16 research outputs found

    Alternde Gesellschaft(en)

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    Bittner JV, ed. Alternde Gesellschaft(en). In-Mind-Magazine. 2011;(2)

    Wie Ziele auf Leistung wirken

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    Bittner JV. Wie Ziele auf Leistung wirken. Wirtschaft Nordhessen . 2010;(3):22-23

    Implicit processing goals combine with explicit goal standards to motivate performance through underlying comparison processes

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    Bittner JV. Implicit processing goals combine with explicit goal standards to motivate performance through underlying comparison processes. European Journal of Social Psychology. 2011;41(2):210-219.This research investigated whether explicit goals interact with implicit processing goals that are activated simultaneously. Based on the idea that (a) explicit goals are used as comparison standards, and (b) implicit processing goals have motivational consequences by influencing the process of comparison with those standards, these studies elucidate the mechanism by which explicit and implicit goals combine to influence task performance. Study 1 demonstrated that a primed goal to process similarities versus differences interacted with explicit goal standards in influencing subsequent task performance. High explicit goals resulted in better performance when participants had the implicit goal of processing similarities, whereas low explicit goals resulted in better performance when the implicit goal was processing differences. Study 2 provided evidence that perceived similarity to a target person is a critical factor for the pursuit of explicit goals and that this similarity influences task performance in the same way as the primed goal to process similarities. Study 3 indicated that processing similarities results from assimilation to a moderately high goal, whereas processing differences is the result of contrasting away from an extremely high goal. These findings confirm that implicit processing of similarities versus differences has a combined influence with explicit goals on task performance

    Die Herausforderungen einer alternden Gesellschaft: Editorial zur In-Mind Themenausgabe „Alternde Gesellschaft(en)“

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    Bittner JV. Die Herausforderungen einer alternden Gesellschaft: Editorial zur In-Mind Themenausgabe „Alternde Gesellschaft(en)“. In-Mind-Magazine. 2011;(2).Diese Themenausgabe stellt psychologische Forschung vor, die sich mit den Herausforderungen des demographischen Wandels beschäftigt. Dieses aktuelle Thema wird von verschiedenen Gesichtspunkten beleuchtet und verdeutlicht so die Herausforderungen einer alternden Gesellschaft für unseren Alltag und für die psychologische Forschung

    Competitive mindsets, creativity, and the role of regulatory focus

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    Bittner JV, Heidemeier H. Competitive mindsets, creativity, and the role of regulatory focus. Thinking Skills and Creativity. 2013;9:59-68.We examined how regulatory focus and intentions to compete rather than cooperate with group members relate to creativity. Study 1 showed that a promotion focus (i.e., a focus on ideals) activated a cooperative mindset, whereas a prevention focus (i.e., a focus on responsibilities) activated a competitive mindset. Whereas mindsets had no direct effect on creativity, a prevention focus was found to diminish subsequent creativity. Study 2 showed that a cooperative mindset activated a promotion focus, whereas a competitive mindset activated a prevention focus. Prevention focus carried the indirect negative effect of competitive mindsets on creativity. In addition, we tested whether global versus local information processing may explain these effects

    Motivational effects and age differences of gamification in product advertising

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    Bittner JV, Schipper J. Motivational effects and age differences of gamification in product advertising. Journal of Consumer Marketing. 2014;31(5):391-400.Game-elements can be embedded within sports advertisements, but little is known about the success factors of this technology. We investigated which intrinsic and extrinsic motivational incentives of game designs influence purchase intentions of sports products. The theory of planned behavior (Ajzen, 1991) was expected to explain purchase intentions of non-gamified products, whereas the modified technology acceptance model (Herzig et al., 2012) was expected to predict purchase intentions of gamified sports products. Participants were 101 consumers who performed sports on a regular basis. Age and prior experience with digital games were assumed to influence the effectiveness of gamification. Purchase intentions of conventional sports products were predicted by attitudes, subjective norm and perceived control, whereas purchase intentions of gamified products were predicted by attitudes and the perceived usefulness. Enjoyment mediated the effect of extrinsic incentives on purchase intentions, and flow was a mediator between intrinsic incentives and purchase intentions. As expected, consumers with prior gaming experience had higher purchase intentions for gamified products. Age differences indicate that young consumers had higher intentions to purchase the gamified product, judged it as more useful, and perceived more flow and enjoyment than the older age group. Game-elements in sports advertisements might also be suitable for public health campaigns. They motivate people to be more physically active and lead a healthier lifestyle. This study specifies predictors for purchase intentions of gamified products and emphasizes the importance of flow and enjoyment as mediators

    Gamification-Elemente bei Apps zur Bewegungsförderung

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    Wellmann C, Bittner JV. Gamification-Elemente bei Apps zur Bewegungsförderung. Wirtschaftspsychologie. 2016;18(4):28-39.Die Nutzung von Apps zur Gesundheitsförderung ist ein stetig wachsendes Forschungsthema im mHealth-Bereich. Wenig überprüft wurde bisher, welche konkreten Funktionen von Apps die Motivation tatsächlich erhöhen und nachfolgendes Bewegungsverhalten verändern. Wir untersuchten insbesondere die Rolle von Gamification, sogenannten Spiel-Elementen wie Punkte, Trophäen und Ranglisten. Gamification kann in vielfältiger Weise in Apps implementiert werden; es muss allerdings noch gezeigt werden, unter welchen Bedingungen gamifizierte Produkte erfolgreich sind. In einer Interventionsstudie mit Pre-/Posttest-Design untersuchten wir den Einfluss von spieltypischen Elementen bei Running-Apps. Hierzu testeten 82 Mitglieder von Sportvereinen über einen Zeitraum von drei Wochen entweder eine gamifizierte oder eine konventionelle App. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die Gruppe mit der Gamification-App einen mehr als doppelt so hohen Laufzuwachs hatte im Vergleich zur Gruppe mit der konventionellen App. Auch die motivationale Wahrnehmung der gamifizierten App wurde positiver eingeschätzt als die der konventionellen App. Darüber hinaus war die Wettbewerbsorientierung ein bedeutsamer Prädiktor für die Differenz im Bewegungsverhalten über die drei Wochen. Dieser Effekt wurde jedoch für beide App-Gruppen gefunden, sodass die Wettbewerbsorientierung gleichermaßen bei Gamification als auch den konventionellen Funktionen einen positiven Einfluss hatte. Diese Befunde legen nahe, dass gamifizierte Apps gut bewertet werden und somit einen Beitrag zu einer gesundheitsförderlichen Lebensweise leisten können. Sie könnten auch eine Rolle bei Gesundheitsinterventionen in Unternehmen spielen. Welche Langzeiteffekte Gamification-Elemente haben, sollte in weiterführenden Studien untersucht werden

    Motivating and achievement-eliciting pop-ups in online environments: A user experience perspective

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    Bittner JV, Zondervan R. Motivating and achievement-eliciting pop-ups in online environments: A user experience perspective. Computers in Human Behavior. 2015;50:449-455.The aim of the present research was to motivate website-users and evoke a positive user experience in line with users' goals. Several variants of achievement eliciting pop-ups were designed and tested on a real business-website. A pre-test examined the effectiveness of 24 combinations of pictures and words in eliciting achievement motivation. The strongest effects on user experience were found for pop-ups containing a congruent achievement-related picture and word. The three pop-up variants with the most positive ratings were employed in a subsequent experiment. The main experiment tested the effects of a sequence of three pop-ups that were presented on a website. We had three conditions with different display times of the sequence of pop-ups. They were presented to website-users for either 1, 2 or 3 seconds and compared to a control group on subsequent motivation-related ratings. The results demonstrated that the website was stronger associated with achievement motivation if pop-ups were presented for only 1 or 2 seconds, compared with 3 seconds or the control group. This indicates that short presentations of pop-ups lead to a positive user experience on learning and business websites, and that it is crucial to avoid the disturbing interruption of longer presentation times. It could be an important design guideline to flash shorter pop-ups that make online environments more appealing to users, and activate motivational contents that are in line with the users' goals

    Substitution behaviours after an interruption: Goal failure and goal orientations

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    Bittner JV, Zondervan R. Substitution behaviours after an interruption: Goal failure and goal orientations. In: Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings. Academy of Management . Vol 2015. Chicago: The Academy of Management (AOM); 2015: 13508

    Altersstereotype: Bilder vom Altern und von älteren Arbeitnehmern

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    Bittner JV, Wippich W. Altersstereotype: Bilder vom Altern und von älteren Arbeitnehmern. In-Mind-Magazine. 2011;(1).Ältere Arbeitnehmer berichten immer wieder, dass sie aufgrund ihres Alters benachteiligt werden. Obwohl seit langem über den demographischen Wandel diskutiert wird, scheint sich an der Situation älterer Menschen kaum etwas geändert zu haben. Woran liegt das? Warum halten sich so beharrlich negative Stereotype über alte Menschen? Wir beschreiben, wie leicht Stereotype aktiviert werden und welche Folgen ihre Anwendung in Unternehmen hat. Abschließend wird diskutiert, ob es möglich ist, negative Vorverurteilungen älterer Menschen zu vermeiden