108 research outputs found


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    The contemporaneity of the rediscovery of Aegean Bronze Age art and of the emergence of the Modern Style in Europe has often led scholars to suggest a double connection between them. It was assumed that, on the one hand, Minoan and Mycenaean artefacts exerted a certain influence on modern artistic forms and, on the other, the reconstructions and restorations of Aegean artefacts and architecture were influenced by contemporary artistic trends. In this paper, examples of both types of connection are reviewed: it is suggested that they provide only a partial explanation for the features shared by both artistic styles. Many structural parallels and similar visual/compositional principles are common to both Bronze Age and modern artistic languages, and these may often be explained only as ‘coincidences’, in the sense of similarities and convergences of certain stylistic features occurring independently. In their ‘anti-classical revolution’, Modern Style artists took up artistic trends from Byzantium, the Orient, and Africa. Likewise, they used Aegean Bronze Age arts against the ‘tyranny of the Renaissance and of Classical Greece’, which had dominated 19th-century Europe. Minoan art was often perceived as a ‘non-European art’, which harmonised with the artistic intentions of ‘primitivism’ and ‘exoticism’ during the fin de siècle

    La couleur rouge dans la symbolique, l’art et le langage du monde égéen de l’âge du Bronze

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    Notre image de la Grèce minoenne et mycénienne se caractérise par une variété et une richesse chromatiques qui la distinguent à première vue des autres aires culturelles contemporaines. Cela tient, d’une part, à la nature des cultures palatiales égéennes, mais aussi, d’autre part, à l’état spécifique de la documentation, qui permet difficilement de parler de « culture préhistorique ». Une architecture dans laquelle des pierres de différentes nuances sont intentionnellement employées, une icon..

    Chronic liver allograft rejection in a population treated primarily with tacrolimus as baseline immunosuppression: Long-term follow-up and evaluation of features for histopathological staging

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    Background: Predisposing factors, long-term occurrence, and histopathological changes associated with recovery or progression to allograft failure from chronic rejection (CR) were studied in adult patients treated primarily with tacrolimus. Methods: CR cases were identified using stringent criteria applied to a retrospective review of computerized clinicopathological data and slides. Results: After 1973 days median follow- up, 35 (3.3%) of 1049 primary liver allograft recipients first developed CR between 16 and 2532 (median 242) days. The most significant risk factors for CR were the number (P40 years (P<0.03). Other demographic and matching parameters were not associated with CR in this cohort. Ten patients died with, but not of, CR. Eight required retransplantation because of CR at a median of 268 days. Ten resolved either histologically or by normalization of liver injury tests over a median of 548 days. CR persisted for 340 to 2116 days in the remaining seven patients. More extensive bile duct loss (P<0.01), small arterial loss (p<0.03), foam cell clusters (P<0.01) and higher total bilirubin (p<0.02) and aspartate aminotransferase (p<0.03) were associated with allograft failure from CR. Conclusions: Early chronic liver allograft rejection is potentially reversible and a combination of histological, clinical and laboratory data can be use to stage CR. Unique immunological and generative properties of liver allografts, which lead to low incidence and reversibility of early CR, can provide insights into transplantation biology


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    Aborder les sociétés anciennes et modernes autrement : telle est l’ambition que se sont données les études sur les sens (sensory studies) qui se sont développées ces dernières décennies dans le champ des sciences humaines et sociales, en particulier dans le monde anglo-saxon. En anthropologie, les études pionnières de Paul Stoller ont en effet montré la nécessité de remettre en question le primat accordé au visuel dans l’enquête ethnographique : c’est en appréhendant l’ensemble des données se..


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    Ein Verständnis der Gesellschaften der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart auf neuen Wegen zu suchen ist Ziel und Anspruch der Sensory Studies, d. h. der Untersuchungen zu den Sinnen, die sich im Bereich der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften in den letzten Jahrzehnten vor allem im angelsächsischen Raum entwickelt haben. Im Bereich der Anthropologie haben die bahnbrechenden Studien von Paul Stoller die deutliche Notwendigkeit aufgezeigt, die Präferenz des Visuellen bei ethnographischen Untersuchungen ..

    Liver transplantation for alcoholic cirrhosis: Long term follow-up and impact of disease recurrence

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    Background. Alcoholic liver disease has emerged as a leading indication for hepatic transplantation, although it is a controversial use of resources. We aimed to examine all aspects of liver transplantation associated with alcohol abuse. Methods. Retrospective cohort analysis of 123 alcoholic patients with a median of 7 years follow-up at one center. Results. In addition to alcohol, 43 (35%) patients had another possible factor contributing to cirrhosis. Actuarial patient and graft survival rates were, respectively, 84% and 81% (1 year); 72% and 66% (5 years); and 63% and 59% (7 years). After transplantation, 18 patients (15%) manifested 21 noncutaneous de novo malignancies, which is significantly more than controls (P=0.0001); upper aerodigestive squamous carcinomas were over-represented (P=0.03). Thirteen patients had definitely relapsed and three others were suspected to have relapsed. Relapse was predicted by daily ethanol consumption (P=0.0314), but not by duration of pretransplant sobriety or explant histology. No patient had alcoholic hepatitis after transplantation and neither late onset acute nor chronic rejection was significantly increased. Multiple regression analyses for predictors of graft failure identified major biliary/vascular complications (P=0.01), chronic bile duct injury on biopsy (P=0.002), and pericellular fibrosis on biopsy (P=0.05); graft viral hepatitis was marginally significant (P=0.07) on univariate analysis. Conclusions. Alcoholic liver disease is an excellent indication for liver transplantation in those without coexistent conditions. Recurrent alcoholic liver disease alone is not an important cause of graft pathology or failure. Potential recipients should be heavily screened before transplantation for coexistent conditions (e.g., hepatitis C, metabolic diseases) and other target-organ damage, especially aerodigestive malignancy, which are greater causes of morbidity and mortality than is recurrent alcohol liver disease
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