209 research outputs found

    Detecting non-coding selective pressure in coding regions

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    BACKGROUND: Comparative genomics approaches, where orthologous DNA regions are compared and inter-species conserved regions are identified, have proven extremely powerful for identifying non-coding regulatory regions located in intergenic or intronic regions. However, non-coding functional elements can also be located within coding region, as is common for exonic splicing enhancers, some transcription factor binding sites, and RNA secondary structure elements affecting mRNA stability, localization, or translation. Since these functional elements are located in regions that are themselves highly conserved because they are coding for a protein, they generally escaped detection by comparative genomics approaches. RESULTS: We introduce a comparative genomics approach for detecting non-coding functional elements located within coding regions. Codon evolution is modeled as a mixture of codon substitution models, where each component of the mixture describes the evolution of codons under a specific type of coding selective pressure. We show how to compute the posterior distribution of the entropy and parsimony scores under this null model of codon evolution. The method is applied to a set of growth hormone 1 orthologous mRNA sequences and a known exonic splicing elements is detected. The analysis of a set of CORTBP2 orthologous genes reveals a region of several hundred base pairs under strong non-coding selective pressure whose function remains unknown. CONCLUSION: Non-coding functional elements, in particular those involved in post-transcriptional regulation, are likely to be much more prevalent than is currently known. With the numerous genome sequencing projects underway, comparative genomics approaches like that proposed here are likely to become increasingly powerful at detecting such elements

    Overview of the First Phylogenomics Conference

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    The First Phylogenomics Conference was held in Ste-Adèle (Québec, Canada) in March 2006. Selected papers appear in this special issue of BMC Evolutionary Biology. Here, we give an introduction to the field and provide an overview of the articles presented in this issue

    Long-range regulation is a major driving force in maintaining genome integrity

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The availability of newly sequenced vertebrate genomes, along with more efficient and accurate alignment algorithms, have enabled the expansion of the field of comparative genomics. Large-scale genome rearrangement events modify the order of genes and non-coding conserved regions on chromosomes. While certain large genomic regions have remained intact over much of vertebrate evolution, others appear to be hotspots for genomic breakpoints. The cause of the non-uniformity of breakpoints that occurred during vertebrate evolution is poorly understood.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We describe a machine learning method to distinguish genomic regions where breakpoints would be expected to have deleterious effects (called breakpoint-refractory regions) from those where they are expected to be neutral (called breakpoint-susceptible regions). Our predictor is trained using breakpoints that took place along the human lineage since amniote divergence. Based on our predictions, refractory and susceptible regions have very distinctive features. Refractory regions are significantly enriched for conserved non-coding elements as well as for genes involved in development, whereas susceptible regions are enriched for housekeeping genes, likely to have simpler transcriptional regulation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We postulate that long-range transcriptional regulation strongly influences chromosome break fixation. In many regions, the fitness cost of altering the spatial association between long-range regulatory regions and their target genes may be so high that rearrangements are not allowed. Consequently, only a limited, identifiable fraction of the genome is susceptible to genome rearrangements.</p

    PhyME: A probabilistic algorithm for finding motifs in sets of orthologous sequences

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    BACKGROUND: This paper addresses the problem of discovering transcription factor binding sites in heterogeneous sequence data, which includes regulatory sequences of one or more genes, as well as their orthologs in other species. RESULTS: We propose an algorithm that integrates two important aspects of a motif's significance – overrepresentation and cross-species conservation – into one probabilistic score. The algorithm allows the input orthologous sequences to be related by any user-specified phylogenetic tree. It is based on the Expectation-Maximization technique, and scales well with the number of species and the length of input sequences. We evaluate the algorithm on synthetic data, and also present results for data sets from yeast, fly, and human. CONCLUSIONS: The results demonstrate that the new approach improves motif discovery by exploiting multiple species information

    Improving the prediction of mRNA extremities in the parasitic protozoan Leishmania

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Leishmania </it>and other members of the <it>Trypanosomatidae </it>family diverged early on in eukaryotic evolution and consequently display unique cellular properties. Their apparent lack of transcriptional regulation is compensated by complex post-transcriptional control mechanisms, including the processing of polycistronic transcripts by means of coupled <it>trans</it>-splicing and polyadenylation. <it>Trans</it>-splicing signals are often U-rich polypyrimidine (poly(Y)) tracts, which precede AG splice acceptor sites. However, as opposed to higher eukaryotes there is no consensus polyadenylation signal in trypanosomatid mRNAs.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We refined a previously reported method to target 5' splice junctions by incorporating the pyrimidine content of query sequences into a scoring function. We also investigated a novel approach for predicting polyadenylation (poly(A)) sites <it>in-silico</it>, by comparing query sequences to polyadenylated expressed sequence tags (ESTs) using position-specific scanning matrices (PSSMs). An additional analysis of the distribution of putative splice junction to poly(A) distances helped to increase prediction rates by limiting the scanning range. These methods were able to simplify splice junction prediction without loss of precision and to increase polyadenylation site prediction from 22% to 47% within 100 nucleotides.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We propose a simplified <it>trans</it>-splicing prediction tool and a novel poly(A) prediction tool based on comparative sequence analysis. We discuss the impact of certain regions surrounding the poly(A) sites on prediction rates and contemplate correlating biological mechanisms. This work aims to sharpen the identification of potentially functional untranslated regions (UTRs) in a large-scale, comparative genomics framework.</p

    Frequent Gain and Loss of Functional Transcription Factor Binding Sites

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    Cis-regulatory sequences are not always conserved across species. Divergence within cis-regulatory sequences may result from the evolution of species-specific patterns of gene expression or the flexible nature of the cis-regulatory code. The identification of functional divergence in cis-regulatory sequences is therefore important for both understanding the role of gene regulation in evolution and annotating regulatory elements. We have developed an evolutionary model to detect the loss of constraint on individual transcription factor binding sites (TFBSs). We find that a significant fraction of functionally constrained binding sites have been lost in a lineage-specific manner among three closely related yeast species. Binding site loss has previously been explained by turnover, where the concurrent gain and loss of a binding site maintains gene regulation. We estimate that nearly half of all loss events cannot be explained by binding site turnover. Recreating the mutations that led to binding site loss confirms that these sequence changes affect gene expression in some cases. We also estimate that there is a high rate of binding site gain, as more than half of experimentally identified S. cerevisiae binding sites are not conserved across species. The frequent gain and loss of TFBSs implies that cis-regulatory sequences are labile and, in the absence of turnover, may contribute to species-specific patterns of gene expression

    SPARCS: a web server to analyze (un)structured regions in coding RNA sequences.

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    International audienceMore than a simple carrier of the genetic information, messenger RNA (mRNA) coding regions can also harbor functional elements that evolved to control different post-transcriptional processes, such as mRNA splicing, localization and translation. Functional elements in RNA molecules are often encoded by secondary structure elements. In this aticle, we introduce Structural Profile Assignment of RNA Coding Sequences (SPARCS), an efficient method to analyze the (secondary) structure profile of protein-coding regions in mRNAs. First, we develop a novel algorithm that enables us to sample uniformly the sequence landscape preserving the dinucleotide frequency and the encoded amino acid sequence of the input mRNA. Then, we use this algorithm to generate a set of artificial sequences that is used to estimate the Z-score of classical structural metrics such as the sum of base pairing probabilities and the base pairing entropy. Finally, we use these metrics to predict structured and unstructured regions in the input mRNA sequence. We applied our methods to study the structural profile of the ASH1 genes and recovered key structural elements. A web server implementing this discovery pipeline is available at http://csb.cs.mcgill.ca/sparcs together with the source code of the sampling algorithm