково-популярних ресурсів вітчизняного сегмента Мережі. Лише один з чотирьох сайтів має сучасну архітектонічну організацію. Усі інші потребують осучаснення. Крім того, контент двох сайтів запозичений,що робить їх простими дайджестами інформації з певної теми. Мультимедійні можливості веб-середовища реалізовано далеко не повною мірою. Відповідно, науково-популярні ресурси потребують доробки й осучаснення

    Social Seme as Component of Meaning in Names of Internet communities

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    The designations “groups” and “communities” are examined as those given to associations of communicants on the Internet. The author states that the names of these associations have certain pragmatic tasks, since they are attracting the attention of Internet users and work on the expansion of groups. It is proved that the solution of such problems led to social semes in the names of unions. The author believes that the onomastic linguistic material (proper nouns) is also the part of social vocabulary. Social lexis refers to many words and expressions that serve as the designations of objects and phenomena of the life of society and a man because of his social characteristics - status, roles, etc. The relevance of the study is justified by the fact that there are no ideographic description of the social vocabulary in the Russian language and the concept of such a description. Analysis of the composition ofthe names of Internet communities allows to draw some conclusions regarding the features of group Internet communication. It is shown that the names of Internet communities are their hallmarks, that indicate the range of interests of participants of virtual communication in each group and the perception of social realities. The classification of categories depending on the method of education is given. It is concluded that many of the names include lexemes that characterize man from the standpoint of his social function

    The role of the social vocabulary research in the Russian language teaching practice (on the example of zoomorphic nominations Homo Socialis)

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    The relevance of the investigated problem is stipulated by the necessity to solve a problem of multicultural humanitarian education and formation of tolerance of students to unfamiliar culture. The purpose of the article is to research educational potential of metaphorical vocabulary in different languages, such as zoomorphic naming units of a man in his social roles and functions. The leading approach to the study of this problem is a communicatively oriented approach to training highly qualified specialist, the future teacher of Russian as a foreign language or an interpreter. The study produced the following results: the possibility to use ethno-linguistic study of Russian language results is illustrated; a selection of lexical items and phraseologic- zoomorphism, which nominate people on the social roles and functions - tat teacher can use in the classroom, is presented; the technique of analysis of the vocabulary in which social seme is located in different zones of the word, is presented; the necessity of the use of research results in the practice of teaching in higher school in order to ensure the formation of socio-cultural and communicative competence of students is substantiated. The results can be applied in the organization of educational process in higher educational institutions. The article may be useful to researchers in the field of pedagogy, to teachers, to post-graduate students, to graduate students and students of the following specialties: Russian as a foreign language, Russian language in the practice of interpretation. © 2016 Leontyeva et al


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    Разработаны и апробированы обучающие тесты. Они помогают сформировать общие и профессиональные компетенции при обучении математикеThe training tests are developed and tested. They help to form general and professional competencies by studying math

    Conceptual problems of financial accounting in a digital economy

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    The article shows modern problems of financial accounting associated with formation of conceptual accounting provisions in the context of digitalisation of society and economy. An open system of financial accounting, consisting of interrelated and interdependent elements, functions in the new economic conditions. The accounting concept created by regulatory legal acts does not meet the requirements of practice and does not meet current users’ needs. There are prerequisites for changing the entire accounting system due to modern technologies (blockchain, artificial intelligence), which can completely change the traditional ideas about the formation of accounting and analytical information as well as main functions of accountant. The study of the current financial accounting concept and the formulation of directions for its development in the digital economy formation conditions based on the identification of conceptual problems of the modern accounting system characteristic is the purpose of the work. An analysis of the digital economy impact on the accounting system formation, a review of the main system elements that are undergoing the greatest transformation and the identification of problem areas that need to be addressed in the formation of the digital economy are the objectives of the study. The most relevant problem is the legal regulation of financial accounting, as well as issues of methodological nature related to the need for internal content, proposed by the authors of the accounting system in accordance with the changed digital economy information needs

    Availability of Higher Education Services: the Concept and Methods of Evaluation

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    Different methodological approaches to determining the accessibility of higher education services have been analyzed, and their classifcation into four groups has been proposed by the criteria: ensuring equal opportunities for people to receive higher education, compilation (accounting for a variety of factors affecting accessibility), structural (for accessibility elements of the higher education system, system) and probabilistic (accessibility as a chance to get a higher education or go on training). It is shown that the frst three approaches consider the availability of higher education services as the degree of satisfaction of demand for them. The probabilistic approach takes into account, when determining the accessibility of higher education services, both demand and supply, which most accurately reflects the essence of the notion of accessibility. The Russian and foreign methods of assessing the accessibility of higher education services in general, its separate types are considered, author’s methods are given and justifed. It is shown that for a number of components of the integrated concept of accessibility (social, fnancial, intellectual and medical), the methods for their evaluation have been worked out in sufcient detail, the least studied is the methodology for assessing and managing the territorial accessibility of higher education services


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    The article substantiates the necessity of developing a management accounting of costs for innovation activity, which includes certain components, such as purpose, nature, types, stages, participants and resources. The link of management accounting and innovation activity is given, stages of the process of cost accounting on a targeted basis are outlined. Cost centers and centers of responsibility for innovation have been developed. Authors propose the classification of costs for each innovative project by cost items. The form of account and analysis of innovative costs according to elements of costs is presented