66 research outputs found

    Structure of purine nucleoside phosphorylase (DeoD) from Bacillus anthracis

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    Protein structures from the causative agent of anthrax (Bacillus anthracis) are being determined as part of a structural genomics programme. Amongst initial candidates for crystallographic analysis are enzymes involved in nucleotide biosynthesis, since these are recognized as potential targets in antibacterial therapy. Purine nucleoside phosphorylase is a key enzyme in the purine-salvage pathway. The crystal structure of purine nucleoside phosphorylase (DeoD) from B. anthracis has been solved by molecular replacement at 2.24 Ã… resolution and refined to an R factor of 18.4%. This is the first report of a DeoD structure from a Gram-positive bacterium

    Crystallization of YIoQ, a GTPase of unknown function essential for Bacillus subtilis viability

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    YLoQ is a putative ATP/GTP-binding protein of unknown function identified from the complete sequence of the Bacillus subtilis genome. A gene-knockout programme established that yloQ is one of a set of some 270 indispensable genes for the viability of this organism. Crystals of YloQ have been grown from HEPES-buffered solutions at pH 7.5 containing polyethylene glycol and diffraction data have been collected extending to 2.5 Angstrom spacing

    The structure of Rph, an exoribonuclease from Bacillus anthracis, at 1.7 angstrom resolution

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    Maturation of tRNA precursors into functional tRNA molecules requires trimming of the primary transcript at both the 5' and 3' ends. Cleavage of nucleotides from the 3' stem of tRNA precursors, releasing nucleotide diphosphates, is accomplished in Bacillus by a phosphate-dependent exoribonuclease, Rph. The crystal structure of this enzyme from B. anthracis has been solved by molecular replacement to a resolution of 1.7 angstrom and refined to an R factor of 19.3%. There is one molecule in the asymmetric unit; the crystal packing reveals the assembly of the protein into a hexamer arranged as a trimer of dimers. The structure shows two sulfate ions bound in the active-site pocket, probably mimicking the phosphate substrate and the phosphate of the 3'-terminal nucleotide of the tRNA precursor. Three other bound sulfate ions point to likely RNA-binding sites

    Crystallization of the oligopeptide-binding protein AppA from Bacillus subtilis

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    AppA is the membrane-anchored extracellular receptor component of an ABC transporter responsible for the uptake of oligopeptides into Bacillus subtilis. AppA has been overexpressed as a cleavable maltose-binding protein fusion in Escherichia coli. Following removal of the fusion portion, AppA has been crystallized from morpholino-ethanesulfonic acid-buffered solutions at pH 6.5 containing polyethylene glycol and zinc acetate. A complete X-ray diffraction data set extending to 2.3 Angstrom spacing has been collected

    Long-term Results of Drug and Interventional Treatment in Patients with Morphologically Verified Idiopathic Arrhythmias

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    Aim. To study the late results of medical and interventional treatment in patients with morphologically verified nature of idiopathic arrhythmias.Methods. The prospective study included 20 patients (mean age 43.1±11.3 years, 10 female) with atrial fibrillation (AF), supraventricular and ventricular extrasystole, supraventricular and ventricular tachycardia, conduction disturbance without structural heart changes. In addition to the standard examination, the level of anti-heart antibodies was initially determined; endomyocardial biopsy (EMB) of the right ventricle with PCR study for the viral genome; DNA diagnostics (n=4), coronary angioraphy (n=6), skin biopsy (n=1) were performed. The median follow-up was 134 [128; 138] months.Results. By EMB in the initial examination were diagnosed: active (n=8)/borderline (n=3) infectious immune myocarditis; parvovirus-positive endomyocarditis (n=1); undifferentiated vasculitis (n=2); myocardial vasculitis (n=1); Fabry disease (n=1); arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia (n=1); unspecified cardiomyopathy (n=2). Anti-heart antibodies were the most important in myocarditis diagnosis and monitoring. All patients with myocarditis/vasculitis (n=15) received its basic therapy: acyclovir (n=10); immunoglobulin G 10-12.5 g (n=2); hydroxychloroquine 200 mg/day (n=15); glucocorticoids (n=14); azathioprine 150 mg/day (n=2). The late results were evaluated in all patients with myocarditis. Initially, in 62.5% of patients a resistance of AF to all antiarrhythmic drugs was noted. After treatment the average frequency of AF paroxysms decreased (from 8 [5; 8] to 3 [1,25; 7,75] points). By the end of the follow-up, six patients underwent radiofrequency ablation (RFA) for AF, the full effect was achieved once. All patients without RFA have AF partially or completely resistant to drugs. Two patients (without RFA) died from ischemic stroke/ pulmonary embolism.Conclusion. Using EMB the causes of idiopathic arrhythmias (mainly AF) were diagnosed: immune inflammatory diseases in 75% and genetic in 25% of patients. As a result of complex treatment, the general burden of arrhythmias has decreased. But the presence of myocarditis and primary cardiomyopathy, without reducing the cardiac contractility and dilatation, does not allow achieving a stable antiarrhythmic effect. Lethality for 11 years was 10%. The causes of death were thromboembolic complications

    Crystal growth and preliminary X-ray study of glutamic acid specific serine protease from Bacillus intermedius

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    The glutamic acid specific protease (glutamyl-endopeptidase) from Bacillus intermedius, strain 3-19, was isolated and purified using ion exchange chromatography on CM-cellulose and Mono-S FPLC column. The conditions for crystallization of the enzyme have been discussed. The crystals of enzyme were grown using hanging-drop vapor-diffusion technique. Crystals belong to the space group C2 with unit cell parameters of a = 61.62 Å, b = 55.84 Å, c = 60.40 Å, β = 117.6° X-ray diffraction data to 1.68 Å resolution were collected using synchrotron radiation (EMBL, Hamburg) and an imaging plate scanner. © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Rendu-Osler-Weber Disease with High Pulmonary Hypertension and Interstitial Lung Disease

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    A 64-year-old female with a family history of hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) was hospitalized due to complaints of dyspnea during light physical exertion and leg edema. HHT was diagnosed at 20 y.o., recurrent nasal bleeding started at age 52, bleedings severity was aggravated by not completely compensated hypertension. At the age of 60, after a massive hemorrhage, she noted the onset of dyspnea, edema, ascites. Diuretics and iron preparations improved her well-being, but from that period onward her heart failure worsened after each massive blood loss. The last major bleeding was before the present hospitalization (Hgb 67 g/l), after which heart failure symptoms significantly deteriorated. Echocardiography showed preserved left ventricular ejection fraction, but revealed high pulmonary hypertension (systolic pulmonary artery pressure 69 mmHg). Chest computed tomography (CT) with contrast showed no evidence of pulmonary embolism, but interstitial lung lesions were detected. Pulse therapy with glucocorticosteroids did not result in positive dynamics at the control CT scan, which allowed to reject a separate interstitial lung disease. As a result of cardiotropic and diuretic therapy, as well as correction of anemia, the patient's condition improved. Macitentan was administered, but the patient refused from it because one of possible side effects was anemia. A year later the patient diedfrom acute progression of pulmonary hypertension. According to the literature, pulmonary hypertension in HHT can have a significant impact on the prognosis and requires timely diagnosis and treatment. Interstitial lung lesions are a manifestation of the underlying disease and does not require special treatment

    Spectrum of desmosomal gene variations in patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy

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    Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) is a hereditary myocardial disease with a high risk of sudden cardiac death. The most common genetic forms of the disease are associated with desmosomal gene mutations.Aim. To study the prevalence of desmosomal forms of ARVC and to analyze variations in the PKP2, DSG2, DSP, DSC2 and JUP genes in a sample of Russian patients with ARVC.Material and methods. Included patients with ARVC underwent resting electrocardiography (ECG), 24-hour Holter ECG monitoring, echocardiography, chest x-ray, myocardial biopsy (if indicated), contrast-enhanced cardiac magnetic resonance imaging. All patients underwent medical genetic counseling. Mutations in the PKP2, DSG2, DSP, DSC2, and JUP genes was detected using highthroughput sequencing on the IonTorrent platform, followed by Sanger sequencing of uncovered gene regions. The pathogenicity of identified genetic variations was assessed according to modern guidelines.Results. ARVC was established in 80 Russian unrelated patients. More than half of the probands (57%) in the study sample had definite diagnosis of ARVC, while 30% and 13% — borderline and possible ARVC, respectively. A positive family history of heart disease and/or SCD was noted in 30%. Genetic variants of pathogenicity class IV-V were detected in 15 (18,75%) probands in the PKP2, DSG2, DSP genes. The detection of genetic variants of pathogenicity class IV-V was different in the subgroups of patients with varying degrees of diagnosis reliability: 13 probands (28,3%) in the subgroup with definite ARVC and 2 probands (8,3%) in the subgroup with borderline ARVC. No genotype-positive probands were found in the subgroup with possible ARVC. Variations of unknown clinical significance were found in 13 (16,25%) probands.Conclusion. The diagnostic yield of the desmosomal genes PKP2, DSG2, DSP, DSC2, and JUP was 19% with initial diagnosis of ARVC. The detection of mutations was significantly higher in patients with definite ARVC and severe disease manifestations

    Noncompact Myocardium with Dilated Phenotype: Manifestations, Treatment and Outcomes in Comparison with Other Forms of Dilated Cardiomyopathy Syndrome

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    Aim. To study the place of NCM in the structure of DCM, its clinical features and influence on prognosis in comparison with other forms of DCM syndrome.Methods. The NCM registry includes 125 patients, mean age 46.4±15.1 years, 74 men and 51 women, median follow-up 14 [4.0; 41.0] months. The DCM registry included 365 patients, mean age 46.4±15.1 years, 253 men and 112 women, median follow-up 14 [5; 43.75] months. The examination included electrocardiography (ECG), ECG Holter monitoring, echocardiography, blood anti-heart antibody level evaluation, and additionally cardiac computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, DNA diagnostics (in the MYH7, MYBPC3, TPM1, TNNI3, TNNT2, ACTC1, TAZ, ZASP (LDB3), MYL2, MYL3, DES, LMNA, EMD, TTR gene panel), coronary angiography, right ventricular endomyocardial biopsy.Results. The proportion of patients with DCM phenotype in the NCM registry was 40% (n=49), another 11% (n=15) had NCM diagnosed simultaneously with acute/subacute myocarditis. Lethality in these subgroups was 12.2% and 33.3%, respectively, and was significantly higher than in asymptomatic, ischemic and arrhythmic variants of NCM. In the DCM registry, the proportion of patients with NСM was 21% (n=78), and increased left ventricular (LV) trabecularity was detected in another 18% (n=64). DCM patients with and without NСM did not differ by baseline echocardiographic parameters, heart failure class, and cardiotropic therapy. Pathogenic mutations were detected in 14% of DCM patients with NCM and only 3% of other patients with DCM (p<0.001). Only in patients without NCM the presence of mutations had a significant effect on lethality. The patients with NCM compared with the others DCM patients showed significantly lower increase in EF in early and late period (from 31.0±10.2 to 34.8±11.0 and 37.1±10.9% [р<0.05] vs from 31.8±9.7 to 38.8±11.3 and 42.3±12.4% [р<0.01] respectively), a greater incidence of premature ventricular   beats (1568 [105;7000] vs 543.5 [77.75; 3194], p<0.05), appropriate defibrillator shocks and sudden deaths (17.9 vs 5.9%, p<0.001), intracardiac thrombosis (21.8 vs 13.5%, p=0.069) despite a greater frequency of anticoagulants (73.1 vs 57.4%, p<0<05). There were no significant differences in death (19.2 vs 18.5%) and transplantation (7.7 vs 3.8%) between patients with and without NCM. There were no cases of NCM regression.Conclusion. NCM is an independent form of DCM syndrome, which is characterized by higher frequency of pathogenic mutations, arrhythmic events, worse response to cardiotropic therapy, higher frequency of intracardiac thrombosis. The absence of mortality differences can be explained by the higher frequency of preventive interventions in this category of patients with DCM (prescription of anticoagulants, defibrillator implantation, heart transplantation)
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