26 research outputs found

    Analytic observations of seminar scientific work according toward objectives

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    Report is Deliverable 9 of 6th FP SSA project “Environmental friendly food production system: requirements for plant breeding and seed production” (ENVIRFOOD) and includes analytic observations of seminar scientific work according toward objectives - organic plant breeding, variety testing, seed production, organic food and feed quality, exposition of organic food products

    Variety testing for organic farming: current status and problems in Europe

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    Report is part of Deliverable 4 of 6th FP SSA project “Environmental friendly food production system: requirements for plant breeding and seed production” (ENVIRFOOD) and contains information about current status and problems in EU regarding to organic variety testing

    Organic plant breeding and seed production in Baltic States: developments and challenges

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    In this paper the current situation in plant breeding, variety testing for organic agriculture and organic seed production in the Baltic States, tasks for future are described

    Evaluation of different oat varieties to identify prospective breeding lines for organic agriculture

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    Implications Prospective oat breeding lines investigated in this study under organic management conditions showed significant variation according to grain quality traits that are important for grain processors such as grain size, test weight (TW), grain grades, groat percentage, groat yield and damaged groats. It shows the possibility to develop improved oat varieties specifically designed for organic agriculture that possesses oat grain processing requirements to obtain qualitative organic oat products

    Globalisation as a challenge or opportunity for organic farming

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    During one intensive week in October 2005, the authors were gathered to discuss the impact that globalisation has on the Organic Food Systems and the opportunities that globalisation opens up for developing these systems. The meeting took place as a Ph.D. course under the auspices of the Research School of Organic Farming and Food Systems (SOAR; www.soar.dk). All participants research within Organic Agriculture and Food Production in one way or another

    Udfordring eller mulighed for økologien

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    During one intensive week in October 2005, the authors were gathered to discuss the impact that globalisation has on the Organic Food Systems and the opportunities that globalisation opens up for developing these systems. The meeting took place as a Ph.D. course under the auspices of the Research School of Organic Farming and Food Systems (SOAR; www.soar.dk). All participants research within Organic Agriculture and Food Production in one way or another

    Daugavpils district basis, and the setting up of development strategies

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    Bakalaura darba tēma ir “Daugavpils novada izveidošanas pamatojums un attīstības stratēģijas izstrāde”. Bakalaura darba mērķis ir pamatot Daugavpils novada izveides nepieciešamību un izstrādāt Daugavpils novada sociāli ekonomiskās attīstības stratēģiju. Darbs ir uzrakstīts latviešu valodā. Satur 76 lapas, 14 tabulas un 12 attēlus un 12 pielikumus.Bachelor's theme is "Daugavpils district basis, and the setting up of development strategies." Bachelor's purpose is to justify the need for the establishment of Daugavpils District Daugavpils district and develop the socio-economic development strategy. The work is written in English. Bachelor's contains 76 pages, 14 tables and 12 figures and 12 appendices

    Acne vulgaris etiopathogenesis factors and care options

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    Bleidere A. Acne vulgaris etiopatoģenēzes faktori un aprūpes iespējas. Bakalaura darbs. Rīga, 2014, - 47 lpp. Pētījuma mērķis bija izvērtēt Akne vulgaris etiopatoģenēzes faktorus un aprakstīt aprūpes iespējas. Lai izpildītu izvirzīto pētījuma mērķi, balstoties uz studēto literatūru, tika sagatavota aptaujas anketa, lai veiktu respondentu aptauju X dermatologa prakses pacientiem ar Acne vulgaris simptomātiku. Anketēšanā noskaidroja respondentu viedokli par Acne vulgaris izraisītajām nelabvēlīgajām sekām, slimību simptomiem un profilaksi. Tika izvirzīta hipotēze Acne vulgaris pacientiem izveseļošanos var sekmēt pareizu aprūpes metožu izvēle. Pētījumā tika anketēti X dermatologa prakses 100 pacienti, tai skaitā 34 vīrieši un 66 sievietes ar Acne vulgaris simptomātiku. Rezultātu analīze parāda, ka lielākajai daļai no abu dzimumu respondentiem pirmie Acne vulgaris simptomi parādījušies pusaudžu vecumā, turklāt sievietēm agrīnākā vecumā nekā vīriešiem. Visās vecuma grupās slimības simptomuBleidere A. Acne vulgaris etiopathogenesis factors and care options. The Bachelor thesis. Riga, 2014, 47- pp. Aim of the study was to evaluate the Acne vulgaris factors of etiopathogenesis and clarify the types of treatment used for the dermatologist's practice patients. In order to meet the stated objectives of the study based on a studied literature a questionnaire was prepared to carry out the survey of respondents of X dermatologist practice for patients with Acne vulgaris symptoms. Survey showed awareness and opinion of respondents about caused negative effects of Acne vulgaris and symptoms and prevention of this disease. Hypothesis of this study is that proposed cure for Acne vulgaris patients may contribute to the proper methods of treatment choice. The study surveyed 100 patients from X dermatologist practice including 34 men and 66 women with symptoms of Acne vulgaris. Analysis of the results shows that first Acne vulgaris infection occurred for the majority of male an

    Analysis of probiotics available in the Latvia's market

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    Probiotikas tiek definētas kā dzīvi organismi, kuri, uzņemti atbilstošā daudzumā, labvēlīgi ietekmē lietotāja organismu. Šī darba mērķis bija analizēt un salīdzināt Latvijas tirgū pieejamo probiotisko preparātu sastāvu, lietošanu, indikācijas un pieprasījumu. Rezultātā tika identificētas 41 probiotika, no kurām 5 ir bezrecepšu zāles, 34 – uztura bagātinātāj un 2 – diētiskā pārtika. Visbiežāk probiotikās izmantotās mikroorganismu sugas ir Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium longum, Streptococcus thermophilus, Bifidobacterium lactis. Vispieprasītākās probiotikas Latvijā ir Linex, Enterol 250 mg, Linex Forte un LACTOBEX.Probiotics are defined as live microorganisms, which when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host. Aim of this work was to analyze and compare available probiotics’ content, use, indications and demand in the Latvia’s market. As a result there were identified 41 probiotics from which 5 are non-prescrition drugs, 34 – food supplement and 2 – dietetic food. The most common species of microorganisms are Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium longum, Streptococcus thermophilus, Bifidobacterium lactis in probiotics. The most requested probiotics is Linex, Enterol 250 mg, Linex Forte and LACTOBEX