5 research outputs found

    Preventive Management of Risk due to Natural Hazards : Procedures in the Alpine Countries and in Slovenia

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    Monitoring the eutrophication using Landsat 8 in the Boka Kotorska Bay

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    Ova studija predlaže metodologiju za nadgledanje koncentracija klorofila-a i eutrofičnog stanja u malim zalivima ili u blizini obale. Ova vrsta nadgledanja je zanimljiva jer uobičajena satelitska metodologija, bazirana na MODIS satelitu, nije funkcionalna u ovim oblastima zbog nedovoljne prostorne rezolucije senzora. U ovom radu je predstavljen pristup procjeni koncentracija klorofila-a baziran na Landsat 8 satelitskim snimcima i mjerenjima koncentracije obavljenim na određenim lokacijama na dan prelijetanja satelita. Dodatno, dva klasifikatora stanja (dnevni i godišnji) eutrofikacije, koji koriste određene koncentracije, su također prikazani. Preciznost predloženih metoda je procijenjena koristeći „leave-one-out“ unakrsnu validaciju, te rezultati pokazuju da je preciznost unutar teoretskih limita metoda baziranih na Ladsat 8 satelitu. Rezultati klasifikatora upoređeni su sa mjerenjima na terenu i pokazuju da je dnevni klasifikator u mogućnosti da klasificira oblast od interesa sa manje of 2% pogreški.This study proposes a methodology for monitoring concentrations of chlorophyll a (Chl-a) and the state of eutrophics in small bays or in the immediate vicinity of the coast. This kind of monitoring is of interest since such areas have not been addressed well using the usual satellite methods (such as MODIS) due to inadequate spatial resolution. We present an estimation approach for Chl-a concentration based on Landsat 8 (L8) satellite images using the ground truth (GT) data for the day of overflight. Additionally, two classifiers (daily and yearly) of the state of eutrophication, that use the Chl-a estimated values, are presented. The accuracy of the proposed method is evaluated using the leave-one-out cross validation, and it is within limits theoretically expected of an L8-based approach. The results from the classifiers are compared with the GT data and it is shown that daily classifier is able to classify the area of interest with an incidence of false positives less than 2%

    Preventive Management of Risk due to Natural Hazards

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    Preventivno obvladovanje tveganj zaradi naravnih nevarnosti: postopki v alpskih državah in Slovrenij

    Are we under threat when we risk? Notions and terminology of risk theory due to geological hazard

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    Well explained terminology in the field of natural and other disasters makes possible qualitative professional discussion and full exchange of knowledge between different professionals in this interdisciplinary field. From literature we extract definitions of terms hazard, risk and disaster. Additionally, we show also the detailed meaning of a sequence of other relevant terms in the field of risk management such as vulnerability and specific risk. Unified use of the conceptual and terminological sequence “hazard-specific riskrisk” is suggested

    RHDM procedure for analysis of the potential specific risk due to a rockfall hazard

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    Theoretical basis and practical legislation (Water Law and regulation acts) would allow in future the determination and classification of endangered territorial zones due to various natural hazards, among them also due to rock collapse and rockfall hazard as forms of the mass movement hazard. Interdisciplinary risk analysis, assessment and management of natural hazard are factors of harmonious spatial development in future. Especially risk analysis is the essential part of preventive mitigation actions and forms the basis for evaluation of the spatial plans, programs and policies.In accordance with the basic principles of the risk analysis the Rockfall Hazard Determination Method (RHDM) for estimation of the potential specific risk degree due to a rock fall hazard along roadways and in hinterland is introduced. The method is derivedfrom the Rockfall Hazard Rating System (RHRS) and adjusted to a holistic concept of the risk analysis procedure. The outcomes of the phenomenon simulation with a computer programme for rock mass movement analysis at local scale are included as well as climateand seismic conditions criteria which are newly introduced, thus making this method more adequate for specific geologic conditions in Slovenia