99 research outputs found

    Modelo unidimensional de transferência de calor em um absorverdor trapezoidal multi-tubos para concentradores Fresnel lineares

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    CIES2020 - XVII Congresso Ibérico e XIII Congresso Ibero-americano de Energia SolarRESUMO: Este artigo descreve o modelo matemático unidimensional de transferência de calor em um absorvedor multi-tubos com cavidade trapezoidal utilizado em um concentrador solar do tipo Fresnel Linear. Todas as taxas de transferência de calor foram modeladas analiticamente e o modelo foi validado experimentalmente. Os experimentos para a validação do modelo foram realizados em um Fresnel com 60 m² de área localizados na cidade de Florianópolis. Nas condições analisadas, com diferenças de temperatura entre o fluido e o ambiente de até 200°C, aproximadamente 70% das perdas térmicas ocorrem por convecção das chapas metálicas com o ar externo e 30% por radiação e convecção pela janela de vidro. Na comparação dos resultados do modelo com os dos testes experimentais foi observado uma diferença média de 10%, sendo superior no modelo. As trocas de calor pelo ar no interior da cavidade foram consideradas como por difusão apenas, desconsiderando efeitos advectivos e, esta consideração não implicou em erros significativos.ABSTRACT: This article describes the one-dimensional heat transfer mathematical model of a multi-tube trapezoidal cavity absorber used in a linear Fresnel concentrator. All heat transfer rates were modeled analytically and the model was experimentally validated. The experiments for the validation of the model were carried out in a Fresnel with 60 m² of area located in the city of Florianópolis. Under the conditions analyzed, with temperature differences between the fluid and the environment of up to 200 ° C, approximately 70% of the thermal losses occur by convection of the metal plates with the external air and 30% by radiation and convection through the glass window. When comparing the results of the model with those of the experimental tests, an average difference of 10% was observed, being higher in the model. The heat exchanges for air inside the cavity were considered to be by diffusion only, disregarding advective effects and, this consideration did not imply significant errors.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Kinin B1 receptor gene ablation affects hypothalamic CART production

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    A role for the kinin B1 receptor in energy-homeostatic processes was implicated by previous works. Notably the studies where kinin B1 receptor knockout mice (B1-/-) are observed to have impaired adiposity, impaired leptin and insulin production, lower feed efficiency, protection from liver steatosis and diet induced obesity when fed a high fat diet (HFD). More particularly, in a model where the B1 receptor is expressed exclusively in the adipose tissue, it rescues the plasma insulin concentration and the weight gain seen in wild type mice. Taking into consideration that leptin participates in the formation of hypothalamic nuclei, which modulate energy expenditure, and feeding behavior, we hypothesized that these brain regions could also be altered in B1-/- mice. We observed for the first time a difference in the gene expression pattern of CART (cocaine-and-amphetamine related transcript) in the LHA (lateral hypothalamic area) resulting from the deletion of the kinin B1 receptor gene. The correlation between CART expression in the LHA and the thwarting of diet-induced obesity corroborates independent correlations between CART and obesity. Further it seems to indicate that the mechanism underlying the 'lean' phenotype of B1-/- mice is not solely stemming from changes in peripheral tissues but may also receive contributions from changes in the hypothalamic machinery involved in energy homeostasis processes

    Minimally Invasive Approach for Diagnosing TMJ Osteoarthritis

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    This study’s objectives were to test correlations among groups of biomarkers that are associated with condylar morphology and to apply artificial intelligence to test shape analysis features in a neural network (NN) to stage condylar morphology in temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis (TMJOA). Seventeen TMJOA patients (39.9 ± 11.7 y) experiencing signs and symptoms of the disease for less than 10 y and 17 age- and sex-matched control subjects (39.4 ± 15.2 y) completed a questionnaire, had a temporomandibular joint clinical exam, had blood and saliva samples drawn, and had high-resolution cone beam computed tomography scans taken. Serum and salivary levels of 17 inflammatory biomarkers were quantified using protein microarrays. A NN was trained with 259 other condyles to detect and classify the stage of TMJOA and then compared to repeated clinical experts’ classifications. Levels of the salivary biomarkers MMP-3, VE-cadherin, 6Ckine, and PAI-1 were correlated to each other in TMJOA patients and were significantly correlated with condylar morphological variability on the posterior surface of the condyle. In serum, VE-cadherin and VEGF were correlated with one another and with significant morphological variability on the anterior surface of the condyle, while MMP-3 and CXCL16 presented statistically significant associations with variability on the anterior surface, lateral pole, and superior-posterior surface of the condyle. The range of mouth opening variables were the clinical markers with the most significant associations with morphological variability at the medial and lateral condylar poles. The repeated clinician consensus classification had 97.8% agreement on degree of degeneration within 1 group difference. Predictive analytics of the NN’s staging of TMJOA compared to the repeated clinicians’ consensus revealed 73.5% and 91.2% accuracy. This study demonstrated significant correlations among variations in protein expression levels, clinical symptoms, and condylar surface morphology. The results suggest that 3-dimensional variability in TMJOA condylar morphology can be comprehensively phenotyped by the NN
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