8 research outputs found

    ‘Bouncing back’ from subclinical malaria:Inflammation and erythrocytosis after resolution of P. falciparum infection in Gambian children

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    Recent malaria is associated with an increased risk of systemic bacterial infection. The aetiology of this association is unclear but malaria-related haemolysis may be one contributory factor. To characterise the physiological consequences of persistent and recently resolved malaria infections and associated haemolysis, 1650 healthy Gambian children aged 8–15 years were screened for P. falciparum infection (by 18sRNA PCR) and/or anaemia (by haematocrit) at the end of the annual malaria transmission season (t1). P. falciparum-infected children and children with moderate or severe anaemia (haemoglobin concentration < 11g/dl) were age matched to healthy, uninfected, non-anaemic controls and screened again 2 months later (t2). Persistently infected children (PCR positive at t1 and t2) had stable parasite burdens and did not differ significantly haematologically or in terms of proinflammatory markers from healthy, uninfected children. However, among persistently infected children, IL-10 concentrations were positively correlated with parasite density suggesting a tolerogenic response to persistent infection. By contrast, children who naturally resolved their infections (positive at t1 and negative at t2) exhibited mild erythrocytosis and concentrations of pro-inflammatory markers were raised compared to other groups of children. These findings shed light on a ‘resetting’ and potential overshoot of the homeostatic haematological response following resolution of malaria infection. Interestingly, the majority of parameters tested were highly heterogeneous in uninfected children, suggesting that some may be harbouring cryptic malaria or other infections

    Dry season prevalence of Plasmodium falciparum in asymptomatic gambian children, with a comparative evaluation of diagnostic methods.

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    BACKGROUND: Subclinical infection with Plasmodium falciparum remains highly prevalent, yet diagnosing these often low-density infections remains a challenge. Infections can be subpatent, falling below the limit of detection for conventional thick-film microscopy and rapid diagnostic testing (RDT). In this study, the prevalence of subclinical P. falciparum infections in school-aged children was characterised at the start of the dry season in the Upper River Region of The Gambia in 2017/2018, with a goal to also compare the utility of different diagnostic tools. METHODS: In a cross-sectional survey of children living in 29 villages on the south bank of the Gambia river (median age of 10 years), matched microscopy, rapid diagnostic test (RDT, detecting histidine-rich protein 2) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR, targeting either 18S rRNA or var gene acidic terminal sequence) were used to determine the prevalence of patent and subpatent infections and to compare the performance of the different diagnostic methods. RESULTS: The prevalence of var gene acidic terminal sequence (varATS) qPCR-detectable infections was 10.2% (141/1381) with a median density of 3.12 parasites/µL. Malaria prevalence was highly heterogeneous across the region, ranging from  98%). Samples that were positive by all three tests (varATS qPCR, RDT and microscopy) had significantly higher parasite densities (median = 1705 parasites/µL) than samples that were positive by varATS qPCR only (median = 2.4 parasites/µL). CONCLUSIONS: The majority of subclinical malaria infections in school-aged children were of extremely low parasite density and detectable only by ultra-sensitive PCR analysis. Understanding the duration of these low density infections, their physiological impact and their contribution to sustained parasite transmission is necessary to inform malaria elimination strategies

    Infectivity of patent Plasmodium falciparum gametocyte carriers to mosquitoes: establishing capacity to investigate the infectious reservoir of malaria in a low-transmission setting in The Gambia.

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    BACKGROUND: Understanding the human malaria infectious reservoir is important for elimination initiatives. Here, we implemented mosquito membrane feeding experiments to prepare for larger studies to quantify the transmission potential and relative contribution of the human infectious reservoir. METHODS: Patients with clinical malaria attending four health facilities with at least 16 Plasmodium falciparum gametocytes per μL were recruited during the 2018 transmission season. Infectiousness to mosquitoes was assessed by direct membrane feeding assay (DMFA). We compared our results with a Bayesian predictive model to investigate the relationship between infectiousness and gametocyte density and explore the impact of fever on gametocyte infectivity. RESULTS: A total of 3177 suspected malaria cases were screened; 43.3% (1376) had microscopically patent P. falciparum parasites and 3.6% (114) of them had gametocytes. Out of 68 DMFAs, 38 (55.9%) resulted in at least one infected mosquito, with a total of 15.4% (1178/7667) of mosquitoes infected with 1-475 oocysts per gut. The relationship between mosquito infection prevalence and gametocytaemia was similar to other African settings and negatively associated with fever (OR: 0.188, 95% CI 0.0603 to 0.585, p=0.0039). CONCLUSIONS: Among symptomatic malaria patients, fever is strongly associated with transmission failure. Future studies can use DMFA to better understand the human malaria reservoir in settings of low endemicity in The Gambia and inform malaria elimination initiatives

    Streptococcus pyogenes carriage acquisition, persistence and transmission dynamics within households in The Gambia (SpyCATS): protocol for a longitudinal household cohort study

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    Background: Streptococcus pyogenes (StrepA) causes a significant burden of disease globally from superficial infections to invasive disease. It is responsible for over 500,000 deaths each year, predominantly in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). Superficial StrepA infections of the skin and pharynx can lead to rheumatic heart disease, the largest cause of StrepA-related deaths in LMIC. StrepA can also asymptomatically colonise normal skin and the pharynx (carriage), potentially increasing infection risk. Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis (SDSE) carriage is also common in LMIC and may interact with StrepA. This study aims to investigate StrepA and SDSE carriage and infection epidemiology, transmission dynamics and naturally acquired immunity within households in The Gambia. Methods: A longitudinal household observational cohort study will be conducted over one year. 45 households will be recruited from the urban area of Sukuta, The Gambia, resulting in approximately 450 participants. Households will be visited monthly, and available participants will undergo oropharyngeal and normal skin swabbing. Incident cases of pharyngitis and pyoderma will be captured via active case reporting, with swabs taken from disease sites. Swabs will be cultured for the presence of group A, C and G beta-haemolytic streptococci. Isolates will undergo whole genome sequencing. At each visit, clinical, socio-demographic and social mixing data will be collected. Blood serum will be collected at baseline and final visit. Oral fluid and dried blood spot samples will be collected at each visit. Mucosal and serum anti-StrepA antibody responses will be measured. Outcome: This study will report StrepA and SDSE clinical epidemiology, risk factors, transmission dynamics, and serological responses to carriage and infection. Detailed social mixing behaviour will be combined with phylogenetic relatedness to model the extent of transmission occurring withing and between households. The study will provide data to help meet global strategic StrepA research goals

    Streptococcus pyogenes carriage and infection within households in The Gambia: a longitudinal cohort study.

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    BACKGROUND: Streptococcus pyogenes causes more than 500 000 deaths per year globally, which occur disproportionately in low-income and middle-income countries. The roles of S pyogenes skin and pharyngeal carriage in transmission are unclear. We aimed to investigate the clinical epidemiology and household transmission dynamics of both S pyogenes asymptomatic carriage and infection in a high-burden setting. METHODS: We did a 1-year prospective, longitudinal, household cohort study, recruiting healthy participants from households in Sukuta, The Gambia. Households were eligible if they comprised at least three members, including one child younger than 18 years, and were excluded if more than half of household members declined to participate. Households were identified by random GPS coordinates derived from census data. At monthly visits, pharyngeal and normal skin swabs were collected for S pyogenes culture, and sociodemographic data were recorded by interview. Incident pharyngitis and pyoderma infections were captured. Cultured isolates underwent emm genotyping. The primary outcome measures were incidence of S pyogenes carriage and disease. Additional outcomes were prevalence of S pyogenes skin and pharyngeal carriage, S pyogenes skin and pharyngeal clearance time, S pyogenes emm type, risk factors for carriage and disease events, household secondary attack rate, and emm-linked household transmission events. The study is registered on ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT05117528. FINDINGS: Between July 27, 2021, and Sept 28, 2022, 442 participants were enrolled from 44 households. The median age was 15 years (IQR 6-28) and 233 (53%) were female. We identified 17 pharyngitis and 99 pyoderma events and 49 pharyngeal and 39 skin S pyogenes carriage acquisition events. Mean monthly prevalence was 1·4% (95% CI 1·1-1·9) for S pyogenes pharyngeal carriage and 1·2% (0·9-1·6) for S pyogenes skin carriage. Incidence was 120 per 1000 person-years (95% CI 87-166) for S pyogenes pharyngeal carriage, 124 per 1000 person-years (90-170) for S pyogenes skin carriage, 51 per 1000 person-years (31-84) for S pyogenes pharyngitis, and 263 per 1000 person-years (212-327) for S pyogenes pyoderma. Pharyngeal carriage risk was higher during the rainy season (HR 5·67, 95% CI 2·19-14·69) and in larger households (per additional person: 1·03, 1·00-1·05), as was pharyngitis risk (rainy season: 3·00, 1·10-8·22; household size: 1·04, 1·02-1·07). Skin carriage risk was not affected by season or household size, but was lower in female than in male participants (0·45, 0·22-0·92) and highest in children younger than 5 years compared with adults (22·69, 3·08-167·21), with similar findings for pyoderma (female sex: 0·34, 0·19-0·61; age <5 years: 7·00, 2·78-17·64). Median clearance time after carriage acquisition was 4·0 days for both skin (IQR 3·5-7·0) and pharynx (3·5-7·3). The mean household secondary attack rate was 4·9 (95% CI 3·5-6·3) for epidemiologically linked S pyogenes events and 0·74 (0·3-1·2) for emm-linked S pyogenes events. Of the 204 carriage and disease events, emm types were available for 179 (88%). Only 18 emm-linked between-visit household transmission events were identified. Pyoderma was the most common source of S pyogenes household transmissions in 11 (61%) of 18 emm-linked transmissions. Both pharynx to skin and skin to pharynx transmission events were observed. INTERPRETATION: S pyogenes carriage and infection are common in The Gambia, particularly in children. Most events are non-household acquisitions, but skin carriage and pyoderma have an important role in S pyogenes household transmission and bidirectional transmission between skin and pharynx occurs. FUNDING: Wellcome Trust, Chadwick Trust, Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique (Belgium), European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases, and Medical Research Council (UK)