107 research outputs found

    Bistatic Observations of the Ocean Surface with HF Radar, Satellite and Airborne Receivers

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    Accepted manuscript file. Published version available at https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8232298A new concept has been developed which can view vast regions of the Earth’s surface. Ground HF transmissions are reflected by the ionosphere to illuminate the ocean over a few thousand kilometers. HF receivers detect the radio waves scattered by the sea and land surface. Using the theory of radio wave scatter from ocean surfaces, the HF data is then processed to yield the directional wave-height spectrum of the ocean. This technique has several advantages over existing remote sensing methods. A large area of the ocean can be sampled to yield the wave-height characteristics with high, km-scale resolution. The wave height spectrum can be directly compared with temporal frequency spectrum obtained with buoys at specific points in the ocean volume. Furthermore, the technique uses HF waves which penetrate the dense rain found in hurricanes

    The Temporal Development of Fatty Infiltrates in the Neck Muscles Following Whiplash Injury: An Association with Pain and Posttraumatic Stress

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    Radiological findings associated with poor recovery following whiplash injury remain elusive. Muscle fatty infiltrates (MFI) in the cervical extensors on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in patients with chronic pain have been observed. Their association with specific aspects of pain and psychological factors have yet to be explored longitudinally.44 subjects with whiplash injury were enrolled at 4 weeks post-injury and classified at 6 months using scores on the Neck Disability Index as recovered, mild and moderate/severe. A measure for MFI and patient self-report of pain, loss of cervical range of movement and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) were collected at 4 weeks, 3 months and 6 months post-injury. The effects of time and group and the interaction of time by group on MFI were determined. We assessed the mediating effect of posttraumatic stress and cervical range of movement on the longitudinal relationship between initial pain intensity and MFI. There was no difference in MFI across all groups at enrollment. MFI values increased in the moderate/severe group and were significantly higher in comparison to the recovered and mild groups at 3 and 6 months. No differences in MFI values were found between the mild and recovered groups. Initial severity of PTSD symptoms mediated the relationship between pain intensity and MFI at 6 months. Initial ROM loss did not.MFI in the cervical extensors occur soon following whiplash injury and suggest the possibility for the occurrence of a more severe injury with subsequent PTSD in patients with persistent symptoms

    Safety Culture: Examination of Safety Attitudes Across Transportation Modes

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    The economic and societal impact of motor vehicle crashes, 2010

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    © 2014 by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved. In 2010, there were 32,999 people killed, 3.9 million were injured, and 24 million vehicles were damaged in motor vehicle crashes in the United States. The economic costs of these crashes totaled 277billion.Includedintheselossesarelostproductivity,medicalcosts,legalandcourtcosts,emergencyservicecosts(EMS),insuranceadministrationcosts,congestioncosts,propertydamage,andworkplacelosses.The277 billion. Included in these losses are lost productivity, medical costs, legal and court costs, emergency service costs (EMS), insurance administration costs, congestion costs, property damage, and workplace losses. The 277 billion cost of motor vehicle crashes represents the equivalent of nearly 897foreachofthe308.7millionpeoplelivingintheUnitedStates,and1.9percentofthe897 for each of the 308.7 million people living in the United States, and 1.9 percent of the 14.96 trillion real U.S. Gross Domestic Product for 2010. These figures include both police-reported and nreported crashes. When quality of life valuations are considered, the total value of societal harm from motor vehicle crashes in 2010 was 871billion.Lostmarketandhouseholdproductivityaccountedfor871 billion. Lost market and household productivity accounted for 93 billion of the total 277billioneconomiccosts,whilepropertydamageaccountedfor277 billion economic costs, while property damage accounted for 76 billion. Medical expenses totaled 35billion.Congestioncausedbycrashes,includingtraveldelay,excessfuelconsumption,greenhousegasesandcriteriapollutantsaccountedfor35 billion. Congestion caused by crashes, including travel delay, excess fuel consumption, greenhouse gases and criteria pollutants accounted for 28 billion. Each fatality resulted in an average discounted lifetime cost of 1.4million.Publicrevenuespaidforroughly9percentofallmotorvehiclecrashcosts,costingtaxpayers1.4 million. Public revenues paid for roughly 9 percent of all motor vehicle crash costs, costing tax payers 24 billion in 2010, the equivalent of over 200inaddedtaxesforeveryhouseholdintheUnitedStates.Alcoholinvolvedcrashesaccountedfor200 in added taxes for every household in the United States. Alcohol involved crashes accounted for 59 billion or 21 percent of all economic costs, and 84 percent of these costs occurred in crashes where a driver or non-occupant had a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08 grams per deciliter or greater. Alcohol was the cause of the crash in roughly 82 percent of these cases, causing $49 billion in costs. Crashes in which alcohol levels are BAC of .08 or higher are responsible for over 90 percent of the economic costs and societal harm that occurs in crashes attributable to alcohol use

    The Storm Cone by Laura Daly

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    This brochure brings together different writing inrelation to the artwork The Storm Cone by Laura Daly.The Storm Cone was commissioned by the Universityof Salford Art Collection and Metal and originallylaunched in Peel Park, Salford and Chalkwell Park,Southend in May 2021

    An in-depth study of the promises and perils of mining GitHub

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