16 research outputs found

    Ghrelin and obestatin in thyroid gland — immunohistochemical expression in nodular goiter, papillary and medullary cancer

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    Introduction. Previous studies analyzing ghrelin and obestatin expression in thyroid gland tissue are not unanimous and are mostly related to ghrelin. The role of ghrelin and obestatin in the thyroid gland appears very interesting due to their probable involvement in cell proliferation. Furthermore, since the thyroid gland is associated with the maintenance of energy balance, the relationship between ghrelin, obestatin and thyroid function is worthy of consideration. The aim of the study was to assess ghrelin and obestatin immunocytochemical expression in nodular goiter (NG), papillary cancer (PTC) and medullary cancer (MTC). Material and methods. Analyzed samples included 9 cases of NG, 8 cases of PTC and 11 cases of MTC. The analysis of ghrelin and obestatin expression was performed by use of the immunohistochemical (IHC) EnVision system and evaluated with filter HSV software (quantitative morphometric analysis). Results. Quantitative ghrelin expression in MTC cells was higher than in NG (p = 0.013) and correlated negatively with the size of the tumor (r= –0.829, p < 0.05). We did not observe any differences in ghrelin expression neither between MTC and PTC nor between NG and PTC. Obestatin immunoexpression pattern in all analyzed specimens was irregular and poorly accented. The strongest immunoreactivity for obestatin was demonstrated in NG. In MTC obestatin expression was significantly weaker than in NG and PTC (p < 0.05 in both cases). In NG the intensity of obestatin immunostaining was significantly higher than that of ghrelin (p = 0.03). Conversely, ghrelin expression in MTC was definitely more evident than obestatin immunoreactivity (p < 0.01). There was no statistically significant difference between ghrelin and obestatin expression in PTC. No correlations were detected between reciprocal tissue expressions of ghrelin and obestatin in the analyzed specimens of NG, PTC or MTC. Conclusions. The differences between ghrelin expression in NG and MTC suggest that ghrelin may be involved in thyroid cell proliferation. The differences between ghrelin and obestatin immunoreactivity in benign and malignant thyroid tumors could support the theory of alternative transcription of the preproghrelin gene and independent production of ghrelin and obestatin

    Glomangioma in the hand: diagnosis, treatment, and challenges

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    Introduction. In this paper, we have analysed all hand glomangioma cases referred to our clinic in the context of symptoms, time to diagnosis, and the role of surgical resection of the lesion. Material and methods. We have collected the following data: the presence of risk factors, manifestation, time to diagnosis, the treatment applied, and follow-up of patients. Results. We have collected medical records from six patients, three males and three females. The median age was 45 (IQR: 29.5–65.75). The main symptom in all patients was severe pain and tenderness. The first-choice physician(s) were: general practitioners, general surgeons, and neurologists. The median time to diagnosis was 7 (IQR: 5–10) years. The main complaint of our patients was severe pain — 9 (IQR: 9–10) on the VAS scale, which was significantly alleviated after surgical treatment — 0 (IQR: 0–0; p = 0.043). Conclusions. Extremely long times to final diagnosis, and excellent outcomes of surgical treatment, highlight the necessity of raising awareness of glomangiomas among clinicians

    A protocol for CABS-dock protein–peptide docking driven by side-chain contact information

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    Abstract Background The characterization of protein–peptide interactions is a challenge for computational molecular docking. Protein–peptide docking tools face at least two major difficulties: (1) efficient sampling of large-scale conformational changes induced by binding and (2) selection of the best models from a large set of predicted structures. In this paper, we merge an efficient sampling technique with external information about side-chain contacts to sample and select the best possible models. Methods In this paper we test a new protocol that uses information about side-chain contacts in CABS-dock protein–peptide docking. As shown in our recent studies, CABS-dock enables efficient modeling of large-scale conformational changes without knowledge about the binding site. However, the resulting set of binding sites and poses is in many cases highly diverse and difficult to score. Results As we demonstrate here, information about a single side-chain contact can significantly improve the prediction accuracy. Importantly, the imposed constraints for side-chain contacts are quite soft. Therefore, the developed protocol does not require precise contact information and ensures large-scale peptide flexibility in the broad contact area. Conclusions The demonstrated protocol provides the extension of the CABS-dock method that can be practically used in the structure prediction of protein–peptide complexes guided by the knowledge of the binding interface

    Modeling EphB4-EphrinB2 protein–protein interaction using flexible docking of a short linear motif

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    Abstract Background Many protein–protein interactions are mediated by a short linear motif. Usually, amino acid sequences of those motifs are known or can be predicted. It is much harder to experimentally characterize or predict their structure in the bound form. In this work, we test a possibility of using flexible docking of a short linear motif to predict the interaction interface of the EphB4-EphrinB2 complex (a system extensively studied for its significance in tumor progression). Methods In the modeling, we only use knowledge about the motif sequence and experimental structures of EphB4-EphrinB2 complex partners. The proposed protocol enables efficient modeling of significant conformational changes in the short linear motif fragment during molecular docking simulation. For the docking simulations, we use the CABS-dock method for docking fully flexible peptides to flexible protein receptors (available as a server at http://biocomp.chem.uw.edu.pl/CABSdock/ ). Based on the docking result, the protein–protein complex is reconstructed and refined. Results Using this novel protocol, we obtained an accurate EphB4-EphrinB2 interaction model. Conclusions The results show that the CABS-dock method may be useful as the primary docking tool in specific protein–protein docking cases similar to EphB4-EphrinB2 complex—that is, where a short linear motif fragment can be identified

    ESX1 gene as a potential candidate responsible for male infertility in nonobstructive azoospermia

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    Abstract Infertility is a problem that affects approximately 15% of couples, and male infertility is responsible for 40–50% of these cases. The cause of male infertility is still poorly diagnosed and treated. One of the prominent causes of male infertility is disturbed spermatogenesis, which can lead to nonobstructive azoospermia (NOA). Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) allows us to identify novel rare variants in potentially NOA-associated genes, among others, in the ESX1 gene. The aim of this study was to activate the ESX1 gene using CRISPRa technology in human germ cells (testicular seminoma cells—TCam-2). Successful activation of the ESX1 gene in TCam-2 cells using the CRISPRa system was achieved, and the expression level of the ESX1 gene was significantly higher in modified TCam-2 cells than in WT cells or the negative control with nontargeted gRNA (p < 0.01). Using RNA-seq, a network of over 50 genes potentially regulated by the ESX1 gene was determined. Finally, 6 genes, NANOG, CXCR4, RPS6KA5, CCND1, PDE1C, and LINC00662, participating in cell proliferation and differentiation were verified in azoospermic patients with and without a mutation in the ESX1 gene as well as in men with normal spermatogenesis, where inverse correlations in the expression levels of the observed genes were noted