1,329 research outputs found

    Experimental Identification of the Behavior of Glass Fiber Bushing

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    Two different techniques exist for glass fiber production, direct melt bushing and marble bushing. The purpose of the project was to study the glass fiber production process and investigate the possibilty of constructing mathematical models from experimental data. This part also included implementation of a DAQ system to obtain the expeimental data. A second objective was to construct an efficent temperature control for a producion unit for glass fiber production. The approach taken is to measure the electrical power supplied to the bushing and the glas temperature. From the I/O data a model in the form of a high-order transfer function for the process would be identified. With the model a controller which would minimize process variations would be constructed. The experiments shows that there is a large difference between the two techniques in terms of process disturbances. For the marble melt bushing only approximate models could be constructed. For the direct melt bushing the process disturbances was less important and models with small variances could be constructed. The approach taken would yeild stable, robust controller. However better control could propably be achieved if some measurable process disturbances like the glass temperature at the entry is incorperated. Another approach would be to use an adaptive controller. This approach would be best suited for the direct melt bushing with it's slowly varying process dynamic

    Energy Efficient Protocols for Active RFID

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    Radio frequency identification (RFID) systems come in different flavours; passive, active, semi-passive, or semi-active. Those different types of RFID are supported by different, internationally accepted protocol standards as well as by several accepted proprietary protocols. Even though the diversity is large between the flavours and between the standards, the RFID technology has evolved to be a mature technology, which is ready to be used in a large variety of applications. This thesis explores active RFID technology and how to develop and apply data communication protocols that are energy efficient and which comply with the different application constraints. The use of RFID technology is growing rapidly, and today mostly “passive” RFID systems are used because no onboard energy source is needed on the transponder (tag). However, the use of “active” RFID-tags with onboard power sources adds a range of opportunities not possible with passive tags. Besides that Active RFID offers increased working distance between the interrogator (RFID-reader) and tags, the onboard power source also enables the tags to do sensor measurements, calculations and storage even when no RFID-reader is in the vicinity of the tags. To obtain energy efficiency in an Active RFID system the communication protocol to be used should be carefully designed. This thesis describes how energy consumption can be calculated, to be used in protocol definition, and how evaluation of protocols in this respect can be made. The performance of such a new protocol, in terms of energy efficiency, aggregated throughput, delay, and number of collisions in the radio channel is evaluated and compared to an existing, commercially available protocol for Active RFID, as well as to the IEEE standard 802.15.4 (used, e.g., in the Zigbee medium-access layer). Simulations show that, by acknowledging the payload and using deep sleep mode on the tag, the lifetime of a tag is increased. For all types of protocols using a radio channel, when arbitrating information, it is obvious that the utilization of that channel is maximized when no collisions occur. To avoid and minimize collisions in the media it is possible to intercept channel interference by using carrier sense technology. The knowledge that the channel is occupied should result in a back-off and a later retry, instead of persistently listening to the channel which would require constant energy consumption. We study the effect on tag energy cost and packet delay incurred by some typical back-off algorithms (constant, linear, and exponential) used in a contention based CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access/ Collision Avoidance) protocol for Active RFID communication. The study shows that, by selecting the proper back-off algorithm coefficients (based on the number of tags and the application constraints), i.e., the initial contention window size and back-off interval coefficient, the tag energy consumption and read-out delays can be significantly lowered. The initial communication between reader and tag, on a control channel, establishes those important protocol parameters in the tag so that it tries to deliver its information according to the current application scenario in an energy efficient way. The decision making involved in calculating the protocol parameters is conducted in the local RFID-reader for highest efficiency. This can be done by using local statistics or based on knowledge provided by the logistic backbone databases. As the CMOS circuit technology evolves, new possibilities arise for mass production of low price and long life active tags. The use of wake-up radio technology makes it possible for active tags to react on an RFID-reader at any time, in contrast to tags with cyclic wake-up behaviour. The two main drawbacks with an additional wake-up circuit in a tag are the added die area and the added energy consumption. Within this project the solution is a complete wake-up radio transceiver consisting of only one hi-frequency very low power, and small area oscillator. To support this tag topology we propose and investigate a novel reader-tag communication protocol, the frequency binary tree protocol

    Optimal Tracking and Identification of Paths for Industrial Robots

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    In many application areas in industrial production, industrial robots are utilised for performing various tasks. Frequently a predefined geometric path exists, such that the robot should track this path with its tool centre point. The tracking is often to be performed with certain criteria specified, such as minimisation of time or energy. Accordingly, path tracking problems can often conveniently be formulated as optimisation problems. This thesis concerns the problem of timeoptimal path tracking for industrial robots. The path tracking is experimentally evaluated on a robot from ABB of type IRB140 available in the Robotics Lab at the Department of Automatic Control, Lund University. In the thesis, mainly the optimisation software JModelica.org has been used for optimisation purposes. In cases where the path only is defined by a motion of a tool along a contour of an object, experimental methods are required in order to determine the corresponding geometric motion of the robot. In the thesis a contact-force control approach for determining of the joint positions along the desired path is considered. Further, in a timeoptimal path tracking, one control signal is saturated in every time instance. Consequently, the robustness to modelling errors and disturbances is low. In order to make the control more robust, an earlier developed control structure called path velocity controller is implemented and tested in the robot system. Both contact-force controlled path identification and optimal path tracking are evaluated in simulations and in experiments on the robot system

    Bound states and magnetic field-induced valley splitting in gate-tunable graphene quantum dots

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    The magnetic field dependence of energy levels in gapped single- and bilayer graphene quantum dots (QDs) defined by electrostatic gates is studied analytically in terms of the Dirac equation. Due to the absence of sharp edges in these types of QDs, the valley degree of freedom is a good quantum number. We show that its degeneracy is efficiently and controllably broken by a magnetic field applied perpendicular to the graphene plane. This opens up a feasible route to create well-defined and well controlled spin- and valley-qubits in graphene QDs. We also point out the similarities and differences in the spectrum between single- and bilayer graphene quantum dots. Striking in the case of bilayer graphene is the anomalous bulk Landau level (LL) that crosses the gap which results in crossings of QD states with this bulk LL at large magnetic fields in stark contrast to the single-layer case where this LL is absent. The tunability of the gap in the bilayer case allows us to observe different regimes of level spacings directly related to the formation of a pronounced ``Mexican hat'' in the bulk bandstructure. We discuss the applicability of such QDs to control and measure the valley isospin and their potential use for hosting and controlling spin qubits.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Dynamics in systematic liquidity

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    We develop the principal component analysis (PCA) approach to systematic liquidity measurement by introducing moving and expanding estimation windows. We evaluate these methods along with traditional estimation techniques (full sample PCA and market average) in terms of ability to explain (1) cross-sectional stock liquidity and (2) cross-sectional stock returns. For several traditional liquidity measures our results suggest an expanding window specification for systematic liquidity estimation. However, for price impact liquidity measures we find support for a moving window specification. The market average proxy of systematic liquidity produces the same degree of commonality, but does not have the same ability to explain stock returns as the PCA-based estimates.Liquidity (Economics)

    Expansion of CORE-SINEs in the genome of the Tasmanian devil

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    Background: The genome of the carnivorous marsupial, the Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii, Order: Dasyuromorphia), was sequenced in the hopes of finding a cure for or gaining a better understanding of the contagious devil facial tumor disease that is threatening the species’ survival. To better understand the Tasmanian devil genome, we screened it for transposable elements and investigated the dynamics of short interspersed element (SINE) retroposons. Results: The temporal history of Tasmanian devil SINEs, elucidated using a transposition in transposition analysis, indicates that WSINE1, a CORE-SINE present in around 200,000 copies, is the most recently active element. Moreover, we discovered a new subtype of WSINE1 (WSINE1b) that comprises at least 90% of all Tasmanian devil WSINE1s. The frequencies of WSINE1 subtypes differ in the genomes of two of the other Australian marsupial orders. A co-segregation analysis indicated that at least 66 subfamilies of WSINE1 evolved during the evolution of Dasyuromorphia. Using a substitution rate derived from WSINE1 insertions, the ages of the subfamilies were estimated and correlated with a newly established phylogeny of Dasyuromorphia. Phylogenetic analyses and divergence time estimates of mitochondrial genome data indicate a rapid radiation of the Tasmanian devil and the closest relative the quolls (Dasyurus) around 14 million years ago. Conclusions: The radiation and abundance of CORE-SINEs in marsupial genomes indicates that they may be a major player in the evolution of marsupials. It is evident that the early phases of evolution of the carnivorous marsupial order Dasyuromorphia was characterized by a burst of SINE activity. A correlation between a speciation event and a major burst of retroposon activity is for the first time shown in a marsupial genome

    Proof of concept for eradication of vancomycin resistant Enterococcus faecium from broiler farms

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    BACKGROUND - Vancomycin resistant enterococci (VRE) in Swedish broiler production has been shown to persist at farms between batches. The aim of this study was therefore to determine the possibility to eliminate VRE by disinfection of compartments in broiler houses as a proof of concept. FINDINGS - VRE could not be detected in environmental samples from the disinfected test compartments in the broiler houses but was detected in environmental samples from the control compartments. The proportion of broilers colonized with VRE decreased in both the test and the control compartments. CONCLUSIONS - The results are promising and show that the occurrence of VRE in broiler houses can be reduced by adequate cleaning and disinfection with a combination of steam and formaldehyde

    Environmental contamination by vancomycin resistant enterococci (VRE) in Swedish broiler production

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Vancomycin resistant enterococci are a frequent cause of nosocomial infections and their presence among farm animals is unwanted. Using media supplemented with vancomycin an increase in the proportion of samples from Swedish broilers positive for vancomycin resistant enterococci has been detected. The situation at farm level is largely unknown. The aims of this study were to obtain baseline knowledge about environmental contamination with vancomycin resistant enterococci in Swedish broiler production and the association between environmental contamination and colonisation of birds.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Environmental samples were taken before, during and after a batch of broilers at three farms. Samples were cultured both qualitatively and semi-quantitatively for vancomycin resistant enterococci. In addition, caecal content from birds in the batch following at each farm was cultured qualitatively for vancomycin resistant enterococci.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The number of samples positive for vancomycin resistant enterococci varied among the farms. Also the amount of vancomycin resistant enterococci in the positive samples and the proportion of caecal samples containing vancomycin resistant enterococci varied among the farms. Still, the temporal changes in environmental contamination followed a similar pattern in all farms.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Vancomycin resistant enterococci persist in the compartments even after cleaning and the temporal changes in environmental contamination were similar among farms. There were however differences among farms regarding both degree of contamination and proportion of birds colonized with vancomycin resistant enterococci. The proportion of colonized birds and the amount of vancomycin resistant enterococci in the compartments seems to be associated. If the factor(s) causing the differences among farms could be identified, it might be possible to reduce both the risk for colonisation by vancomycin resistant enterococci of the subsequent flock and the risk for spread of vancomycin resistant enterococci via the food chain to humans.</p

    The Use of N-Terminal Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide to Evaluate Vascular Disease in Elderly Patients with Mental Illness

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    Background: Serum N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) is regarded as a sensitive marker of cardiovascular disease. Vascular disease plays an important role in cognitive impairment. Method: In 447 elderly patients with mental illness, serum NT-proBNP level and the presence or absence of vascular disease according to the medical record were used to categorize patients in different subgroups of vascular disease. Results and Conclusion: Patients with vascular disease and elevated serum NT-proBNP level had a lower cognition level, shorter survival time, lower renal function and a higher percentage of pathological brain imaging than patients with vascular disease and normal NT-proBNP level. Thus, elevated serum NT-proBNP level might be helpful to detect patients who have a more severe cardiovascular disease

    Institution är ett nödvändigt ont : Politikers och tjänstemäns syn på institutionsvård och forskning

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    The intention of this study was to examine how social workers, leaders within the social work administration and politicians in the social work committee in Helsingborg related to residential treatment of youth and the research showing signs of undesirable results. The main questions were: 1. How do social workers, leaders within the social work administration and politicians in the social work committee relate to residential treatment of youth and the research existing about it? 2. Which factors do the different categories mean justify the placements? 3. Are there any dilemmas when it comes to residential treatment of youth? 4. Which attitude do the different categories have to research in general and to research about residential treatment in specific? How is research and its results used? To find answers to our main questions, we used a qualititive method based on semi-structured interviews with upholders from the three groups. The results showed that residential treatment sometimes is necessary for interrupting a deleterious behaviour but should be used with caution as residential treatment also may have negative effects on youth. The respondents had a positive attitude to research even though they sometimes thought it was hard to understand the results