35 research outputs found

    The Antibiotic Resistance of Bacterial Pathogens Isolated From Poultry Manure Used For Fish Ponds

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    This study was carried out to isolate and identify antibiotic resistant bacteria from poultry manure usually used for pond fertilization. We collected poultry manure which used in Experimental Center for Fisheries Research, Tapize (ECFR), the Agricultural University of Tirana in 2012. During the study we have isolated five bacterial pathogens; Salmonella typhi, Escherichia coli, Shigella dysenteriae, Staphylococcus aureus and Aeromonas hydrophilia. Antibiotic susceptibility testing carried out using the disk diffusion technique. Antibiotics used were: enrofloxacin, amoxicillin, tetracycline, ampicillin, erythromycin and gentamicin. All the isolated organisms were 100% sensitive to enrofloxacin. The multiple resistance patterns revealed that 100% were resistant to tetracycline, 84% resistant to ampicillin, 81% resistant to amoxicillin, 66% resistant to gentamicin and 23% resistant to erythromycin. The risk posed by untreated poultry manure used in fish pond fertilization and the public health implications of these results were discussed.Keywords: Pathogenic bacteria, antibiotic resistance, sensitivity, poultry manure.

    The Antibiotic Resistance of Bacterial Pathogens Isolated From Poultry Manure Used For Fish Ponds

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    This study was carried out to isolate and identify antibiotic resistant bacteria from poultry manure usually used for pond fertilization. We collected poultry manure which used in Experimental Center for Fisheries Research, Tapize (ECFR), the Agricultural University of Tirana in 2012. During the study we have isolated five bacterial pathogens; Salmonella typhi, Escherichia coli, Shigella dysenteriae, Staphylococcus aureus and Aeromonas hydrophilia. Antibiotic susceptibility testing carried out using the disk diffusion technique. Antibiotics used were: enrofloxacin, amoxicillin, tetracycline, ampicillin, erythromycin and gentamicin. All the isolated organisms were 100% sensitive to enrofloxacin. The multiple resistance patterns revealed that 100% were resistant to tetracycline, 84% resistant to ampicillin, 81% resistant to amoxicillin, 66% resistant to gentamicin and 23% resistant to erythromycin. The risk posed by untreated poultry manure used in fish pond fertilization and the public health implications of these results were discussed

    Dynamic Changes of Blood-Metabolic in the Cows with Post Partum Pathology

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    This study has the aim to measure some metabolic and hematologic indicators in cows with pathologies of post partum (endometritis and metritis). In post partum cows happens a various number of changes in their internal indicators (metabolic changes). These changes are more emphasized when the process of post partum in compromised with a pathology like endometritis and metritis. Farms with dairy cattle have a higher tendency to be affected by these pathologies. For this reason, the farm we took in the study is a dairy farm for milk production and we focused on hemato-biochemical changes. To our cows in the study, we got whole-blood samples from jugular vein according to the standard procedures and the examination test were performed in GAMMA Laboratory (Chemical-clinical, microbiological and hormonal laboratory) in Tirana. For biochemical indicators were analyzed glucose level, total Bilirubin, Calcium, Phosphorus, and Magnesium. While for hematological indicators were evaluated, WBC, RDW, LY, etc. From the data obtained, it results that biochemical indicators, as well as hematological, have visible changes in cows with port partum pathologies.Keywords: metabolic and hematologic indicators in cows, hemato-biochemical changes, NEFTA, post-partum metritis, buffaloes, etc

    Improvement of Reproductive and Productive Performance of Indigenous Bovine Preliminary Note

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    The authors of this study experimented the increase opportunity of reproductive and production skills, through the crucifixion of cultivated breeds in Albania with cultivated breed in Italy. Changing social system in Albania brought the overall need of transformation. Market wants more dairy products like milk and meat. For this is required prestigious cows breed and scientific management. The study was conducted in the Farm of Economy Didactic in Agricultural University of Tirana and the farmers who keep cows for family needs. In the first phase of the study were included 42 heads of cows breed cultivated in our country. 8 Holstein cows (19%) 4-5 years old, 12 Jersey cows, (29%) 3-6 years old and 22 crossbreed cows (52%) 3-10 years old. Cows were inseminated with Pezzata Rossa Friulana breed sperm, which is known for high milk production and meat. All cows in the experiment have undergone clinical examination (rectal and ultrasounds control) for assessing of the physiological status especially for the presence of yellow active body. Cows are treated with a dose of PGF2α, 20 mg / cow (Estrumate ®) I.M. injections. The artificial insemination is realized after the estrus manifestation (52 ± 4 hours after the treatment with Prostaglandin). In the farmers cows the pregnancy diagnosis of is realized through rectal control 45-55 days after artificial insemination. While for 8 cow Holstein breed (Didactic of Economics University) is used ultrasound method for diagnosis of pregnancy 30 days after IA (Aloka SSD 500 Micrus). According to the above controls results that from 42 inseminated cows 33 cows or (78.8%) were pregnant diagnosed (rectal + ultrasounds control) and 9 cows or (22.2%) have returned at regular intervals (20 ± 2.1 days) after the insemination. We estimate that the percentage of fertilization with the first insemination is high. For further results as, fertility, weight of the newborns and the addition of weight until to slaughter will be published in soon.Keywords: artificial insemination, yellow body, estrus, Prostaglandine, ultrasound


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    Ascariasis is a disease of all categories of pigs with zoonotic role. It is caused by the genus nemadode Ascaris (Ascarididadae). Ascariasis infests all pig farms in our country and a considerable number of pigs, whose productivity is severely compromised. Stool samples study and evaluation of epidemiological prevalence and parasitic loud infestation confirmed this in all herds of pigs involved in the study, in all the ways of breeding and the entire territory of the country. Ascariasis was observed in all categories of pigs, while themost affected category were the piglets to 7 months (about 80% prevalence, parasitic loud 164 e/g/f). Ascariasis was observed in all categories of sows (about 50%, 120 e/g/f), while only boars resulted in less infested category (about 30% and 42 e/g/f). Coproscopic examinations are effective and offer the possibility of epidemiological estimates, while post-mortem examinations in slaughterhouses are efficient alternatives, low cost and provide sufficient data for swine ascariasis. Diagnostic techniques from the nasal discharges  in piglets, was very simple and efficient. As a routine technique to perform quantitative diagnosis and other parasitic estimates, this technique was implemended for the evaluation of ascariasis, especially for alive piglets. Based on the results of this study it was concluded that ascariasis infection is the most important cause of reduce of production in pigs in our country

    Data about Macracanthorhycus hirudinaceus in Albania

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    Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus is a species of the acanthocephalan parasite found in the intestines of pigs and other hoofed animals, and can occasionally appear in humans and dogs. Adults attach to the intestinal wall of the host. It causes enteritis, gastritis or peritonitis in affected hosts. Eggs with acanthors (embryonated larvae) are found in the soil near domestic swine and can survive up to three and a half years, withstanding subzero temperatures. Acanthors are also found in the gut of the intermediate host. For the first time in Albania in swine at the extensive growth, we report the presence of Macracanthorhyncus hirudinaceus among all group ages of swine. The average parasitic load resulted 63 e/g/f in piglets 0-3 months old, 160 e/g/f in piglets 3-7 months old, 180 e/g/f in sows about to be substituted, 190 v/g/f in sows before farrow, 168 e/g/f during lactation and 90 e/g/f in uncastrated pigs. By evaluating the indices of the efficiency and the parasitic load for other parasites, we conclude that Macracanthorhyncus hirudinaceus is the main cause of hypo-efficiency in the area especially in swine of extensive growth

    Productive Values in Different Pig Breeds

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    The study realized the comparing productive indicators between Large White and Duroc breeds. The purpose of the study is to get to know the genetic and reproductive capacity of these breeds, the size of litter and their weight, the growth rate of their offspring until the point of sale. All of these combined together will bring out to the fore the abilities of these breeds in the increase of pig meat quality and the effectiveness of rearing them. Evidence have been respectively analyzed the difference measured in days between the two parities was roughly 148 days and litters/sows/year 2.4, while in the Duroc breed it is roughly 163 days or 15 days more, and litter/sows/year 2.2. The litter size was 11.8 piglets per litter per Large White breed against the 9.7 that the Duroc breed yields or 2.1 piglets more. This difference or change is easily noticed during the lactation period until the 28th day. The two breeds have high genetic and productive abilities. The LW is set apart for a larger litter size and a better growth until the age of 28 days when piglets are being fed with the milk of the sow.Keywords: breed, piglets, sow, weight, lactation, parameters


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    This study was made in lambs which were consisting of 24 females, 23 males and 19 castrated males: Bardhoka (n = 21), Ruda x Bardhoka (n = 23) and Shkodrane x Bardhoka (n = 22). We have studied the effects of slaughtering on the quality of carcasses and lambs meat with low weight (n = 45): 22.3 ± 2.8 kg, aged 60 ± days and lambs with higher weight (n = 21): 43.1 ± 6.3kg, 169 ± 8.9 days. The weight after slaughtering, affect the probability (P ≤0.05), in all evaluated characteristics of the carcasses. The lambs with higher weight have good conformation compared with lambs with low weight. This is respectively in carcasses (0.320 for 0.190 kg/cm, 1.09 for 1.07 kg/cm). We have the best level of fattening respectively in lambs with higher weight to those with the smallest weight (15.7 to 7.3 mm) and the best tissue’s composition in lambs with high weight respectively to those with the smallest weight (2.9 to 1.9 meat/bone, 2.5 to 2.2 meat/adipose tissue). At the same time carcasses of lambs with low weight have higher level of trade compared with lambs that have higher weight. In terms of measurable of meat characteristics, only the pH is affected by the slaughtering weight. In analysis of organoleptic characteristics, only sex and race affect the cross race of meat unfailing. Meat from lambs to females or castrated was mild compared with the meat-free castrated lambs especially in cases where they were to cross lambs race. Slaughtering weight affects all organoleptic features. The meat of carcasses with higher weight is categorized as strong and with a good flavor.Keywords: lamb, carcasses, meat,quality

    The Prevalence and Parasitic Loud at Sheep by Dicrocoelium Dendriticum Through Postmortum Diagnosis

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    The study was conducted during a calendar year in slaughterhouses. The aim of this study was to determine the level of infestation of parasites and parasitic load in the livers of adult sheep in Lushnja district. We examined a total of 232 livers. The prevalence of infestation of the liver proved to be 42.24 % of the heads of the examined samples. Infestation with Dicrocoelium dendriticum proved to be a highly prevalent parasite in the liver of sheep in the area of Lushnje. Parasites found in each liver was collected, was differentiated according to trigger parasitic characteristics and were counted for each sample to calculate the parasitic load of the body. The level of infestation with Dicrocoelium dendriticum resulted so higher in damaging the productivity of sheep. Examination postmortem of the liver can provide data of interest for Dicrocoelium dendriticum parasitism in sheep. Results require that research and diagnostic needs use of antihelmintic permanently programmed to maintain productivity and condition of these animals in the region and beyond.Keywords: Dicrocoelium dendriticum, sheep, prevalence, parasitic loud, Lushnje