1 research outputs found

    Business consulting de la empresa Agr铆cola Huarmey SAC

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    Las empresas agr铆colas peruanas est谩n afrontando un cambio dr谩stico con la nueva normalidad del mercado post pandemia, as铆 como un cambio en la regulaci贸n tributaria frente al estado peruano. Por tal motivo se deben afrontar estos grandes desaf铆os con soluciones 谩giles y vers谩tiles que les permita una mayor eficiencia en el sistema de producci贸n y comercializaci贸n de los productos ofrecidos al mercado, por lo que el prop贸sito de este trabajo de consultor铆a es realizar un business consulting report a Agr铆cola Huarmey SAC, a fin de analizar a la empresa para encontrar las deficiencias y ofrecer alternativas de soluci贸n que le permita mejorar el desempe帽o y rentabilidad de sus actividades a mediano y largo plazo, enfoc谩ndose espec铆ficamente en mejoras operacionales relacionadas directamente con la reducci贸n de costos en mano de obra y uso de agroqu铆micos, los cuales representan el mayor porcentaje del costo de producci贸n de la empresa. En el presente business consulting se analizaron tanto los factores internos de la empresa, como los factores externos donde se desarrolla la misma, identificando fortalezas, debilidades, oportunidades y amenazas (FODA), se realizaron entrevistas a las gerencias como al personal del fundo, obteniendo informaci贸n y sensaciones de primera mano sobre las diversas 谩reas y actividades realizadas en cada una de ellas, para que de esta manera se pueda identificar, enlistar y priorizar los principales problemas y las causas que originan los mismos. En base al diagn贸stico realizado se detect贸 como problema principal es la baja productividad y poca eficiencia en los costos de producci贸n del granado por hect谩rea, ante ello se revisaron opciones de soluci贸n. Atreves del an谩lisis causa-raiz y en base en el an谩lisis externo e interno y la literatura investigada se propone como alternativa de soluci贸n la estandarizaci贸n y optimizaci贸n de los siguientes procesos de la empresa en el fundo de la ciudad de Ica :(a) Proceso de inicio de labores e ingreso de personal nuevo al fundo, (b) Proceso log铆stico de transporte del personal, y (c) Proceso de retiro de productos de almacenes.Peruvian agricultural companies are facing a drastic change with the new normality of the post-pandemic market, as well as a change in tax regulation against the Peruvian state. For this reason, these great challenges must be faced with agile and versatile solutions that allow greater efficiency in the production and marketing system of the products offered to the market, so the purpose of this consulting work is to carry out a business consulting report. to Agr铆cola Huarmey SAC, in order to analyze the company to find deficiencies and offer alternative solutions that allow it to improve the performance and profitability of its activities in the medium and long term, specifically focusing on operational improvements directly related to the reduction of labor costs and the use of agrochemicals, which represent the highest percentage of the company's production cost. In this business consulting, both the internal factors of the company and the external factors where it is developed were analyzed, identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT), interviews were conducted with the management and staff of the farm, obtaining information and first-hand sensations about the various areas and activities carried out in each one of them, so that in this way the main problems and the causes that originate them can be identified, listed and prioritized. Based on the diagnosis carried out, the main problem was detected as low productivity and little efficiency in the production costs of pomegranate per hectare, before this solution options were reviewed. Through the root-cause analysis and based on the external and internal analysis and the researched literature, the standardization and optimization of the following company processes in the Ica city estate is proposed as an alternative solution: (a) Process of start of work and entry of new personnel to the farm, (b) Logistic process for personnel transportation, and (c) Process of withdrawal of products from warehouses