1 research outputs found

    Estimation of Time for Manufacturing of Injection Moulds Using Artifi cial Neural Networks-based Model

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    Jedna od najvažnijih aktivnosti u izvedbi projektno orijentiranih poslovnih procesa ocjena je potrebnih tehnoloških vremena i troškova. To je rana faza procjene koju provode visoko kvalifi cirani interni stručnjaci. Jedna od najvećih zapreka u toj fazi je precizno defi niranje odnosa između karakteristika proizvoda i potrebnih tehnoloških vremena za izradu kalupa. Ovaj rad predlaže pristup rješavanju tog problema korištenjem umjetnih neuronskih mreža. Razvijeni model pokazuje da je moguće postići prihvatljivu točnost procjene korištenjem lako dostupnih ulaznih podataka.One of the most crucial activities for a successful business is project time and cost estimation. This is an early estimation process which is usually handled by highly skilled, in-house experts. One of the main obstacles in this process is to accurately defi ne the relationship between product properties and the machining hours necessary to manufacture the mould. This article suggests how to address this problem by using artifi cial neural networks (ANN). The developed model shows that it is possible to achieve admissible accuracy of the estimation by using easily obtainable input data