8 research outputs found

    Current practices and perceived barriers to tobacco treatment delivery among healthcare professionals from 15 European countries. The EPACTT Plus project

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    INTRODUCTION The latest evidence-based Guidelines for Treating Tobacco Dependence highlight the significant role of healthcare professionals in supporting smokers interested to quit. This study aimed to identify the current practices of healthcare professionals in Europe and perceived barriers in delivering tobacco treatment to their patients who smoke. METHODS In the context of EPACTT-Plus, collaborating institutions from 15 countries (Albania, Armenia, Belgium, Italy, France, Georgia, Greece, Kosovo, Romania, North Macedonia, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Ukraine) worked for the development of an accredited eLearning course on Tobacco Treatment Delivery available at http:// elearning-ensp.eu/. In total, 444 healthcare professionals from the wider European region successfully completed the course from December 2018 to July 2019. Cross-sectional data were collected online on healthcare professionals’ current practices and perceived barriers in introducing tobacco-dependence treatment into their daily clinical life. RESULTS At registration, 41.2% of the participants reported having asked their patients if they smoked. Advise to quit smoking was offered by 47.1% of the participants, while 29.5% reported offering assistance to their patients who smoked in order to quit. From the total number of participants, 39.9% regarded the lack of patient compliance as a significant barrier. Other key barriers were lack of: interest from the patients (37.4%), healthcare professionals training (33.1%), community resources to refer patients (31.5%), and adequate time during their everyday clinical life (29.7%). CONCLUSIONS The identification of current practices and significant barriers is important to build evidence-based guidelines and training programs (online and/or live) that will improve the performance of healthcare professionals in offering tobacco-dependence treatment for their patients who smoke

    Impact of the ENSP eLearning platform on improving knowledge, attitudes and self-efficacy for treating tobacco dependence. An assessment across 15 European countries

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    INTRODUCTION In 2018, the European Network for Smoking Cessation and Prevention (ENSP) released an update to its Tobacco Treatment Guidelines for healthcare professionals, which was the scientific base for the development of an accredited eLearning curriculum to train healthcare professionals, available in 14 languages. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of ENSP eLearning curriculum in increasing healthcare professionals’ knowledge, attitudes, self-efficacy (perceived behavioral control) and intentions in delivering tobacco treatment interventions in their daily clinical routines. METHODS We conducted a quasi-experimental pre-post design study with 444 healthcare professionals, invited by 20 collaborating institutions from 15 countries (Albania, Armenia, Belgium, Italy, France, Georgia, Greece, Kosovo, Romania, North Macedonia, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Ukraine), which completed the eLearning course between December 2018 and July 2019. RESULTS Healthcare professionals’ self-reported knowledge improved after the completion of each module of the eLearning program. Increases in healthcare professionals’ self-efficacy in delivering tobacco treatment interventions (p<0.001) were also documented. Significant improvements were documented in intentions to address tobacco use as a priority, document tobacco use, offer support, provide brief counselling, give written material, discuss available medication, prescribe medication, schedule dedicated appointment to develop a quit plan, and be persistent in addressing tobacco use with the patients (all p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS An evidence-based digital intervention can be effective in improving knowledge, attitudes, self-efficacy and intentions on future delivery of tobacco-treatment interventions

    Smoke free environment policies at municipal level in Wallonia: orienting vulnerable populations

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    European Union Member States are implementing at present the European Tobacco Directive 2014/40. More, the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), gives them relevant tools on policies for signatory countries. Local authorities can mobilize considerable resources and skills in protecting citizens from tobacco. Security and waste on public roads are often hot topics in municipalities, smoking representing a long-term problem, that can constantly mobilizes families, schools, sports associations, employers, businesses, etc., It is there possible to reach people directly in their day-to-day life, for example at school, at their work place, social centres or in the recreational areas. Also, when conditions are created they can promote tobacco-free living spaces, protect residents from passive smoking and help ensure that the absence of tobacco is considered the norm. Regarding the different competences municipalities in health, the presentation proposes to explore different aspects and opportunaties of tobacco control at local level. A white book, reporting a two years consultation of experts, decidors, professionnals and citizens and exploring different tobacco control possible measures will be presented. It include a self-evaluation tool for municipalities. Funding Statement: Research and service funding comes from the Walloon Plan against Tobacco (Official Belgium regional Health public sector)

    Vers une meilleure adaptation des campagnes antitabac Ă  un public jeune

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    A Regional Look at Tobacco Control in Europe: the Case of Belgium, Georgia, Poland and Romania

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    The session is aimed to take a regional look at tobacco control in Europe in order to better understand cultural, social, economic and political conditions for development of tobacco control policies and programs at this region. In addition, the regional approach for tobacco control helps complete geographical look at tobacco control in European region, raise awareness on best practices in analyzed countries and open the door for stronger collaboration and partnership between them in tobacco control policies and programs. Four countries, representing different parts of Europe and considered as case studies, have been selected for comparative analysis: Belgium, Georgia, Poland and Romania. Three of them reflect the level of tobacco control in Western, Central and Southern part of the European Union, one in non-EU Eastern region of Europe. The session refers to the book under the same title that is now planned to be published by the European Network for Smoking Prevention and is based on the template of the US Surgeon General Report on the Health Consequences of Tobacco Use. The session consists of seven short presentations that present the project’s approach, concept and methodology and summarize results and conclusions of comparative analysis made in particular parts of the book dedicated to exposure to tobacco smoke, its health consequences, public beliefs, opinions and attitudes about smoking, its health effects and tobacco control policies, advances in tobacco control legislation and strategy, smoking prevention, cessation and tobacco control advocacy, and a vision of the future strategy for tobacco control