12 research outputs found

    Nitrogen-induced terrestrial eutrophication: cascading effects and impacts on ecosystem services

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    Human activity has significantly increased the deposition of nitrogen (N) on terrestrial ecosystems over pre-industrial levels leading to a multitude of effects including losses of biodiversity, changes in ecosystem functioning, and impacts on human well-being. It is challenging to explicitly link the level of deposition on an ecosystem to the cascade of ecological effects triggered and ecosystem services affected, because of the multitude of possible pathways in the N cascade. To address this challenge, we report on the activities of an expert workshop to synthesize information on N-induced terrestrial eutrophication from the published literature and to link critical load exceedances with human beneficiaries by using the STressor–Ecological Production function–final ecosystem Services Framework and the Final Ecosystem Goods and Services Classification System (FEGS-CS). We found 21 N critical loads were triggered by N deposition (ranging from 2 to 39 kg N·ha−1·yr−1), which cascaded to distinct beneficiary types through 582 individual pathways in the five ecoregions examined (Eastern Temperate Forests, Marine West Coast Forests, Northwestern Forested Mountains, North American Deserts, Mediterranean California). These exceedances ultimately affected 66 FEGS across a range of final ecosystem service categories (21 categories, e.g., changes in timber production, fire regimes, and native plant and animal communities) and 198 regional human beneficiaries of different types. Several different biological indicators were triggered in different ecosystems, including grasses and/or forbs (33% of all pathways), mycorrhizal communities (22%), tree species (21%), and lichen biodiversity (11%). Ecoregions with higher deposition rates for longer periods tended to have more numerous and varied ecological impacts (e.g., Eastern Temperate Forests, eight biological indicators) as opposed to other ecoregions (e.g., North American Deserts and Marine West Coast Forests each with one biological indicator). Nonetheless, although ecoregions differed by ecological effects from terrestrial eutrophication, the number of FEGS and beneficiaries impacted was similar across ecoregions. We found that terrestrial eutrophication affected all ecosystems examined, demonstrating the widespread nature of terrestrial eutrophication nationally. These results highlight which people and ecosystems are most affected according to present knowledge, and identify key uncertainties and knowledge gaps to be filled by future research

    Workshop on nitrogen deposition, critical loads and biodiversity: scientific synthesis and summary for policy makers

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    It is clear that nitrogen (N) deposition impacts on the biodiversity and ecosystem services provided by natural and semi-natural ecosystems have been experienced in Europe, North America and Asia over the last 50 years. Impacts are also estimated to increase in line with increasing rates of N deposition in coming decades across the globe, especially in Asia. To improve the assessment of impacts progress is required in the following key areas: the extent of monitoring networks and the measurement of dry and organic deposition; the modelling of N deposition in areas with complex topography; the assessment of impacts on fauna generally and impacts on flora in areas outside the relatively well studied temperate ecosystems; the application of critical load (CL) and level approaches outside of Europe; and the linkage between impacts on biodiversity and important ecosystem services. New indicators are required, in addition to N deposition and critical loads, to demonstrate the wider impacts and to help integrate the biodiversity, air pollution and climate change policy communities

    The Western Airborne Contaminant Assessment Project (WACAP): An Interdisciplinary Evaluation of the Impacts of Airborne Contaminants in Western US National Parks.

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    The National Park Service Organic Act of 1916 (1) required protection of the national parks for perpetuity by tasking the National Park Service (NPS) to maintain these lands “...unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations.” Near the close of the last century, the NPS became aware of a new body of research describing a potential ecosystem threat that could not be ignored. Toxic airborne contaminants were increasingly being found in the world’s most pristine alpine and polar ecosystems, far from where such chemicals were produced or used, and the risks to the national parks of the western U.S. were unknown. Airborne contaminants present a broad range of potential risks to these ecosystems, largely due to bioaccumulation and or biomagnification of toxicants in biota, particularly vertebrates, that can result in loss of fecundity, unfit offspring, maladaptive behavior, and even death. As an outgrowth of these concerns, the Western Airborne Contaminants Assessment Project (WACAP) was initiated in 2002 to determine the risk from airborne contaminants to ecosystems and food webs in national parks of the U.S. The specific objectives that guided design and implementation of WACAP were the following: 1. Determine if contaminants were present in western national parks. 2. If contaminants were present, determine in what way and where they were accumulating (geographically and by elevation). 3. If contaminants were present, determine which ones posed an ecological threat. 4. Determine which indicators appeared to be the most useful for assessing contamination. 5. If contaminants were present, determine the source of the air masses most likely to have transported contaminants to the national park sites

    Ecological thresholds: The key to successful environmental management or an important concept with no practical application?

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    An ecological threshold is the point at which there is an abrupt change in an ecosystem quality, property or phenomenon, or where small changes in an environmental driver produce large responses in the ecosystem. Analysis of thresholds is complicated by nonlinear dynamics and by multiple factor controls that operate at diverse spatial and temporal scales. These complexities have challenged the use and utility of threshold concepts in environmental management despite great concern about preventing dramatic state changes in valued ecosystems, the need for determining critical pollutant loads and the ubiquity of other threshold-based environmental problems. In this paper we define the scope of the thresholds concept in ecological science and discuss methods for identifying and investigating thresholds using a variety of examples from terrestrial and aquatic environments, at ecosystem, landscape and regional scales. We end with a discussion of key research needs in this area. © 2006 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc