7 research outputs found

    Psychological and Legal Aspects of Verification and Detection of Lies during Polygraph Examination

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    The article examines the features of verification and detection of lies and the definition of their features in the process of polygraph examination. Detection of lies is associated with the experience of certain emotions, the mechanisms of functioning of which ensure the organization of the relationship between true and false answers during testing using the technical means of computer polygraph and are accompanied by physiological reactions. In a computerized polygraph test, a test taker analyzes and evaluates the risks of concealing false information or the possibility of confirming it and exposing it as false. The effectiveness of information concealment depends on its ability to reveal and control a specific picture of one’s own physiological reactions when answering the questions, which are then evaluated by a polygraph examiner. Instrumental detection during polygraph testing should aim to obtain information, avoiding ambiguity, doubt, assumptions, and subjective association with an adequate reflection of reality. Undoubtedly, there is information that characterizes certain actions performed by a person, which he/she interprets and submits in the form of a true or false answer to a question evaluated by a polygraph examiner. The effectiveness of methods of detection and verification of lies depends on the qualification of the polygraph specialist, taking into account the individual characteristics of each test case, as well as the subtleties and details of the event being studied, features of psychophysiological reactions of the person being examined, namely the type of nervous system, external and internal factors that significantly influence the result of the examination. The conducted empirical research made it possible to describe the features of the group of people in whom lies were detected during polygraph testing. Such individuals showed high rates of adaptability, but low rates of neuropsychological stability. Among the personal qualities a high level of manifestation on such scales as "reactive aggression", "spontaneous aggression", "irritability", "shyness", "openness", "extraversion-introversion" can be distinguished.</p


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    The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical and applied principles of the economic and legal analysis of socio-economic factors of the emergence of threats to the system of counteracting money laundering and terrorism financing in Ukraine. The results of the conducted research allow us to assert that socio-economic factors have a significant destabilizing effect on the system of counteracting money laundering and terrorism financing in Ukraine and provoke the intensification of the processes of the emergence of threats. The article analyzes the main approaches to determining the socio-economic factors of threats to the system of counteracting money laundering and terrorism financing in Ukraine, systematizes their list and singles out the most important ones. On the basis of a detailed study, an economic and legal analysis of socio-economic factors of the emergence of threats to the system of counteracting money laundering and terrorism financing and their legislative regulation was carried out. It was established that among the most significant socio-economic factors of the emergence of threats to the system of counteracting money laundering and terrorism financing in Ukraine are: (1) the growth of the shadow economy; (2) the deepening of corruption; (3) growth of the state budget deficit; (4) an increase in the number of crimes related to the legalization (laundering) of criminally obtained funds. The weakness of the current domestic legislation in terms of establishing responsibility for crimes containing signs of money laundering and terrorism financing was revealed, which requires its improvement in the direction of strengthening such responsibility. A list of measures of economic and legal regulation of socio-economic factors of the emergence of threats to the system of counteracting money laundering and terrorism financing in Ukraine is proposed, most of which are in the area of harmonizing the current legislation of Ukraine with international and European norms, improving the supervisory activities of state regulators and the methodological tools of financial monitoring

    Analysis of Peculiarities and Components of Resiliency of People Facing Military Aggression against Ukraine

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    The article contains a theoretical and empirical analysis of resiliency and resilience in the context of the impact of various traumatic events. In particular, the impact of such events and phenomena as war and military aggression, which Ukrainians have been experiencing since the beginning of the invasion of Russian Federation troops, is outlined. The formation of resiliency in conditions of military actions and full-scale invasion is vital. Therefore, the authors outline the main theoretical approaches in the interpretation of these concepts within the framework of domestic and foreign teachings. The connection and relationship of such concepts as "resilience" and "stress resistance", "resilience" and "coping", "resilience" and "sustainability" are outlined. In general, resiliency is characterized as a personality quality and includes adaptability, stress resistance, mental stability, flexibility (emotional and behavioral) and resistibility.The purpose of the article is to find out the specifics of resiliency, its manifestation and development in people facing military aggression against Ukraine.The results of applying "The Person-in-the-Rain Drawing" technique made it possible to assess the components of resiliency and the main levels of its manifestation in the research group. The obtained results presented grounds to determine three levels of resiliency based on the selected criteria: low, medium and high. The analysis of three groups of respondents according to the level of resiliency indicates the need to find and implement ways of psychological support and provision of people with a low and medium level of resiliency. By increasing its level through the formation and development of adaptive resources and resistance, individuals will be able to mobilize their internal reserves and effectively implement them in order to protect their countries and provide assistance at various levels.</p

    Results of the Implementation of a Comprehensive Socio-Psychological Program to Foster Professional Empathy Among Professionals in the Helping Professions

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    The article presents the results of research on the empathy of policemen, rescuers, doctors and psychologists, as the best representatives among helpers. It also describes the qualitative and quantitative changes in the levels of empathy among these specialists after the implementation of a comprehensive socio-psychological program.The goal is the approval of a complex socio-psychological program for the formation of professional empathy among specialists in helping professions, in particular, police officers, rescuers, doctors and psychologists. To conduct the research, the following methods were used: psychodiagnostic technique “Diagnostics of the empathic abilities level” by V. Boiko, content analysis, and Wilcoxon t-criteria to determine statistically significant shifts. The results. On the basis of the conducted research, it was established that empathy undergoes positive changes under the influence of the proposed comprehensive social-psychological program. As we can see the t-Wilcoxon results showed statistically significant shifts at the p&lt;0.01 and p&lt;0.001 levels. Positive changes occurred among representatives of all studied professions, however, the highest rates of change were found among psychologists and police officers.Conclusions. Theoretical analysis shows that empathy is mostly considered as an emotional component of the personality, which often appears in a negative way for specialists of some professions. However, the empathy of rescuers, police officers, doctors and psychologists manifests itself through a behavioral component and contributes to the emergence of empathic actions. Therefore, the positive results of the implementation of a complex socio-psychological program allow us to insist on the effectiveness and feasibility of its application for other specialists in the field of helping professions.</p


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    Purpose of the Article. To study theoretical courses of formation of the national model of Ukrainian design and design history, in which understanding of design expands to the total design of the subject environment that surrounds the modern person. The methodology of work consists of a combination of a comparative method with respect to the solid layout of scientific studies on the history of design and methods of analysis and synthesis of theoretical developments. The scientific novelty of the research is, first of all, to outline the priority models of studying design in the contemporary humanitarian educational scientific thought of Ukraine, in defining a form of design education that is acceptable to the contemporary Ukrainian socio-cultural environment, which formulates the national model of the development of professional design in Ukraine in the future. Conclusions. The findings of scientific research determine the modern model of design education in Ukraine as a process guided by the methods of cultural-philosophical and art-study analysis and synthesis, and the practice of design is identified with a highly professional creative narrative. Therefore, the results of the study can be used in the pedagogical discourses of modern design education in Ukraine.Цель работы. Исследовать теоретические курсы формирование национальной модели украинского дизайна и истории дизайна, в которых понимание дизайна расширяется до полного проектирования предметной среды, окружающей современного человека. Методология работы заключается в совокупности сравнительного метода относительно ключевого пласта научных исследований по истории дизайна и методик анализа и синтеза использованых теоретических наработок. Научная новизна исследования заключается прежде всего в формировании приоритетных моделей изучения дизайна в современной гуманитарной образовательной научной мысли Украины, в определении приемлемой для современной украинской социокультурной среды форме дизайн-образования, формулировании национальной модели развития профессионального дизайна в Украине в будущем. Выводы научной работы определяют современную модель дизайн-образования в Украине как процесс, который руководствуется методами культурологического-философского и искусствоведческого анализа и синтеза, а практика дизайна отождествляется с высокопрофессиональным творческим нарративом.Мета роботи. Дослідити теоретичні курси формування національної моделі українського дизайну та історії дизайну, в яких розуміння дизайну розширюється до тотального проектування предметного середовища, що оточує сучасну людину. Методологія роботи полягає у сукупності компаративного методу стосовно ґрунтовного пласту наукових студій з історії дизайну та методик аналізу та синтезу опрацьованих теоретичних доробків. Наукова новизна дослідження полягає, насамперед, в окресленні пріоритетних моделей вивчення дизайну в сучасній гуманітарній освітній науковій думці України, у визначенні прийнятної для сучасного українського соціо-культурного середовища формі дизайн-освіти, що формулює національну модель розвитку професійного дизайну в Україні у майбутньому. Висновки наукової розвідки визначають сучасну модель дизайн-освіти в Україні як процес, що керується методами культурологічно-філософського та мистецтвознавчого аналізу та синтезу, а практика дизайну ототожнюється з високопрофесійним творчим наративом. Відтак, результати проведеного дослідження можуть бути використаними у педагогічних дискурсах сучасної дизайн-освіти в Україні


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    The article provides a comprehensive economic and legal analysis of the position of national minorities in the labour market. To do this, a comparative analysis of the socio-economic and legal status of national minorities is carried out and an analysis of the situation of national minorities in the labour market is conducted while taking into account real and declarative indicators of the level of employment, which were determined by the author's survey and field experiment. It has been proven that discrimination in the labour market is characteristic of certain, but not all, groups of national minorities, in particular, the Roma. It is believed that the efficiency of the labour market of national minorities also affects tax revenues and the distribution of social costs. Ensuring equal opportunities for these groups contributes to the creation of stable social conditions, reducing the costs of social assistance and increasing the efficiency of social capital. The study of the labour market of national minorities also takes into account the importance of socio-economic stability.   The main causes of discrimination of representatives of ethno-national groups in the labour market are singled out, and economic and legal measures to stimulate inclusion in the labour market are defined. Through the author's survey and the field method of fictitious questionnaires, the discrimination of certain groups of national minorities in Ukraine, among them Moldovans and especially the Roma, was proven, and it was proved that the unemployment rate in the region provokes an almost proportional decrease in the number of responses from employers from representatives of national minorities. The field of employment was not a significant factor in indicating certain features of discrimination based on the field of the labour market


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    The research is conducted in the article and theoretical and practical analysis of the characteristics of leadership and the substantiation of the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation and development of leadership qualities in students in the process of professional training in a higher educational institution. An analysis of various approaches to the interpretation of the concepts of "leader", "leadership", "leadership in education", and "educational leadership" is proposed; Based on the various definitions analyzed, he identifies the signs of student leadership: initiative, contact, sensitivity, goodwill, broad social and intellectual horizons, willingness to help, etc. It is noted that the concept of leadership is considered by scientists in such aspects as leadership as a mechanism for introducing innovative changes, leadership as a model of personality formation, and leadership as the spiritual mission of an individual. The results of a study conducted among students of the first (bachelor\u27s) level of higher education of specialty 013 "Primary Education", which was conducted to study the state of formation of leadership qualities. future primary school teachers are presented and characterized. Empirical studies have shown that students systematize all leadership qualities into the following groups: organizational, communicative, perceptual, creative, and self-regulatory. It is noted that confirmation of the qualities of a leader in future primary school teachers involves the creation of appropriate favorable conditions that ensure that students’ activities are focused on the development of leadership motivation. The article defines and characterizes the necessary psychological and pedagogical conditions: the formation of the motivational and value sphere of a future teacher education specialist for impact on the process of increasing the level of personal professional development within the limits of future professional activity; the readiness of the university’s scientific and teaching staff to work with potential leaders; formation of practical leadership experience in the conditions of educational applicants undergoing various types of teaching practice; development and implementation of training sessions in the educational process of professional training of future specialists.Статтю присвячено теоретико-практичному аналізові особливостей лідерства та обґрунтуванню психолого-педагогічних умов формування й розвитку лідерських рис у студентів у процесі професійної підготовки в умовах закладу вищої освіти. Запропоновано аналіз різних підходів до тлумачення понять «лідер», «лідерство, «лідерство в освіті», «освітнє лідерство»; на основі проаналізованих різних визначень виокремлено ознаки студентського лідерства: ініціативність, контактність, чуйність, доброзичливість, широкий соціально-інтелектуальний кругозір, готовність прийти на допомогу тощо. Зазначено, що поняття лідерства науковці розглядають у таких аспектах, як: лідерство як механізм упровадження інноваційних змін; лідерство як модель формування особистості; лідерство як духовна місія особистості. Подано та схарактеризовано результати дослідження, проведеного серед здобувачів освіти першого (бакалаврського) рівня вищої освіти спеціальності 013 Початкова освіта, яке проводили з метою вивчення стану сформованості лідерських рис у майбутніх учителів початкової школи. Емпіричне дослідження показало, що студенти всі лідерські риси систематизують у такі групи: організаторські, комунікативні, перцептивні, креативні, саморегуляції. Зазначено, що формування лідерських рис у майбутніх учителів початкової школи передбачає створення відповідних сприятливих умов, що забезпечують спрямування діяльності студентів на розвиток лідерської мотивації. У статті визначено та схарактеризовано необхідні психолого-педагогічні умови: формування мотиваційно-ціннісної сфери майбутнього фахівця педагогічної освіти до лідерства в процесі професійної підготовки та майбутньої професійної діяльності; готовність науково-педагогічних працівників закладу вищої освіти до роботи з потенційними лідерами; формування практичного досвіду лідерства в контексті проходження здобувачами освіти різних видів педагогічної практики; розроблення та впровадження тренінгових занять в освітній процес професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців