1 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Peasant Reserve Zone in Catatumbo: of the alleged influence of armed groups outside the law in the regional project.

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    Para crear una zona de éstas, los campesinos deben organizarse y diseñar un plan de desarrollo en el que establezcan cómo harán para vivir dignamente allí, cómo se sostendrán económicamente y cómo satisfarán sus necesidades de servicios básicos. El Estado tiene que darles el apoyo que necesiten para que tengan infraestructura, salud, alcantarillado, energía, en fin, todo lo que les permita estar bien.NoTo create a zone like these, the peasants must organize and design a development plan in which they will set out what they need to do to live with dignity in there, how they will sustain financially and how they will satisfy their needs for basic services. The state must give them the support they need , so the can have an infrastructure, health, sanitation, energy, in short, everything that allows them to be fine.Pregrad