9 research outputs found

    Associations between Faculty Vitality and Burnout in the COVID-19 Era: the Experience of One Institution

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    Introduction: Faculty vitality is the ideal synergy between engaged faculty and mission-driven institutions that generates a fruitful environment for academic productivity, career satisfaction, and fulfillment of shared goals. The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced unprecedented disruptions to faculty vitality, with profound perturbations to individual and institutional support networks. However, the extent of this impact is unclear, as are strategies to mitigate loss of faculty vitality and prevent burnout. Methods: We developed a survey instrument to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 on faculty vitality and burnout at a mid-sized, Midwestern academic institution affiliated with a university hospital. Survey items focused on individual and institutional factors that are predictive of faculty vitality, organized around themes of work-life integration, professional engagement, and institutional support. The survey also evaluated the impact of interventions implemented in response to the pandemic on faculty burnout. Results: One hundred and thirty-eight clinical and basic science faculty participated in the survey. Female faculty are less satisfied with work-life integration since the onset of the pandemic. Almost all (98.2%) faculty respondents experienced detriments to their professional development, and 38% believed their research was affected. Faculty of color experienced more detrimental effects on their professional development. Self-reported burnout increased from 23.6% before to 44.8% after the pandemic. Burnout was associated with lack of career development opportunities, whereas career satisfaction and utilization of university support efforts were protective. Conclusion: Faculty vitality has decreased since the pandemic began, but institutional support can mitigate these detrimental effects. Additional research on the efficacy of interventions to support female faculty, early-career researchers, and under-represented minorities in medicine is needed

    Coding of sexual assault by emergency physicians: A nationally representative study

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    INTRODUCTION: Sexual assault is a public health problem that affects many Americans and has multiple long-lasting effects on victims. Medical evaluation after sexual assault frequently occurs in the emergency department, and documentation of the visit plays a significant role in decisions regarding prosecution and outcomes of legal cases against perpetrators. The American College of Emergency Physicians recommends coding such visits as sexual assault rather than adding modifiers such as alleged. METHODS: This study reviews factors associated with coding of visits as sexual assault compared to suspected sexual assault using the 2016 Nationwide Emergency Department Sample. RESULTS: Younger age, female gender, a larger number of procedure codes, urban hospital location, and lack of concurrent alcohol use are associated with coding for confirmed sexual assault. CONCLUSION: Implications of this coding are discussed

    Incidence of emergency department visits for electric rental scooters using detailed ridership data

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    INTRODUCTION: Electric scooter (e-scooter) rental usage has increased exponentially around the country, expanding to more than 120 cities by the end of 2018. Early attempts to capture the safety effects of widespread adoption of this technology have been hampered by lack of accurate ridership data. Here we describe a 17-month evolution of ridership characteristics in St. Louis, Missouri, and the frequency of e-scooter rental-related injuries serious enough to require an emergency department (ED) visit over this time frame; we also provide estimates of incidence rates of injuries based on company ridership data. METHODS: We performed a combination retrospective chart review and prospective questionnaire-based analysis of adult e-scooter rental-related ED visits in both downtown St. Louis Level 1 trauma centers during the first 17 months of e-scooter rental usage (August 2018-December 2019). The retrospective portion focused on demographics, alcohol use, helmet use, disposition, operative repair, and temporal and severity markers. The prospective portion focused on more detailed crash and rider data. Finally, we used ridership data from both e-scooter rental companies in St. Louis to estimate incidence and temporal trends. RESULTS: A total of 221 patients had e-scooter rental-related ED visits. The median age of our population was 31 years with 58.8% male and 53.8% White. There were no deaths. Ninety-two patients were found to have fractures with 38% requiring surgery. Of the 21 patients diagnosed with head injury, five had an intracranial bleed. Overall incidence of ED visits related to e-scooters was 2.1 per 10,000 trips and 2.2 per 10,000 miles with the number of ED visits by month closely correlated with the number of rides per month (Pearson correlation coefficient = 0.95). CONCLUSION: The number of e-scooter rental-related injuries seen in St. Louis trauma centers was relatively low and correlated closely with overall number of rides. The number of injuries decreased and were less severe from 2018 to 2019 with infrequent intracranial injuries and a large percentage of fractures requiring operative repair

    Intramuscular Olanzapine and Intramuscular Haloperidol in Acute Schizophrenia: Antipsychotic Efficacy and Extrapyramidal Safety During the First 24 Hours of Treatment

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    To determine the antipsychotic efficacy and extrapyramidal safety of intramuscular (IM) olanzapine and IM haloperidol during the first 24 hours of treatment of acute schizophrenia. Method: Patients (n = 311) with acute schizophrenia were randomly allocated (2:2: 1) to receive IM olanzapine (10.0 mg, n = 131), IM haloperidol (7.5 mg, n = 126), or IM placebo (n = 54). Results: After the first injection, IM olanzapine was comparable to IM haloperidol and superior to IM placebo for reducing mean change scores from baseline on the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BRPS) Positive at 2 hours (-2.9 olanzapine, -2.7 haloperidol, and -1.5 placebo) and 24 hours (-2.8 olanzapine, -3.2 haloperidol, and -1.3 placebo); the BPRS Total at 2 hours (-14.2 olanzapine,-13.1 haloperidol, and -7.1 placebo) and 24 hours (-12.8 olanzapine, -12.9 haloperidol, and -6.2 placebo); and the Clinical Global Impressions (CGI) scale at 24 hours (-0.5 olanzapine, -0.5 haloperidol, and -0.1 placebo). Patients treated with IM olanzapine had significantly fewer incidences of treatment-emergent parkinsonism (4.3% olanzapine vs 13.3% haloperidol, P = 0.036), but not akathisia (1.1% olanzapine vs 6.5% haloperidol, P = 0.065), than did patients treated with IM haloperidol; they also required significantly less anticholinergic treatment (4.6% olanzapine vs 20.6% haloperidol, P < 0.001). Mean extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS) safety scores improved significantly from baseline during IM olanzapine treatment, compared with a general worsening during IM haloperidol treatment (Simpson-Angus Scale total score mean change: -0.61 olanzapine vs 0.70 haloperidol; P < 0.001; Barnes Akathisia Scale global score mean change: -0.27 olanzapine vs 0.01 haloperidol; P < 0.05). Conclusion: IM olanzapine was comparable to IM haloperidol for reducing the symptoms of acute schizophrenia during the first 24 hours of treatment, the efficacy of both being evident within 2 hours after the first injection. In general, more EPS were observed during treatment with IM haloperidol than with IM olanzapine

    Optimizing Wellness in Academic Emergency Medicine

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    Introduction Academic Emergency Physicians (EPs) face additional unique challenges in optimizing wellness compared to community EPs. Objective Our objective was to explore specific individual and systems challenges that academic EPs encounter that affect their wellbeing and professional fulfillment in emergency medicine (EM). Methods An expert group of academic EPs convened in 2019 at the annual meeting of the Society of Academic Emergency Medicine to investigate the overall causes of burnout in healthcare providers, the effects of burnout on the healthcare system, specific causes of burnout in EM, and the distinct challenges facing academic emergency physicians. Results We outline specific causes of burnout in EM and the effects of burnout on the healthcare system. Scholarly productivity pressures, variable reimbursement gaps, time allotment, and work-life balance are challenges facing academic EPs. Conclusion Understanding the unique challenges of academic EPs in optimizing wellness is vital to inform future research and effective interventions