7 research outputs found

    La trilogie romanesque « Assanou attin » de Jean-Marie Adiaffi ou la Renaissance de l’Afrique dans la mondialisation

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    The Novel Trilogy « Assanou attin » by Jean-Marie Adiaffi or the Renaissance of Africa in Globalization ABSTRACT: In an approach that borrows from the specificities of Pierre Zima’s sociocriticism, this reflection reveals the hideous face of globalization structured according to an essentially Western vision. As such, the study advocates a de-globalization which presents itself, for Africans, as a return to ancestral values and which opens the way to a re-globalization whose architectural base would be the unity of the African peoples. Such a globalization would undoubtedly consecrate the Renaissance of Africa. RÉSUMÉ : Dans une dĂ©marche qui emprunte les spĂ©cificitĂ©s de la sociocritique de Pierre Zima, la prĂ©sente rĂ©flexion rĂ©vĂšle le visage hideux de la mondialisation charpentĂ©e selon une vision essentiellement occidentale. À ce titre, l’étude prĂ©conise une dĂ©mondialisation qui se prĂ©sente, pour les Africains, comme un retour aux valeurs ancestrales et qui ouvre ipso facto la voie Ă  une remondialisation dont le socle architectonique serait l’unitĂ© des peuples africains. Une telle mondialisation consacrerait assurĂ©ment la Renaissance de l’Afrique

    La trilogie romanesque « Assanou attin » de Jean-Marie Adiaffi ou la Renaissance de l’Afrique dans la mondialisation

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    The Novel Trilogy « Assanou attin » by Jean-Marie Adiaffi or the Renaissance of Africa in Globalization ABSTRACT: In an approach that borrows from the specificities of Pierre Zima’s sociocriticism, this reflection reveals the hideous face of globalization structured according to an essentially Western vision. As such, the study advocates a de-globalization which presents itself, for Africans, as a return to ancestral values and which opens the way to a re-globalization whose architectural base would be the unity of the African peoples. Such a globalization would undoubtedly consecrate the Renaissance of Africa. RÉSUMÉ : Dans une dĂ©marche qui emprunte les spĂ©cificitĂ©s de la sociocritique de Pierre Zima, la prĂ©sente rĂ©flexion rĂ©vĂšle le visage hideux de la mondialisation charpentĂ©e selon une vision essentiellement occidentale. À ce titre, l’étude prĂ©conise une dĂ©mondialisation qui se prĂ©sente, pour les Africains, comme un retour aux valeurs ancestrales et qui ouvre ipso facto la voie Ă  une remondialisation dont le socle architectonique serait l’unitĂ© des peuples africains. Une telle mondialisation consacrerait assurĂ©ment la Renaissance de l’Afrique

    Afropeanism in LĂ©onora Miano’s “Tels des astres Ă©teints”: a rhematic scription of identities transmigration

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    L’afropĂ©anisme, cette notion popularisĂ©e dans l’espace francophone par l’écrivaine camerounaise LĂ©onora Miano, concerne les Noirs ayant l’une des nationalitĂ©s europĂ©ennes et possĂ©dant une culture Ă  la fois africaine et europĂ©enne, voire amĂ©ricaine. Cette identitĂ© de l’entredeux, paradigmatique de la transmigration des identitĂ©s, est matĂ©rialisĂ©e dans Tels des astres Ă©teints par le brassage linguistique perceptible dans l’expression des personnages et par leurs goĂ»ts musicaux hybrides qui assemblent des airs africains, europĂ©ens et amĂ©ricains. Leurs dĂ©nominations hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes les inscrivent, par ailleurs, dans cette logique de mĂ©tissage culturel puisqu’ils ne portent que des prĂ©noms qui ressortissent de sphĂšres culturelles autres que celles dont ils sont originaires. Par ce jeu d’écriture, Tels des astres Ă©teints de LĂ©onora Miano apparaĂźt finalement comme une scription rhĂ©matique de la transmigration des identitĂ©s.The afropeanism, notion popularized in the Francophone space by the Cameroonian writer Leonora Miano, relates to European national Black people having both an African and European and even American culture. This inter-identity paradigmatic of identities transmigration is materialized in Tels des astres Ă©teints by the linguistic melting pot, characteristic of individuals’ expressions, and by their hybrid tastes in music, a mix of African, European and American tunes. Furthermore, their heterogeneous names are part of this mingling of cultures logic since having first names from cultural spheres other than their origins. In the end, Tels des astres Ă©teints appears like a rhematic scription of identities transmigration

    Quand on refuse on dit non d’Ahmadou Kourouma

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    From a socio-semiotic perspective, this article aims to contribute to highlight the presupposed identitarian origins of war in CĂŽte d’Ivoire as described in the posthumous novel of the Ivorian writer Ahmadou Kourouma. Resorting to a literalization of this conflict perceived through a dislocation of the narrative which melts into a fragmented story told in terrible French, Ahmadou Kourouma shows how the concept of “IvoiritĂ©â€ resulting in excessive quest for a pure Ivorian citizenship threw the country into chaos. Instead of this anthropogenic “IvoiritĂ©-racine”, he advocates for a therapeutic “IvoiritĂ©-rhizome”, a true reflection of a cosmopolitan CĂŽte d’Ivoire

    ClimbiĂ© de Bernard B. Dadié : Une rhĂ©torique scripturale mĂ©tachronique de l’afropolitanisme

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    Climbié by the Ivorian writer Bernard B. Dadié appears as a panafricanist ideal refoundation novel since "circulation des mondes" in the tale shows an African solidarity gradually converging to a mentality of blackness. The woven friendship and enmity report evade racial thoughtfulness. Black people have two cultures: the first, black ancestors inherited and the second left by white colonizers. As such, this work is an unsuccessful phenomenography of panafricanism and appears ultimately as preterm textualization of afropolitanism, this sense of identity nesting of the here and the elsewhere