21 research outputs found

    Analýza a modelovanie kvantitatívnych a kvalitatívnych parametrov vybraných magnezitových ložísk a ich prezentácia v prostredí GIS systémov

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    Nad názvem: Technická univerzita v Košiciach, Fakulta baníctva, ekológie, riadenia a geotechnológiíHabilitační práce je zařazena do knihovního fondu ÚK VŠB-TUO (sign. 277430)Absenční548 - Institut geoinformatik

    Project of the Geographic Information System for Bankov-Košice Deposit

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    Použitie metód GIS v geológii za niekoľko posledných rokov veľmi pokročilo. Je to zásluhou stále sa zlepšujúceho hardwarového vybavenia, ďalej tlakom konkurencie na kvalitu výstupov, zvyšujúcu sa kvalifikáciu personálu a tiež dostupnosťou vektorových a rastrových podkladových dát. V prevažnej väčšine prípadov nie sú bohužiaľ dostatočne využívané analytické možnosti GIS a práce sa sústreďujú na tvorbu grafických geologických fenoménov a ich prezentáciu v papierovej podobe. Navrhnutý geografický informačný systém geologických údajov je založený na spracovaní všetkých dostupných textovo-numerických a grafických dát z magnezitového ložiska Bankov-Košice. Využíva pri svojej práci digitálne povrchové a bansko-geologické mapy spolu s databázou ložiskových dát. Je vytvorený v prostredí ArcView, ktoré patrí v súčasnosti k profesionálnym GIS systémom, ponúkajúcim používateľom celý rad nástrojov na spracovanie a analýzu vstupných dát.Using new computer methods in these areas will enable automation and rationalization of mineral deposit extraction. This will have a positive influence at the effectivity of mineral deposit extraction. Using GIS methods in Geology in recent years increased considerably mainly because of improving hardware equipment, but also because of creating pressure of competition on the quality of outputs. Another reasons are increasing personnel qualification and accessibility of vector and raster basic data. Unfortunately analytical possibilities are often not used sufficiently and work is concentrated at the area of creation of graphical geological phenomena’s and their presentation in paper-form. The proposed geographic information system of geological data is based on the treatment of all avalable text-numerical and graphic data from the Bankov-Košice magnesite deposit. It utilizes digital surface and mine-geological maps together with a database of deposits and is created in the ArcView environment which presently belongs among professional GIS systems providing users with a range of tools for processing and analysing input data

    Three-dimensional model of brown coal deposit Nováky

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    Uranium ore mineralization at the Western Carpathians / Slovakia (conditions and social aspects)

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    Uranium ore mineralisation occurrences at the Western Carpathians/Slovakia are deposited within Permian volcano-sedimentary sequences. The mineralisation principally consists of two genetic types, the stratiform one and U-Mo vein mineralization linked to andesite volcanites. Geological exploration of uranium mineralization in Slovakia is subject to rigorous assessment of Ministry of Environment and municipalities. The limited energy sources and dependence to foreigner, open space for prospection of new energy sources (reneweable, uranium or traditional from coal, oil, gas)

    The seabed - an important mineral resource of Slovakia in the future

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    In 1987, Slovakia bought part of the ocean bottom with the occurrence of mineral resources future - polymetallic nodules. The polymetallic nodule is a geological term for naming natural features consisting of more than 40 metals and other chemical elements. These special services originated in the ocean for two to three million years and nowadays, they are of main interest for countries whose mineral wealth is little or no available. Nodules contain about 30 % manganese, 1.2 % copper, 1.2 % nickel, 0.2 % cobalt, rare earth elements, etc. The existence of submarine nodules was found by the British ship HMS "Challenger" by oceanographic research in 1872 - 1876. Research and the subsequent mining of nodules were particularly points of interest for Western countries as well as the USSR. Rules for the use of mineral resources of the seabed beyond the limits of national jurisdiction were codified in the Convention on the Law of 1982, which came into force on 16.11.1994, and in the Slovakia on 21.7.1996. The seabed is one of the international space next to the high seas, Antarctica, outer space and celestial bodies, which are not subject to the sovereignty of any state authority

    Assessment of flood vulnerability in Bodva river basin, Slovakia

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    The aim of the paper is to present the results of the assessment of flood vulnerability using multicriteria analyses (MCA) and geographical information systems (GIS) tools. The analyses were made in case study area of the Bodva river basin located in the eastern part of Slovakia. In the study, attention was focused on the causative natural factors for flooding in the river basin, such as soil type, precipitation, land use, the size and slope of the basin. The identification of flood vulnerability is comprised of two basic phases. Firstly, the effective factors causing floods are identified. Secondly, several approaches to MCA in a GIS environment are applied, and these approaches are evaluated in order to prepare flood vulnerability map. The flood vulnerability was evaluated in four classes – acceptable, moderate, undesirable and unacceptable. The results of analyses are a vulnerability map of the study area and a calculation of percentage area of each vulnerability class. More than 40% of the area represents an area with a higher scale of vulnerability. The results show areas to which should be given greater attention in the implementation of preventive or rescue work


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    In order to improve the present knowledge of the siderite ore deposit at Kobeliarovo, a computer technique and available software were used for basic parameters at V. and VI. horizons. The modeling used for individual parts as well as for all limited deposits made available to clear a distribution of effective and undesirable components and solved the problem regarding the reserve calculation, realized in the extracted block 65