94 research outputs found
The intention of the paper is to achieve two goals: to point out the seriousness of the consequences of age discrimination in employment and the importance of knowledge of law, and to check the situation in the science and higher education system of the Republic of Croatia when it comes to knowledge of anti-discrimination legislation to seek protection against age discrimination.
In view of the above, the paper is divided into two parts, the general part, the theoretical part and the special part. The theoretical part is focused on definition and analysis of discrimination and age discrimination, statistical indicators of
discrimination and age discrimination in the Republic of Croatia, the importance of knowledge of the law and the procedure for protection against discrimination before Croatian courts. Special attention in the theoretical part of the paper is paid to the analysis of the case law of the Court of Justice of the EU regarding age discrimination.
A special part of the paper is focused on the presentation and analysis of data obtained through empirical research.
Keywords: age discrimination, protection against discrimination, system of science and higher education of the Republic of Croati
Initial research into the phenomenon of workplace mobbing dates back to 1972 and was conducted in Sweden. Of exceptional importance for determining the existence of mobbing, is a proper understanding of the behaviour that can be subsumed under the term as well as its clear distinction from the usual conflicts in the workplace and various forms of harassment. The aim of the present paper is to check the existence of mobbing in the workplace among respondents – teachers employed in secondary schools in the City of Pozega, Republic of Croatia. In this sense, the paper is divided into two parts in terms of content: theoretical and special part. In the theoretical part of the paper, mobbing will be conceptually defined and its distinction towards harassment as a form of discrimination will be analyzed. The theoretical part of the paper includes an overview of earlier research into mobbing in the EU and the Republic of Croatia and an analysis of the procedure for obtaining legal protection in the case of mobbing in accordance with applicable regulations of the Republic of Croatia. A special part of the paper is dedicated to the analysis of the results collected by the conducted empirical research. The mentioned research included 350 teachers employed in six secondary schools in the City of Pozega. These are the Gymnasium, the School of Economics, the Technical School, the School of Crafts, the School of Agriculture and Food and the Music School. At the end of the paper, the author presents concluding remarks in which she gives recommendations for improving the detected problems.Inicijalna istraživanja fenomena mobbinga na radnom mjestu datiraju iz 1972. godine i prove- dena su u Švedskoj. Iznimnu važnost za utvrđivanje egzistiranja mobbinga ima pravilno razu- mijevanje ponašanja koje se može podvesti pod navedeni pojam kao i njegovo jasno razliko- vanje od uobičajenih sukoba na radnom mjestu i različitih oblika uznemiravanja. Cilj rada je provjeriti postojanje mobbinga na radnom mjestu među ispitanicima – profesorima zaposle- nim u srednjim školama grada Požege, Republika Hrvatska. U tom smislu rad je u sadržajno podijeljen na dva dijela: teorijski i poseban dio. U teorijskom dijelu rada pojmovno će se odre- diti mobbing te analizirati njegova distinkcija prema uznemiravanju kao obliku diskriminacije. Teorijski dio rada obuhvaća i pregled dosadašnjih istraživanja mobbinga u EU-u i Republici Hrvatskoj te analizu postupka ostvarivanja pravne zaštite u slučaju mobbinga sukladno važe- ćim propisima Republike Hrvatske. Posebni dio rada posvećen je analizi rezultata prikupljenih provedenim empirijskim istraživanjem. Navedeno istraživanje obuhvatilo je 350 nastavnika/ profesora zaposlenih u šest srednjih škola u gradu Požegi. Riječ je o Gimnaziji, Ekonomskoj školi, Tehničkoj školi, Obrtničkoj školi, Poljoprivredno-prehrambenoj školi i Glazbenoj školi. Na kraju rada autorica iznosi zaključna razmatranja u kojima daje preporuke za poboljšanje detektiranih problema
Pravo na jubilarnu nagradu materijalno je pravo koje je predviđeno
autonomnim izvorima radnog prava, kako ugovornim , tako i izvanugovornim.
Navedeno pravo u Republici Hrvatskoj još uvijek nije inkorporirano u Zakon o radu
kao heteronomni izvor radnog prava. Intencija rada je kroz prizmu konkretnog
slučaja ukazati na probleme s kojima se u realizaciji navedenoga prava mogu
susresti radnici u situaciji neodređenosti pojedinih odredbi autonomnih izvora
radnog prava, posebice kolektivnih ugovora, kao i analiza pravnih mogućnosti koje
radnicima u tom slučaju stoje na raspolaganju.The right to jubilee award is the right that has been provided by
autonomous sources of labour law, such as contractual as well as non-contractual
law. In the Republic of Croatia the mentioned right has not yet been incorporated in
the Labour Law as heteronomous source of labour law. The aim of the paper is to
point out, through the prism of a particular case, the problems workers are faced
with upon the implementation of the mentioned right, in cases of vagueness of certain
provisions of autonomous sources of labour law, particularly collective agreements,
as well as the analysis of legal options available to workers in the given case
Dobna diskriminacija postaje izniman problem u društvu koje ubrzano stari, kakvo je i hrvatsko. intencija rada je analizirati problematiku dobne diskriminacije u sustavu znanosti i visokog obrazovanja Republike Hrvatske, točnije provjeriti postojanje dobne diskriminacije u iskustvu ispitanika kada je riječ o jednakim uvjetima rada i jednakim mogućnostima napredovanja. Kako bi se navedeno realiziralo, provedeno je empirijsko istraživanje, a za istraživanu skupinu odabrani su zaposlenici dvaju hrvatskih sveučilišta: Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku te Sveučilišta u Rijeci.
Prikupljanje podataka provedeno je pomoću online upitnika postavljenog na Google Drive platformu u razdoblju od 29. svibnja do 21. lipnja 2017. godine. lista kontakata odnosno e-mail adrese ispitanika pribavljene su sa službenih internetskih stranica sastavnica navedenih sveučilišta te njihovih rektorata, a identificirano je ukupno 2958 adresa i to: 1506 na Sveučilištu u Rijeci te 1452 adrese na Sveučilištu Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku.
Rezultati provedenog empirijskog istraživanja pokazali su sljedeće:
1) dobna diskriminacija postoji u iskustvu ispitanika, zaposlenika u sustavu znanosti i visokog obrazovanja Republike Hrvatske, u pogledu jednakih uvjeta rada
2) dobna diskriminacija postoji u iskustvu ispitanika, zaposlenika u sustavu znanosti i visokog obrazovanja Republike Hrvatske, u pogledu jednakih mogućnosti napredovanja
3) razlike među ispitanicima u kontekstu jednakih uvjeta rada postoje samo s obzirom na spol
4) razlike među ispitanicima u kontekstu jednakih mogućnosti napredovanja postoje s obzirom na stupanj obrazovanja ispitanika te vrstu radnog mjesta (nastavno, administrativno i tehničko, pomoćno osoblje).Age discrimination has become an exceptional problem in rapidly aging societies such as Croatia. The paper aims at analysing the age discrimination issues in scientific and higher education system of the Republic of Croatia, specifically at verifying the presence of discrimination based on age and according to experience of the respondents included in the survey concerning equal conditions of work and equal advancement opportunities. For the purpose of analysis, an empirical research has been conducted by studying employees at two Croatian universities i.e. Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek and the University of Rijeka. Data were gathered by the means of an online questionnaire hosted on the Google Drive plat- form in the period from 29 May to 21 June 2017. A contact list of respondents’ e-mail ad- dresses was compiled using information obtained from official web sites of the Universities’ constituencies as well as their Rectors’ offices. There were 2958 addresses in total, out of which 1506 were at the University of Rijeka and 1452 addresses at Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek. The empirical research results indicated the following: 1) Age discrimination regarding equal working conditions is present in the experience of the respondents – the employees in scientific and higher education system of the Republic of Croatia, 2) Age discrimination regarding equal advancement opportunities is present in the experience of the respondents – the employees in the scientific and higher education system of the Republic of Croatia 3) As regards the equal working conditions, there are only differences among the respondents in view of their gender 4) As regards the equal advancement opportunities, there are differences among the respondents considering respondents’ levels of education and type of their positions (teaching, administrative and technical, auxiliary personnel)
Effects of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria on maize in greenhouse and field trial
The aim of the study was to investigate ability of Pseudomonas sp. Q4b, Bacillus sp. Q5a and Azotobacter chroococcum strain 8 to enrich a population of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) in rhizosphere and thus enhance maize growth (Zea mays L.). Experiments were carried out under greenhouse and field conditions, on a chernozem soil. In vitro screening for PGP properties showed significant difference between indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and siderophores production and phosphosolubilization between Pseudomonas sp. Q4b and Bacillus sp. Q5a. Pseudomonas was estimated as a better producer of hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and siderophores than Bacillus. Bacterial treatments had a significant effect on the number of investigated microbial groups in rhizosphere, and maize growth and yield. Co-inoculation had an advantage compared to single inoculation, while in case of single strains, better effects were achieved in Pseudomonas and Azotobacter treatments. Inoculation increased the number of azotobacters (103.25%), pseudomonads (82.29%) and aerobic spore-forming bacteria (52.65%) as well as height (17.15%) and dry weight (35.48%) of maize plants. The highest plant height was recorded in treatment with Pseudomonas and Bacillus. The highest dry weight and yield were recorded in the treatment with mixture of these three strains
Mikrobiološke transformacije jedinjenja fosfora i sumpora u kiselim zemljištima
The dynamics of phosphorus and sulphur in soil is closely related to the dynamics of the biological cycle in which microorganisms play a central role. There is not much microbiological activity in acid soils because aerobes are scarce, rhizosphere is restricted to the shallow surface layer, and the biomass of microorganisms decreases with higher acidity. The aim of the research was to investigate the number of microorganisms, which decompose organic and inorganic phosphorus compounds and organic sulphur compounds in calcocambisol, luvisol, and pseudogley. The following parameters were determined in the soil samples: pH in H2O and in 1MKCl; the content of CaCO3 (%); humus content (%), nitrogen content (%); the content of physiologically active phosphorus and potassium (mg P2O5/100g of soil; mg K2O/100g of soil). The number of microorganisms was determined by the method of agar plates on appropriate nutrient media: the number of microorganisms solubilizing phosphates on a medium by Muramcov; the number of microorganisms that decompose organic phosphorus compounds on a medium with lecithin; and the number of microorganisms that transform organic sulphur compounds on a medium by Baar. All three types of soil are acid non-carbonate soils with a low level of available phosphorus and a more favorable amount of potassium, nitrogen, and humus. The largest number of bacteria, which transform organic phosphorus compounds, was found in calcocambisol. The largest number of phosphate solubilizing bacteria was recorded in pseudogley, whereas the largest number of phosphate solubilizing fungi was recorded in calcocambisol. The largest number of bacteria, which transform organic sulphur compounds, was recorded in pseudogley.Dinamika fosfora i sumpora u zemljištu tesno je povezana sa dinamikom biološkog ciklusa u kojem mikroorganizmi imaju centralnu ulogu. Mikrobiološka aktivnost u kiselim zemljištima nije velika, jer su potisnuti aerobi, rizosfera je ograničena na plitku površinsku zonu, a sa povećanjem kiselosti smanjuje se i biomasa mikroorganizama. Cilj ovih istraživanja je bio da se ispita zastupljenost mikroorganizama koji razlažu organska i neorganska jedinjenja fosfora i organska jedinjenja sumpora u kalkokambisolu, luvisolu i pseudogleju. U uzorcima zemljišta određeni su sledeći parametri: reakcija zemljišta (pH) u H2O i u 1MKCl; sadržaj CaCO3 (%); sadržaj humusa (%); sadržaj azota (%); sadržaj fiziološki aktivnog fosfora i kalijuma (mg P2O5/100g zemljišta; mg K2O/100g zemljišta). Broj mikroorganizama određivan je metodom agarnih ploča na odgovarajućim selektivnim hranjivim podlogama: broj mikroorganizama koji razlažu fosfate na podlozi po: Muramcov, broj mikroorganizama koji razlažu organska fosforna jedinjenja na podlozi sa lecitinom, a broj mikroorganizama koji transformišu organska jedinjenja sumpora na podlozi po Baar-u. Sva tri tipa zemljišta spadaju u grupu kiselih beskarbonatnih zemljišta, sa niskim sadržajem pristupačnog fosfora i povoljnijim sadržajem kalijuma, azota i humusa. Najveći broj bakterija koje transformišu organska jedinjenja fosfora utvrđen je u kalkokambisolu. Najveći broj bakterija koje razlažu fosfate utvrđen je u pseudogleju, a najveći broj gljiva koje razlažu fosfate u kalkokambisolu. Najveći broj bakterija koje transformišu organska jedinjenja sumpora utvrđen je u pseudogleju
Efekat PGPR sojeva na brojnost mikroorganizama u rizosferi kukuruza u poljskim uslovima
Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) represent a wide variety of bacteria inhabiting the root surface and root vicinity. They are directly or indirectly involved in promoting plant growth and development via production and secretion of various regulatory compounds in the rhizosphere. PGPR are generally beneficial to a wide range of crops including maize. The main objective of this study was to determine the effect of PGPR strains on the microbial abundance in maize rhizosphere. The trial was conducted at Rimski Šančevi experimental field of Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad, Serbia. The trial included five maize hybrids (NS 3014, NS 4015, NS 5043, NS 6010 and NS 6030) developed at the Institute and three treatments with microorganisms. Non-inoculated treatment was control. Inoculation was performed with Bacillus Q7, Pseudomonas PS2 and their mixture with Azotobacter chroococcum (Q7 + PS2 + AC). Application method was incorporation immediately before planting with liquid culture of strains (density 109 CFU/ml). It was observed that the certain treatment with rhizobacteria increased the number of all three studied microbial groups in the rhizosphere of the same hybrid. The best effect on the number of microorganisms in the rhizosphere of NS 6010 was achieved with Q7 + PS2 + AC, in NS 5043 with Q7 and with PS2 in NS 4015. The results obtained in this study indicate the importance of PGPR in crop production, which requires a constant expansion of knowledge about the mutual interactions of plants and microorganisms.Rizobakterije koje poboljšavaju rast biljaka (PGPR) predstavljaju širok spektar bakterija koje naseljavaju prostor oko/na površini korena. Direktno ili indirektno su uključene u ubrzanje rasta i razvoja biljaka putem proizvodnje i lučenja različitih regulatornih materija u rizosferu. PGPR su generalno korisne kod širokog spektra useva uključujući kukuruz. Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitivanje efekta PGPR sojeva na zastupljenost mikroorganizama u rizosferi. Ogled je postavljen na eksperimentalnoj parceli Rimski šančevi Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu i uključivao je pet hibrida kukuruza poreklom iz Instituta (NS 3014, NS 4015, NS 5043, NS 6010 i NS 6030); kontrolu (bez inokulacije) i tri tretmana bakterijama koje poboljšavaju rast biljaka. Inokulacija je izvršena sa Pseudomonas PS2, Bacillus Q7 i njihovom mešavinom sa Azotobacter chroococcum (Q7 + PS2 + AC). Sojevi su primenjeni inkorporacijom tečne kulture (gustine 109 CFU/ml) neposredno pre setve. Rezultati su pokazali da kod određenog hibrida određeni tretman rizobakterijama povoljno utiče na brojnost kod sve tri analizirane grupe mikroorganizama. Najpovoljniji efekat na broj mikroorganizama u rizosferi hibrida NS 6010 postignut je primenom tretmana Q7 + PS2 + AC, kod NS 5043 primenom Q7, a kod NS 4015 primenom PS2
Rizobakterije koje promovišu biljni rast (PGPR)i njihov efekat na kukuruz
Free-living soil bacteria beneficial to plant growth are usually referred to as plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), capable of promoting plant growth by colonizing the plant root. Application of PGPR to increase the yield is limited by variability among the results obtained in the laboratory, in greenhouse and field. Rhizobacteria that promote plant growth (PGPR) participate in interactions with plants (rice, wheat, maize, sugarcane, sugar beet, cotton) and significantly increase their vegetative growth and yield. Apart from Azotobacter and Azospirillum, PGPR also include Acetobacter, Azoarcus and several species of Enterobacteriaceae (Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Citrobacter, and Pseudomonas). PGPR represent an alternative to plant growth enhancement chemicals.Bakterije koje žive slobodno u zemljištu a pozitivno utiču na rast biljaka najčešće se karakterišu kao bakterije koje pospešuju biljni rast - PGPR (Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria) a sposobne su da to čine time što koloniziraju koren biljaka. Primena PGPR za povećanje prinosa limitirana je varijabilnošću između rezultata dobijenih u laboratoriji, u staklari i u polju. Niz rizobakterija koje pospešuju biljni rast (PGPR) učestvuje u interakcijama sa biljkama (pirinač, pšenica, kukuruz, šećerna trska, šećerna repa, pamuk) i značajno povećava njihov vegetativni rast i prinos. U PGPR pored Azotobacter- a i Azospirillum-a svrstavaju se i Acetobacter, Azoarcus, te nekoliko vrsta Enterobacteriaceae (Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Citrobacter, Pseudomonas). PGPR predstavljaju alternativu upotrebi hemijskih sredstava za poboljšanje rasta biljaka
Mikrobiološka svojstva zemljišta
Zemljište je kompleksan i dinamičan ekosistem u kome se većina bioloških procesa odvija zahvaljujući mikroorganizmima. Osnovni biogeni elementi u zemljištu se nalaze pretežno vezani u organskim i neorganskim jedinjenjima i u tom obliku nisu direktno dostupni biljkama. Mineralizacija organskih jedinjenja do neorganskih i mobilizacija teško rastvorljivih neorganskih jedinjenja, odvija se zahvaljujući delovanju mikrobioloških enzima, a hranljivi elementi prevode se u oblike koje biljke mogu da usvajaju. Na taj način, mikroorganizmi obezbeđuju biljke asimilativima, a direktno su uključeni i u formiranje prinosa gajenih biljaka. Plodnost zemljišta određena je njegovim sastavom i svojstvima. Osobine zemljišta najviše utiču na raznovrsnost, brojnost i enzimatsku aktivnost mikroorganizama, a za sve tipove zemljišta karakteriše smanjena brojnost i aktivnost mikroorganizama na većim dubinama
Attitudes towards the Presence of Age Discrimination in Labour Relations in the System of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Croatia
Cilj je rada provjeriti postojanje dobne diskriminacije u radnim odnosima u sustavu znanosti i visokog obrazovanja Republike Hrvatske u percepciji ispitanika, zaposlenika Sveučilišta u Osijeku i Sveučilišta u Rijeci. Kako bi se ostvario navedeni cilj provedeno je empirijsko istraživanje, a za istraživanu skupinu odabrani su zaposlenici navedenih sveučilišta. Prikupljanje podataka provedeno je s pomoću online upitnika postavljenog na Google Drive platformu prije početka pandemije prouzročene bolesti COVID-19. Utvrđeno je ukupno 2958 adresa i to: 1506 na Sveučilištu u Rijeci te 1452 adrese na Sveučilištu Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku. Iz analiziranih rezultata empirijskog istraživanja utvrđeno je da: 1.) ispitanici, zaposlenici u sustavu znanosti i visokog obrazovanja Republike Hrvatske percipiraju da dobna diskriminacija postoji u radnim odnosima u visokom obrazovanju, 2.) ispitanici, zaposlenici u sustavu znanosti i visokog obrazovanja Republike Hrvatske percipiraju da je dobna diskriminacija prisutna u ostvarivanju jednakih uvjeta rada, 3.) ispitanici, zaposlenici u sustavu znanosti i visokog obrazovanja Republike Hrvatske percipiraju da je dobna diskriminacija prisutna pri napredovanju u visokom obrazovanju, 4.) razlike među ispitanicima u kontekstu prethodno navedenih tvrdnji postoje samo s obzirom na neka od demografskih obilježja obuhvaćenim istraživanjem (spol i vrsta radnog mjesta) kao i s obzirom na pripadnost jednom od sveučilišta obuhvaćenim istraživanjem.The objective of this paper is to check the presence of age discrimination in labour relations in the system of science and higher education of the Republic of Croatia as perceived by the respondents, the University of Osijek and the University of Rijeka’s employees. In order to realize this objective, an empirical study has been conducted, and the employees from these universities were selected for the research group. Data collection had been carried out using an online questionnaire posted on the Google Drive platform before the pandemic caused by the Covid-19 virus. A total of 2,958 addresses were identified, as follows: 1,506 at the University of Rijeka and 1,452 addresses at the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek. Based on the analyzed results of the empirical research, it was found that: 1) the respondents, employees in the system of science and higher education of the Republic of Croatia, perceive that age discrimination is present in labour relationships in higher education, 2) the respondents, employees in the system of science and higher education of the Republic of Croatia, perceive that age discrimination is present in terms of achieving equal working conditions, 3) the respondents, employees in the system of science and higher education of the Republic of Croatia, perceive that age discrimination is present in advancements in higher education, 4) the differences among the respondents in the context of the above statements exist only with regard to some of the demographic characteristics covered by the research (gender and type of job), as well as with regard to belonging to one of the universities covered by the research
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