29 research outputs found

    Cooperative Interactions between PBX, PREP, and HOX Proteins Modulate the Activity of the α2(V) Collagen (COL5A2) Promoter

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    Cell type-specific expression of the human alpha2(V) collagen (COL5A2) gene depends on a cis-acting element that consists of two contiguous protein binding sites (FPA and FPB) located between nucleotides -149 and -95, relative to the transcription start site. The present study focused on the characterization of the FPB-bound complex. DNA binding assays and cell transfection experiments revealed that the bipartite core sequence of FPB (5'-ATCAATCA-3') binds the PBX1/2, PREP1, and HOXB1 proteins, and this in turn leads to promoter transactivation. In the presence of all three nuclear factors, cooperative interactions between recombinant PBX1 and PREP1 or PBX1 and HOXB1 result in binding of the heterodimers to FPB in vitro. Similarly, overexpression of different combinations of PBX1, PREP1, and HOXB1 transactivates FPB-driven transcription. In contrast to the composition of the FPB complex purified from COL5A2-positive cells, the FPB complex from COL5A2-negative cells contains PBX2 and PREP1 but lacks PBX1. However, PBX1 exogenously introduced into COL5A2-negative cells cannot stimulate FPB-driven transcription unless co-expressed with PREP1. Within the intrinsic limitations of the experimental model, our results indicate that combinatorial interactions among PBX and PREP or HOX proteins are involved in regulating tissue-specific production of collagen V

    Prevalence of Coxiella burnetii in cows' and ewes' bulk tank milk samples from selected dairy farms of Central Italy

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    The prevalence of Coxiella burnetii, the causative agent of Q fever, in cattle and sheep raw milk farms was determined in Central Italy, an area in which dairy production plays an important economic role. Milk samples (n. 189), collected from 66 dairy farms in 2012–2013, were tested by a commercial real-time PCR assay. Seventeen dairy farms had at least one positive milk sample; percent positive was higher for cattle (50%) than sheep (21%) farms. Concerning milk, 15% of samples tested overall gave a positive result, with the highest percentage of positivity observed for bovine milk compared with sheep milk (41% and 12%, respectively). In the only bovine farm repeatedly sampled during the study, C. burnetii contamination was persistently found for almost a year. The prevalence calculated for the sheep farms showed a discontinuous trend with a maximum peak in February. The results obtained underline the widespread presence of the pathogen in the considered geographical area, giving new epidemiological information. Since the milk route of elimination is a potential vehicle of infection for farmers, veterinarians and for dairy stakeholders in general, BTM screening by real-time PCR can be applied as a useful surveillance tool both for the identification of infected flocks and implementation of control programmes


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    The aim of the present study is to investigate operative procedures that allow to minimize Listeria monocytogenes (L. m.) hazard in the main traditional sausage of the internal areas of Marche (Italy): the Ciauscolo, that has received the quality trademark PGI. It is made from lean cuts of well mature pork that is finely minced, adding fat which give the salami his characteristic softness and flavour. It is characterized by having a very little maturing period that determine high aw levels and, for this peculiarity, it allows L. m development

    Whole-Genome Sequencing Characterization of Virulence Profiles of Listeria monocytogenes Food and Human Isolates and In Vitro Adhesion/Invasion Assessment

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    none13sìListeria monocytogenes (Lm) is the causative agent of human listeriosis. Lm strains have different virulence potential. For this reason, we preliminarily characterised via Whole-Genome Sequencing (WGS) some Lm strains for their key genomic features and virulence-associated determinants, assigning the clonal complex (CC). Moreover, the ability of the same strains to adhere to and invade human colon carcinoma cell line Caco-2, evaluating the possible correspondence with their genetic virulence profile, was also assessed. The clinical strains typed belonged to clonal complex (CC)1, CC31, and CC101 and showed a very low invasiveness. The Lm strains isolated from food were assigned to CC1, CC7, CC9, and CC121. All CC1 carried the hypervirulence pathogenicity island LIPI-3 in addition to LIPI-1. Premature stop codons in the inlA gene were found only in Lm of food origin belonging to CC9 and CC121. The presence of LIPI2_inlII was observed in all the CCs except CC1. The CC7 strain, belonging to an epidemic cluster, also carried the internalin genes inlG and inlL and showed the highest level of invasion. In contrast, the human CC31 strain lacked the lapB and vip genes and presented the lowest level of invasiveness. In Lm, the genetic determinants of hypo- or hypervirulence are not necessarily predictive of a cell adhesion and/or invasion ability in vitro. Moreover, since listeriosis results from the interplay between host and virulence features of the pathogen, even hypovirulent clones are able to cause infection in immunocompromised people.openGiuditta Fiorella Schiavano * , Collins Njie Ateba , Annalisa Petruzzelli , Veronica Mele , Giulia Amagliani , Fabrizia Guidi , Mauro De Santi , Francesco Pomilio , Giuliana Blasi , Antonietta Gattuso , Stefania Di Lullo , Elena Rocchegiani, Giorgio BrandiSchiavano, GIUDITTA FIORELLA; Njie Ateba, Collins; Petruzzelli, Annalisa; Mele, Veronica; Amagliani, Giulia; Guidi, Fabrizia; DE SANTI, Mauro; Pomilio, Francesco; Blasi, Giuliana; Gattuso, Antonietta; Di Lullo, Stefania; Rocchegiani, Elena; Brandi, Giorgi

    Efficacy of team work in health promotion and secondary prevention in patients admitted for cardiovascular rehabilitation

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    The object of the study was to evaluate the immediate efficacy of periodical educational meetings organized in Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Department aimed to improve knowledge about cardiovascular pathology, risk factors and correct life style. Methods: from October 2008 a multiprofessional group organized educational meetings for patients and their relatives, using two questionnaires to explore patients’ level of knowledge, before and after the meeting. Results: 124 patients (90 males) answered the questionnaire 1, while questionnaire 2 was completed by 93 subjects (70 males). From the answers to questionnaire 1, a significant improvement of knowledge about coronary anatomy and cardiovascular therapy emerged. Indeed, 99% of patients vs 81% before the meeting (p=0.001) understood the coronary artery function, 69% vs 44% (p=0,0001) of participants was familiar with coronary angioplasty, 81% vs. 64% (p=0,003) demonstrated to understand the coronary artery bypass and finally 85% vs. 52% (p=0,0001) were able to distinguish mechanical from biological prosthesis. From answers to questionnaire 2, a trend in favour to an improvement of knowledge regarding coronary risk factors and correct life style emerged. Younger patients (<70 ys) had a higher baseline level knowledge (p=0,003 and p=0.001 group 1 and 2, respectively) compared to older subjects, but in the latter a trend in favour of enhanced knowledge (p=0.06) after the educational meetings emerged. Conclusions: educational meetings are significantly correlated with an improvement of patients’ knowledge regarding cardiovascular pathology and treatments independently from patients’ age

    Hypo- and Hyper-Virulent Listeria monocytogenes Clones Persisting in Two Different Food Processing Plants of Central Italy

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    A total of 66 Listeria monocytogenes (Lm) isolated from 2013 to 2018 in a small-scale meat processing plant and a dairy facility of Central Italy were studied. Whole Genome Sequencing and bioinformatics analysis were used to assess the genetic relationships between the strains and investigate persistence and virulence abilities. The biofilm forming-ability was assessed in vitro. Cluster analysis grouped the Lm from the meat plant into three main clusters: two of them, both belonging to CC9, persisted for years in the plant and one (CC121) was isolated in the last year of sampling. In the dairy facility, all the strains grouped in a CC2 four-year persistent cluster. All the studied strains carried multidrug efflux-pumps genetic determinants (sugE, mdrl, lde, norM, mepA). CC121 also harbored the Tn6188 specific for tolerance to Benzalkonium Chloride. Only CC9 and CC121 carried a Stress Survival Islet and presented high-level cadmium resistance genes (cadA1C1) carried by different plasmids. They showed a greater biofilm production when compared with CC2. All the CC2 carried a full-length inlA while CC9 and CC121 presented a Premature Stop Codon mutation correlated with less virulence. The hypo-virulent clones CC9 and CC121 appeared the most adapted to food-processing environments; however, even the hyper-virulent clone CC2 warningly persisted for a long time. The identification of the main mechanisms promoting Lm persistence in a specific food processing plant is important to provide recommendations to Food Business Operators (FBOs) in order to remove or reduce resident Lm

    The role of immune suppression in COVID-19 hospitalization: clinical and epidemiological trends over three years of SARS-CoV-2 epidemic

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    Specific immune suppression types have been associated with a greater risk of severe COVID-19 disease and death. We analyzed data from patients &gt;17 years that were hospitalized for COVID-19 at the “Fondazione IRCCS Ca′ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico” in Milan (Lombardy, Northern Italy). The study included 1727 SARS-CoV-2-positive patients (1,131 males, median age of 65 years) hospitalized between February 2020 and November 2022. Of these, 321 (18.6%, CI: 16.8–20.4%) had at least one condition defining immune suppression. Immune suppressed subjects were more likely to have other co-morbidities (80.4% vs. 69.8%, p &lt; 0.001) and be vaccinated (37% vs. 12.7%, p &lt; 0.001). We evaluated the contribution of immune suppression to hospitalization during the various stages of the epidemic and investigated whether immune suppression contributed to severe outcomes and death, also considering the vaccination status of the patients. The proportion of immune suppressed patients among all hospitalizations (initially stable at &lt;20%) started to increase around December 2021, and remained high (30–50%). This change coincided with an increase in the proportions of older patients and patients with co-morbidities and with a decrease in the proportion of patients with severe outcomes. Vaccinated patients showed a lower proportion of severe outcomes; among non-vaccinated patients, severe outcomes were more common in immune suppressed individuals. Immune suppression was a significant predictor of severe outcomes, after adjusting for age, sex, co-morbidities, period of hospitalization, and vaccination status (OR: 1.64; 95% CI: 1.23–2.19), while vaccination was a protective factor (OR: 0.31; 95% IC: 0.20–0.47). However, after November 2021, differences in disease outcomes between vaccinated and non-vaccinated groups (for both immune suppressed and immune competent subjects) disappeared. Since December 2021, the spread of the less virulent Omicron variant and an overall higher level of induced and/or natural immunity likely contributed to the observed shift in hospitalized patient characteristics. Nonetheless, vaccination against SARS-CoV-2, likely in combination with naturally acquired immunity, effectively reduced severe outcomes in both immune competent (73.9% vs. 48.2%, p &lt; 0.001) and immune suppressed (66.4% vs. 35.2%, p &lt; 0.001) patients, confirming previous observations about the value of the vaccine in preventing serious disease

    Prevalence of Coxiella burnetii in cows’ and ewes’ bulk tank milk samples from selected dairy farms of Central Italy

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    The prevalence of Coxiella burnetii, the causative agent of Q fever, in cattle and sheep raw milk farms was determined in Central Italy, an area in which dairy production plays an important economic role. Milk samples (n. 189), collected from 66 dairy farms in 2012–2013, were tested by a commercial real-time PCR assay. Seventeen dairy farms had at least one positive milk sample; percent positive was higher for cattle (50%) than sheep (21%) farms. Concerning milk, 15% of samples tested overall gave a positive result, with the highest percentage of positivity observed for bovine milk compared with sheep milk (41% and 12%, respectively). In the only bovine farm repeatedly sampled during the study, C. burnetii contamination was persistently found for almost a year. The prevalence calculated for the sheep farms showed a discontinuous trend with a maximum peak in February. The results obtained underline the widespread presence of the pathogen in the considered geographical area, giving new epidemiological information. Since the milk route of elimination is a potential vehicle of infection for farmers, veterinarians and for dairy stakeholders in general, BTM screening by real-time PCR can be applied as a useful surveillance tool both for the identification of infected flocks and implementation of control programmes

    Prevalence and characteristics of verotoxigenic Escherichia coli strains isolated from pigs and pork products in Umbria and Marche regions of Italy

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    AbstractIn total 1095 samples from 675 pork products, 210 swine colon contents, and 210 swine carcass sponge swabs were collected in Umbria and Marche regions of Italy and examined for the presence of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC), also known as Verotoxin-producing E. coli (VTEC). After an enrichment step, each sample was analysed by real-time PCR to detect the stx1, stx2, and eae genes. stx-Positive samples were further tested for the “top five” serogroup markers (O157, O26, O103, O111, O145) and cultured onto selective media. The isolates were assigned to stx subtypes and tested for the presence of aaiC and aggR genes. Out of 420 swine samples, 38.6% faecal samples and 13.8% carcass sponge swabs were stx-positive. In total, 33 E. coli STEC isolates were obtained from 30 samples (4 carcasses and 26 colon contents) indicating a culture-positive rate of 7.1%. A higher culture-positive rate was observed in faecal samples (12.4%) than in carcass sponge swabs (1.9%). Out of 675 pork samples, 19 (2.8%) were stx-positive. No STEC strains were isolated from stx-positive pork products. We concluded that STEC isolation from foodstuffs remains difficult, despite the application of ISO/TS 13136:2012. Furthermore, in accordance with the results of studies conducted in other countries, we observed that most of swine STEC strains carried stx2e gene and lacked of virulence genes, such as eae, aaiC and aggR, indicative of potential pathogenic characteristics for humans. Although the majority of STEC isolates did not express virulence factors correlating with severe human diseases, the association between swine STEC strains and human illness requires further investigations

    Prevalence, Molecular Characterization and Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Clostridioides difficile Isolated from Pig Carcasses and Pork Products in Central Italy

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    In the last decade, the incidence and severity of Clostridioides difficile infections (CDIs) in humans have been increasing and community-associated infections have been described. For these reasons, the interest in C. difficile in food and in food animals has increased, suggesting other possible sources of C. difficile acquisition. This study evaluated the presence of C. difficile on pig carcasses at the slaughterhouse and in pork products in Central Italy. The contamination rate on pig carcasses was 4/179 (2.3%). Regarding food samples, a total of 216 pork products were tested (74 raw meat preparations and 142 ready-to-eat food samples made by cured raw meat). The real-time PCR screening was positive for 1/74 raw meat preparation (1.35%) and for 1/142 ready-to-eat food samples (0.7%) C. difficile was isolated only from the raw meat preparation (pork sausage). All the isolated strains were toxigenic and susceptible to all the tested antibiotics. Strains isolated from carcass samples displayed A+B+CDTa+CDTb+ profile, were toxinotype IV and belonged to the same ribotype arbitrary named TV93, while the one isolated from food samples displayed A+B+CDTa-CDTb- profile and it was not possible to determine ribotype and toxinotype, because it was lost after freeze storage. It was concluded that the prevalence of C. difficile in the pork supply chain is very low