6,534 research outputs found


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    In this paper we provide a new outcome measure for the cost-utility analyses of alternative screening programs of a particular disease. We show that for non-invasive screening programs satisfying plausible assumptions, QALYs can be replaced by a simpler outcome: the sensitivity of the program. In other words, the cost-utility analysis can be made without computing the utility each program offers. Consequently, results would be immune to two of the most controversial issues in the cost-utility analysis approach: the elicitation method to obtain quality weights of health profiles, and the discount rate for future health benefits. The assumptions are particularly suitable in the case of selecting between the universal and the selective implementation of a non-invasive screening program. Therefore, we apply our result to provide an additional viewpoint in the current debate about the implementation of a universal or selective newborn screening program to detect congenital hearing impairment.Cost-utility analysis, cost-sensitivity ratios, screening programs,


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    There exist congenital diseases that reduce newborns' potential opportunities. This reduction is sometimes alleviated if the congenital disease is early detected thanks to a newborn screening program. We propose an outcome measurement of newborn screening programs based on the opportunity gains they offer after its implementation. We show that, under plausible assumptions, preferences among the available screening programs for a particular disease according to this new outcome measurement, do not depend on the metric of opportunity. We also apply our model to the current debate about choosing between a selective or a universal newborn hearing screening program to detect congenital hearing impairment.Opportunity analysis, potential success, screening programs


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    In the past few years, there has been a growing interest in the medical literature about the study of the different existing screening procedures to detect hearing impairment in infants and young children. However, concerning their economic evaluation, there are some important aspects, such as indirect costs, which are not considered by that literature. Here, we present an economic evaluation of these screening procedures, using utility theory, to measure benefits of a health care program, i.e. a cost-utility analysis. The analysis is presented from different points of view, depending on the cost we would like to compute. If we only consider direct costs, then targeted procedures, based on high risk criteria are preferred. On the other hand, if indirect costs, such as special education, and disability allowances were computed, then cost-utility analysis would advocate for the implementation of universal screening procedures.Economic Evaluation; Cost Utility Analysis; Cost-Sensitivity Ratios;


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    Nowadays, there is a growing interest about including indirect costs of health care programs in economic evaluations. In this paper, we provide a generalized cost-analysis of screening programs and propose a technique to measure production gains associated with these programs. We apply this technique to show evidence in favor of implementing a newborn screening program to detect congenital hearing impairment.Production gains, screening programs, cost analysis, potential social earnings.

    Improving English Reading Abilities in 9 th Graders Through the Use of Authentic Materials and Reading Tasks

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    91 Páginas.El objetivo de este proyecto de investigación era promover el mejoramiento de habilidades de lectura a través del uso de tareas que apuntaban al desarrollo de estrategias de lectura. Los estudiantes involucrados en este proyecto fueron 10 estudiantes quienes tenían un nivel pre intermedio de Inglés, ellos pertenecían al sub - proyecto “Tecnólogos en guianza turística local” en el colegio Manuel del Socorro Rodríguez un proyecto que permitió promover la educación técnica en estos estudiantes quienes cursaban noveno grado y estaban tomando clases de Inglés con propósitos específicos. La estrategia usada en este trabajo fue planeada, implementada y además evaluada como parte de un modelo de investigación acción participativa. La intervención fue planeada para usar 6 unidades de tareas de lectura elaboradas con materiales auténticos, las cuales fueron subidas a la red social Edmodo. Las tareas auténticas fueron diseñadas por los miembros de un círculo de investigación que estaban trabajando en el mismo tema. Después de la intervención, la información recolectada fue analizada a través de métodos cualitativos y también usando la teoría fundamentada en datos. Las conclusiones mostraron que los estudiantes se hicieron conscientes del uso de estrategias de lectura al igual que sus habilidades para aprender de manera auto-dirigida debido a la implementación de tareas de lectura con materiales auténticos y el uso de la red social Edmodo

    Agriculture Public Spending and Growth:The Example of Indonesia

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    This note analyzes the trends and evolution of public spending in the agriculture sector in Indonesia, as well as its impact on the growth of agriculture during the period 1976–2006. Public spending on agriculture and irrigation had a positive impact on agriculture growth during that period, whereas public spending on fertilizer subsidies had the opposite effect. As Indonesia continues its efforts to revitalize the agriculture sector, public spending should be directed at improving the provision of public services rather than at subsidizing private inputs.Agriculture, Public Spending, Growth, Indonesia, irrigation, public services, private inputs, subsidies, farming, developing countries

    Economic Fluctuations, Child Mortality and Policy Considerations in the Least Developed Countries

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    Between 1990 and 2010 child mortality decreased in general terms in the Least Developed Countries (LDCs), although the differences between countries over time are significant. This paper examines the relationship between short-term economic fluctuations and changes in child mortality in the LDCs during the period 1990-2010. Unlike other studies, we consider a large group of LDCs and provide empirical evidence of the asymmetrical effects of variations in Gross Domestic Product per capita on the evolution of child mortality rate in periods of economic recession and expansion. The significance of said effects diminishes when other relevant socio-economic control variables are considered, and some development policy considerations are addressed in order to achieve the Millennium Development Goal 4 target

    Package ecespa

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    Documentation for the R-package "ecespa


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    This paper reports an experimental study on three well known solutions for bankruptcy problems, that is, the constrained equal-awards, the proportional and the constrained equal-losses rule. To do this, we first let subjects play three games designed such that the unique equilibrium outcome coincides with one of these three rules. Moreover, we also let subjects play an additional game, that has the property that all (and only) strategy profiles in which players unanimously agree on the same rule constitute a strict Nash equilibrium. While in the first three games subjects' play easily converges to the unique equilibrium rule, in the last game the proportional rule overwhelmingly prevails as a coordination device.