427 research outputs found

    Electron microscopic observations of hydrogen implantation in ilmenites

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    Hydrogen ion beams were found to form submicrometer, bumpy textures on the surface of ilmenite grains. From this effect, it is believed that similar bumpy textures seen on lunar ilmenite, pyroxene, and olivine grains are likely to be caused by solar wind irradiation. As a consequence, the concentration of bumpy textured grains may be a useful index of surface maturity for lunar soils. An attempt was made to search for grains with these bumpy textures in interplanetary dust and lunar and meteoritic regolith breccias in order to obtain information about the duration of their exposure to the solar wind. Solar wind irradiation was simulated on natural, terrestrial ilmenite. Hydrogen ion beams were directed at small grains and polished sections which were then examined by electron microscopy

    Particle track measurements in lunar regolith breccias

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    Particle track measurements have been reported for 25 (5 percent) of the regolith breccias in the collection; they have been reported for 16 breccias (30%) in the reference suite. The most frequently reported measurement for these 25 breccias is the maximum surface exposure age of the compacted rock (48% of the published breccia measurements). Information on the nature of the precompaction regolith is given for 9 rocks (36%) and on the nature of the compaction event for 6 rocks (24%). Most of the breccias appear to have simple post compaction surface exposure histories (89%). From the few track density frequency distributions (7) that are available and inferring from the low exposure ages of these rocks (75% were younger than 10 to the 6th years), it appears that most of these breccias are amenable to studies which separate the contemporary surface exposure age from information about the precompaction regolith. If the number of immature submature precompaction soils (6 out of 10 of the breccias for which appropriate data are available) represents many regolith breccias, then it is inferred that regolith breccias may sample the deeper, less reworked materials in the lunar soil and compliment the samples available from the returned cores

    Testing of models of VVH particle sources and propagation

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    For comparisons between theoretical and observed charge spectra of the VVH particles to be meaningful, at least two conditions must be met. First, charge resolution must be adequate to separate important groups of nuclei, and there should be no significant systematic errors in the charge scale developed. Second, there must be adequate rejection of slower particles of smaller Z, which have been observed in several flights. Within these conditions, it has been shown that observed features of the charge spectrum are not accidents of the analysis but reflect real variations in the relative abundances that must be explained by any successful model

    Managing the Transition to Climate Stabilization

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    This paper builds upon recent work by the US Climate Change Science Program (CCSP). Among its products, the CCSP developed new emission projections for the major man-made greenhouse gases, explored the effects of emission limits on the energy system, and calculated the costs of various stabilization constraints to the economy. This paper applies one of the models used for that analysis to explore the sensitivity of the results to three potentially critical factors: the stabilization level, the policy design, and the availability and costs of low- to zero-emitting technologies. The major determinant of costs is likely to be something over which we have little control - Mother Nature. The choice of stabilization level will reflect our understanding of the science of global climate change. We have little control over many of the key bio-geophysical processes which, to a major extent, will determine what constitutes dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system. We consider two limits on radiative forcing, corresponding to stabilizing CO2 concentrations at approximately 450 ppmv and 550 ppmv. These levels have been chosen because of the fundamentally different nature of the challenge posed by each. In the case of the lower concentration limit, emission reductions will be required virtually immediately and annual GDP losses to the US could approach 5%. With the higher concentration limit, the pressure for a sharp reduction in near-term emissions is not as great. This offers some potential to reduce GDP losses. Indeed, we find that depending upon the concentration limit, implementing market mechanisms which take advantage of 'where' and 'when' flexibility can markedly reduce GDP losses, perhaps by as much as an order of magnitude. However, for a variety of reasons, our ability to realize such savings may be compromised. One possible impediment relates to the proximity to the target. If the limit is imminent, flexibility will be greatly reduced. The nature of the coalition and our willingness to permit 'borrowing' emission rights from the future will also affect the magnitude of the potential savings. As a result, the reduction in GDP losses from where and when flexibility may turn out to be only a small fraction of what has been previously estimated. Fortunately, the biggest opportunity for managing costs may come from something over which we do have considerable control. We find that investments in climate friendly technologies can reduce GDP losses to the US by a factor of two or more. At present, we have insufficient economically competitive substitutes for high carbon emitting technologies. The development of low- to zero-emitting alternatives will require both a sustained commitment on the part of the public sector upstream in the R&D chain and incentives for the private sector to bring the necessary technologies to the marketplace. Aside from helping to assure that environmental goals are met in an economically efficient manner, climate policy can also serve as an enabler of new technologies. By recognizing the acute shortage of low-cost substitutes, the long lead times required for development and deployment, and the market failures that impede technological progress, climate policy can play an important role in reducing the long-term costs of the transition.

    Proposed New Antiproton Experiments at Fermilab

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    Fermilab operates the world's most intense source of antiprotons. Recently various experiments have been proposed that can use those antiprotons either parasitically during Tevatron Collider running or after the Tevatron Collider finishes in about 2010. We discuss the physics goals and prospects of the proposed experiments.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Proceedings of IXth International Conference on Low Energy Antiproton Physics (LEAP'08), Vienna, Austria, September 16 to 19, 200

    The origin and propagation of VVH primary cosmic ray particles

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    Several source spectra were constructed from combinations of 4- and s-process nuclei to match the observed charge spectrum of VVH particles. Their propagation was then followed, allowing for interactions and decay, and comparisons were made between the calculated near-earth spectra and those observed during high altitude balloon flights. None of the models gave good agreement with observations

    Impact of revised CO2 growth projections for China on global stabilization goals

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    Recent growth in carbon dioxide emissions from China's energy sector has exceeded expectations. In a major US government study of future emissions released in 2007 (1), participating models appear to have substantially underestimated the near-term rate of increase in China's emissions. We present a recalibration of one of those models to be consistent with both current observations and historical development patterns. The implications of the new specification for the feasibility of commonly discussed stabilization targets, particularly when considering incomplete global participation, are profound. Unless China's emissions begin to depart soon from their (newly projected) business-as-usual path, stringent stabilization goals may be unattainable. The current round of global policy negotiations must engage China and other developing countries, not to the exclusion of emissions reductions in the developed world and possibly with the help of significant financial incentives, if such goals are to be achieved. It is in all nations' interests to work cooperatively to limit our interference with the global climate

    Primary cosmic ray particles with z 35 (VVH particles)

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    Large areas of nuclear emulsions and plastic detectors were exposed to the primary cosmic radiation during high altitude balloon flights. From the analysis of 141 particle tracks recorded during a total exposure of 1.3 x 10 to the 7th power sq m ster.sec., a charge spectrum of the VVH particles has been derived

    The solar maximum satellite capture cell: Impact features and orbital debris and micrometeoritic projectile materials

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    The physical properties of impact features observed in the Solar Max main electronics box (MEB) thermal blanket generally suggest an origin by hypervelocity impact. The chemistry of micrometeorite material suggests that a wide variety of projectile materials have survived impact with retention of varying degrees of pristinity. Impact features that contain only spacecraft paint particles are on average smaller than impact features caused by micrometeorite impacts. In case both types of materials co-occur, it is belevied that the impact feature, generally a penetration hole, was caused by a micrometeorite projectile. The typically smaller paint particles were able to penetrate though the hole in the first layer and deposit in the spray pattern on the second layer. It is suggested that paint particles have arrived with a wide range of velocities relative to the Solar Max satellite. Orbiting paint particles are an important fraction of materials in the near-Earth environment. In general, the data from the Solar Max studies are a good calibration for the design of capture cells to be flown in space and on board Space Station. The data also suggest that development of multiple layer capture cells in which the projectile may retain a large degree of pristinity is a feasible goal

    Cosmic ray diffusive acceleration at shock waves with finite upstream and downstream escape boundaries

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    In the present paper we discuss the modifications introduced into the first-order Fermi shock acceleration process due to a finite extent of diffusive regions near the shock or due to boundary conditions leading to an increased particle escape upstream and/or downstream the shock. In the considered simple example of the planar shock wave we idealize the escape phenomenon by imposing a particle escape boundary at some distance from the shock. Presence of such a boundary (or boundaries) leads to coupled steepening of the accelerated particle spectrum and decreasing of the acceleration time scale. It allows for a semi-quantitative evaluation and, in some specific cases, also for modelling of the observed steep particle spectra as a result of the first-order Fermi shock acceleration. We also note that the particles close to the upper energy cut-off are younger than the estimate based on the respective acceleration time scale. In Appendix A we present a new time-dependent solution for infinite diffusive regions near the shock allowing for different constant diffusion coefficients upstream and downstream the shock.Comment: LaTeX, 14 pages, 4 postscript figures; Solar Physics (accepted
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