36 research outputs found

    A competitive advantage through fast dead matter elimination in confined cellular aggregates

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    Competition of different species or cell types for limited space is relevant in a variety of biological processes such as biofilm development, tissue morphogenesis and tumor growth. Predicting the outcome for non-adversarial competition of such growing active matter is non-trivial, as it depends on how processes like growth, proliferation and the degradation of cellular matter are regulated in confinement; regulation that happens even in the absence of competition to achieve the dynamic steady state known as homeostasis. Here, we show that passive by-products of the processes maintaining homeostasis can significantly alter fitness. Even for purely pressure-regulated growth and exclusively mechanical interactions, this enables cell types with lower homeostatic pressure to outcompete those with higher homeostatic pressure. We reveal that interfaces play a critical role for this specific kind of competition: there, growing matter with a higher proportion of active cells can better exploit local growth opportunities that continuously arise as the active processes keep the system out of mechanical equilibrium. We elucidate this effect in a theoretical toy model and test it in an agent-based computational model that includes finite-time mechanical persistence of dead cells and thereby decouples the density of growing cells from the homeostatic pressure. Our results suggest that self-organization of cellular aggregates into active and passive matter can be decisive for competition outcomes and that optimizing the proportion of growing (active) cells can be as important to survival as sensitivity to mechanical cues

    Local measures enable COVID-19 containment with fewer restrictions due to cooperative effects

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    Background Many countries worldwide are faced with the choice between the (re)surgence of COVID-19 and endangering the economic and mental well-being of their citizens. While infection numbers are monitored and measures adjusted, a systematic strategy for balancing contact restrictions and socioeconomic life in the absence of a vaccine is currently lacking. Methods In a mathematical model, we determine the efficacy of regional containment strategies, where contact restrictions are triggered locally in individual regions upon crossing critical infection number thresholds. Our stochastic meta-population model distinguishes between contacts within a region and cross-regional contacts. We use current data on the spread of COVID-19 in Germany, Italy, England, New York State and Florida, including the effects of their individual national lockdowns, and county population sizes obtained from census data to define individual regions. As a performance measure, we determine the number of days citizens will experience contact restrictions over the next 5 years (‘restriction time’) and compare it to an equivalent national lockdown strategy. To extract crucial parameters, we vary the proportion of cross-regional contacts (between 0% and 100%), the thresholds for initiating local measures (between 5 and 20 active infections per 100,000 inhabitants) as well as their duration after infection numbers have returned below the threshold (between 7 and 28 days). We compare performance across the five different countries and test how further subdivision of large counties into independently controlled regions of up to 100,000 or 200,000 inhabitants affects the results. Findings Our numerical simulations show a substantially reduced restriction time for regional containment, if the effective reproduction number of SARS-CoV-2 without restrictions, R0, is only slightly larger than 1 and the proportion of cross-regional contacts (the so-called leakiness) is low. In Germany, specifically, for R0=1.14, a leakiness of 1% is sufficiently low to reduce the mean restriction time from 468 days (s.d. 3 days) for the national containment strategy to 43 days (s.d. 3 days across simulations) for the regional strategy, when local measures are initiated at 10 infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the past 7 days. For R0=1.28, the allowed leakiness for minimal restriction time reduces to approximately 0.3%. The dependence of the restriction time on the leakiness is threshold-like only for regional containment, due to cooperative effects. It rises to levels similar to the national containment strategy for a leakiness > 10% (517 days national vs. 486 days regional for leakiness 32% and R0=1.14). We find a strong correlation between the population size of each region and the experienced restriction time. For countries with large counties, this can result in only a mild reduction in restriction time for regional containment, which can only be partly compensated by lower thresholds for initiating local measures and increasing their duration. In contrast, further subdividing large counties into smaller units can ensure a strong reduction of the restriction time for the regional strategy. Interpretation The leakiness, i.e. the proportion of cross-regional contacts, and the regional structure itself were crucial parameters for the performance of the regional strategy. Therefore, regional strategies could offer an adaptive way to contain the epidemic with fewer overall restrictions, if cross-regional infections can be kept below the critical level, which could be achieved without affecting local socioeconomic freedom. Maintaining general hygiene and contact tracing, testing should be intensified to ensure regional measures can be initiated at low infection thresholds, preventing the spread of the disease to other regions before local elimination. While such tight control could lead to more restrictions in the short run, restrictions necessary for long-term containment could be reduced by up to a factor of 10. Our open-source simulation code is freely available and can be readily adapted to other countries

    Complex restitution behavior and reentry in a cardiac tissue model for neonatal mice

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    Spatiotemporal dynamics in cardiac tissue emerging from the coupling of individual cardiomyocytes underlie the heart's normal rhythm as well as undesired and possibly life-threatening arrhythmias. While single cells and their transmembrane currents have been studied extensively, systematically investigating spatiotemporal dynamics is complicated by the nontrivial relationship between single-cell and emergent tissue properties. Mathematical models have been employed to bridge this gap and contribute to a deepened understanding of the onset, development, and termination of arrhythmias. However, no such tissue-level model currently exists for neonatal mice. Here, we build on a recent single-cell model of neonatal mouse cardiomyocytes by Wang and Sobie (Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol. 294:H2565) to predict properties that are commonly used to gauge arrhythmogenicity of cardiac substrates. We modify the model to yield well-defined behavior for common experimental protocols and construct a spatially extended version to study emergent tissue dynamics. We find a complex action potential duration (APD) restitution behavior characterized by a nonmonotonic dependence on pacing frequency. Electrotonic coupling in tissue leads not only to changes in action potential morphology but can also induce spatially concordant and discordant alternans not observed in the single-cell model. In two-dimensional tissue, our results show that the model supports stable functional reentry, whose frequency is in good agreement with that observed in adult mice. Our results can be used to further constrain and validate the mathematical model of neonatal mouse cardiomyocytes with future experiments

    Stress anisotropy in confined populations of growing rods

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    A central feature of living matter is its ability to grow and multiply. The mechanical activity associated with growth produces both macroscopic flows shaped by confinement, and striking self-organization phenomena, such as orientational order and alignment, which are particularly prominent in populations of rod-shaped bacteria due to their nematic properties. However, how active stresses, passive mechanical interactions and flow-induced effects interact to give rise to the observed global alignment patterns remains elusive. Here, we study in silico colonies of growing rod-shaped particles of different aspect ratios confined in channel-like geometries. A spatially resolved analysis of the stress tensor reveals a strong relationship between near-perfect alignment and an inversion of stress anisotropy for particles with large length-to-width ratios. We show that, in quantitative agreement with an asymptotic theory, strong alignment can lead to a decoupling of active and passive stresses parallel and perpendicular to the direction of growth, respectively. We demonstrate the robustness of these effects in a geometry that provides less restrictive confinement and introduces natural perturbations in alignment. Our results illustrate the complexity arising from the inherent coupling between nematic order and active stresses in growing active matter, which is modulated by geometric and configurational constraints due to confinement

    Emergent dynamics of spatio-temporal chaos in a heterogeneous excitable medium

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    Self-organized activation patterns in excitable media such as spiral waves and spatio-temporal chaos underlie dangerous cardiac arrhythmias. While the interaction of single spiral waves with different types of heterogeneity has been studied extensively, the effect of heterogeneity on fully developed spatio-temporal chaos remains poorly understood. We investigate how the complexity and stability properties of spatio-temporal chaos in the Bar-Eiswirth model of excitable media depend on the heterogeneity of the underlying medium. We employ different measures characterizing the chaoticity of the system and find that the spatial arrangement of multiple discrete lower excitability regions has a strong impact on the complexity of the dynamics. Varying the number, shape, and spatial arrangement of the heterogeneities, we observe strong emergent effects ranging from increases in chaoticity to the complete cessation of chaos, contrasting the expectation from the homogeneous behavior. The implications of our findings for the development and treatment of arrhythmias in the heterogeneous cardiac muscle are discussed

    Genetically engineered control of phenotypic structure in microbial colonies

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    Rapid advances in cellular engineering have positioned synthetic biology to address therapeutic and industrial problems, but a substantial obstacle is the myriad of unanticipated cellular responses in heterogeneous real-world environments such as the gut, solid tumours, bioreactors or soil. Complex interactions between the environment and cells often arise through non-uniform nutrient availability, which generates bidirectional coupling as cells both adjust to and modify their local environment through phenotypic differentiation. Although synthetic spatial gene expression patternshave been explored under homogeneous conditions, the mutual interaction of gene circuits, growth phenotype and the environment remains a challenge. Here, we design gene circuits that sense and control phenotypic structure in microcolonies containing both growing and dormant bacteria. We implement structure modulation by coupling different downstream modules to a tunable sensor that leverages Escherichia coli’s stress response and is activated on growth arrest. One is an actuator module that slows growth and thereby alters nutrient gradients. Environmental feedback in this circuit generates robust cycling between growth and dormancy in the interior of the colony, as predicted by a spatiotemporal computational model. We also use the sensor to drive an inducible gating module for selective gene expression in non-dividing cells, which allows us to radically alter population structure by eliminating the dormant phenotype with a ‘stress-gated lysis circuit‘. Our results establish a strategy to leverage and control microbial colony structure for synthetic biology applications in complex environments

    Scanning and resetting the phase of a pinned spiral wave using periodic far field pulses.

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    Spiral waves in cardiac tissue can pin to tissue heterogeneities and form stable pinned waves. These waves can be unpinned by electric stimuli applied close to the pinning center during the vulnerable window of the spiral. Using a phase transition curve (PTC), we quantify the response of a pinned wave in a cardiac monolayer to secondary excitations generated electric field pulses. The PTC can be used to construct a one-dimensional map that faithfully predicts the pinned wave's response to periodic field stimuli. Based on this 1D map, we predict that pacing at a frequency greater than the spiral frequency, over drive pacing, leads to phase locking of the spiral to the stimulus, which hinders unpinning. In contrast, under drive pacing can lead to scanning of the phase window of the spiral, which facilitates unpinning. The predicted mechanisms of phase scanning and phase locking are experimentally tested and confirmed in the same monolayers that were used to obtain the PTC. Our results have the potential to help choose optimal parameters for low energy antifibrillation pacing schemes

    Far Field Pacing supersedes Anti-Tachycardia Pacing in a generic model of excitable media

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    Removing anchored spirals from obstacles is an important step in terminating cardiac arrhythmia. Conventional anti-tachycardia pacing (ATP) has this ability, but only under very restrictive conditions. In a generic model of excitable media, we demonstrate that for unpinning spiral waves from obstacles this profound limitation of ATP can be overcome by far field pacing (FFP). More specifically, an argument is presented for why FFP includes and thus can only extend the capabilities of ATP in the configurations considered. By numerical simulations, we show that in the model there exists a parameter region in which unpinning is possible by FFP but not by ATP. The relevance of this result regarding clinical applications is discussed

    Nutrient Gradients Mediate Complex Colony-Level Antibiotic Responses in Structured Microbial Populations

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    Antibiotic treatments often fail to eliminate bacterial populations due to heterogeneity in how individual cells respond to the drug. In structured bacterial populations such as biofilms, bacterial metabolism and environmental transport processes lead to an emergent phenotypic structure and self-generated nutrient gradients toward the interior of the colony, which can affect cell growth, gene expression and susceptibility to the drug. Even in single cells, survival depends on a dynamic interplay between the drug’s action and the expression of resistance genes. How expression of resistance is coordinated across populations in the presence of such spatiotemporal environmental coupling remains elusive. Using a custom microfluidic device, we observe the response of spatially extended microcolonies of tetracycline-resistant E. coli to precisely defined dynamic drug regimens. We find an intricate interplay between drug-induced changes in cell growth and growth-dependent expression of resistance genes, resulting in the redistribution of metabolites and the reorganization of growth patterns. This dynamic environmental feedback affects the regulation of drug resistance differently across the colony, generating dynamic phenotypic structures that maintain colony growth during exposure to high drug concentrations and increase population-level resistance to subsequent exposures. A mathematical model linking metabolism and the regulation of gene expression is able to capture the main features of spatiotemporal colony dynamics. Uncovering the fundamental principles that govern collective mechanisms of antibiotic resistance in spatially extended populations will allow the design of optimal drug regimens to counteract them

    Improving perception of brain structure using fiber clustering

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    Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is an emerging technique in magnetic resonance imaging. Recently, it has been the object of increased interest in neuroscience applications seeking to image brain fiber tracts. Examples are the identification of major white matter tracts in the human brain afflicted by a specific pathology or those particularly at risk for a given surgical approach.\u3cbr/\u3e\u3cbr/\u3eBased on DTI data, fiber tracking now enables the geometrical reconstruction of such tracts.1 However, when attempting to visualize individual fibers, cluttered images are often generated, which makes insights difficult to obtain. It is also necessary to identify different fiber structures with anatomical significance for quantification and comparison purposes.\u3cbr/\u3e\u3cbr/\u3