1,107 research outputs found

    Eccentricity fluctuations in an integrated hybrid approach: Influence on elliptic flow

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    The effects of initial state fluctuations on elliptic flow are investigated within a (3+1)d Boltzmann + hydrodynamics transport approach. The spatial eccentricity (ϵRP\epsilon_{\rm RP} and ϵpart\epsilon_{\rm part}) is calculated for initial conditions generated by a hadronic transport approach (UrQMD). Elliptic flow results as a function of impact parameter, beam energy and transverse momentum for two different equations of state and for averaged initial conditions or a full event-by-event setup are presented. These investigations allow the conclusion that in mid-central (b=59b=5-9 fm) heavy ion collisions the final elliptic flow is independent of the initial state fluctuations and the equation of state. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that most of the v2v_2 is build up during the hydrodynamic stage of the evolution. Therefore, the use of averaged initial profiles does not contribute to the uncertainties of the extraction of transport properties of hot and dense QCD matter based on viscous hydrodynamic calculations.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, minor revision of figures and conclusion, as published in PR

    Hadronization conditions in relativistic nuclear collisions and the QCD pseudo-critical line

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    We compare the reconstructed hadronization conditions in relativistic nuclear collisions in the nucleon-nucleon centre-of-mass energy range 4.7-2760 GeV in terms of temperature and baryon-chemical potential with lattice QCD calculations, by using hadronic multiplicities. We obtain hadronization temperatures and baryon chemical potentials with a fit to measured multiplicities by correcting for the effect of post-hadronization rescattering. The post-hadronization modification factors are calculated by means of a coupled hydrodynamical-transport model simulation under the same conditions of approximate isothermal and isochemical decoupling as assumed in the statistical hadronization model fits to the data. The fit quality is considerably better than without rescattering corrections, as already found in previous work. The curvature of the obtained "true" hadronization pseudo-critical line kappa is found to be 0.0048 +- 0.0026, in agreement with lattice QCD estimates; the pseudo-critical temperature at vanishing mu_B is found to be 164.3+-1.8 MeV.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures. Minor corrections, version published in PL

    Resonance Production in RHIC Collisions

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    Results of resonance particle production measured at RHIC in sNN=\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 200 GeV Au+Au collisions are compared to measurements in p+p and d+Au collisions in order to verify the existence of an extended hardronically interacting medium. Yield and momentum distributions of resonances maybe modified during the fireball lifetime due to resonance decay and the subsequent rescattering of their decay daughters as well as the regeneration of resonances from their decay products. Modified momentum spectra in heavy ion collisions may change the nuclear modification factor RAA_{\rm AA}. The influence on the elliptic flow v2_{2} due to late regeneration of resonances is discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, Proceedings of the 22st Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, San Diago, California, 12-18 March, 200

    A model comparison of resonance lifetime modifications, a soft equation of state and non-Gaussian effects on ππ\pi-\pi correlations at FAIR/AGS energies

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    HBT correlations of ππ\pi^--\pi^- pairs at FAIR/AGS energies are investigated by using the UrQMD transport model and the CRAB analyzing program. Three different possible sources (treatment of resonance lifetimes, a soft equation of state and non-Gaussian effects) to understand the HBT RO/RSR_O/R_S puzzle are investigated. Firstly, we find that different treatments of the resonance decay time can not resolve the HBT time-related puzzle, however it can modify the HBT radii at low transverse momenta to some extent to explain the data slightly. Secondly, with a soft equation of state with momentum dependence, the measured transverse momentum dependent HBT radii and RO/RSR_O/R_S ratio can be described fairly well. Thirdly, non-Gaussian effects are visible in the calculated correlation function. Using the Edgeworth expansion, one finds that the non-Gaussian effect is strongest in the longitudinal direction and weakest in the sideward direction.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures. To be published in J.Phys.

    Lattice QCD and Hydro/Cascade Model of Heavy Ion Collisions

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    We report here on a recent lattice study of the QCD transition region at finite temperature and zero chemical potential using domain wall fermions (DWF). We also present a parameterization of the QCD equation of state obtained from lattice QCD that is suitable for use in hydrodynamics studies of heavy ion collisions. Finally, we show preliminary results from a multi-stage hydrodynamics/hadron cascade model of a heavy ion collision, in an attempt to understand how well the experimental data (e.g. particle spectra, elliptic flow, and HBT radii) can constrain the inputs (e.g. initial temperature, freezeout temperature, shear viscosity, equation of state) of the theoretical model.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures. Proceedings for the 26th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, Ocho Rios, Jamaica, Jan 2-9, 201

    Hadronic Freeze-Out in A+A Collisions meets the Lattice QCD Parton-Hadron Transition Line

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    We analyze hadrochemical freeze-out in central Pb+Pb collisions at CERN SPS and LHC energies. Employing the UrQMD hybrid transport model we study the effects of the final hadron/resonance expansion phase on the hadron multiplicities established at hadronization. The bulk meson yields freeze out directly at hadronization whereas the baryon-antibaryon sector is subject to significant alterations, due to annihilation and regeneration processes. We quantify the latter changes by survival factors for each species which are applied to modify the statistical model predictions for the data. The modified SM analysis recovers the hadronization points, which coincide with the recent lattice QCD predictions of the parton-hadron transition line at finite baryochemical potential.Comment: Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Critical Point and Onset of Deconfinement, March 11 to 15, 2013 Napa, California, US

    Dynamics and freeze-out of hadron resonances at RHIC

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    Yields, rapidity and transverse momentum spectra of Δ++(1232)\Delta^{++}(1232), Λ(1520)\Lambda(1520), Σ±(1385)\Sigma^\pm(1385) and the meson resonances K0(892)K^0(892), Φ\Phi, ρ0\rho^0 and f0(980)f_0(980) are predicted. Hadronic rescattering leads to a suppression of reconstructable resonances, especially at low pp_\perp. A mass shift of the ρ\rho of 10 MeV is obtained from the microscopic simulation, due to late stage ρ\rho formation in the cooling pion gas.Comment: Proceedings of the Strange Quark Matter 2003, eprint version differs from published versio

    A fast hybrid approach to air shower simulations and applications

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    The SENECA model, a new hybrid approach to air shower simulations, is presented. It combines the use of efficient cascade equations in the energy range where a shower can be treated as one-dimensional, with a traditional Monte Carlo method which traces individual particles. This allows one to reproduce natural fluctuations of individual showers as well as the lateral spread of low energy particles. The model is quite efficient in computation time. As an application of the new approach, the influence of the low energy hadronic models on shower properties for AUGER energies is studied. We conclude that these models have a significant impact on the tails of lateral distribution functions, and deserve therefore more attention