671 research outputs found

    Cdc25A phosphatase: a key cell cycle protein that regulates neuron death in disease and development

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    Cell cycle molecules are mostly dormant in differentiated neurons that are post-mitotic and in the G0 state of the cell cycle. However, a wealth of evidence strongly suggests that in response to a wide variety of apoptotic stimuli, including trophic factor deprivation, exposure to β-amyloid (Aβ) and DNA damage, neurons emerge from theG0 state with aberrant expression/activation of cell cycle proteins.1 This emergence is characterized by a consistent set of events related to the cell cycle that culminate in neuron death. Initial responses include activation of G1/S cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks), such as Cdk4 that in turn phosphorylate retinoblastoma (pRb) family proteins and lead to dissociation of repressor complexes comprising E2F and pRb proteins, so that E2F-binding genes are de-repressed. Among genes that are de-repressed by loss of E2F-Rb family complexes are the B- and C-myb transcription factors that in turn transactivate Bim, a pro-apoptotic protein that promotes caspase activation and subsequent neuron death.1–4 This set of events has been termed the ‘apoptotic cell cycle pathway’.Cell division cycle 25A (Cdc25A), a member of a family comprising Cdc25A, B and C, is a dual specificity phosphatase that dephosphorylates inhibitory phosphates on adjacent threonine and tyrosine residues of Cdks such as Cdk4.5 This step is essential for initiation of cell cycle in proliferating cells. However, it was not known whether in the non-dividing neurons, the same events would activate the apoptotic cell cycle pathway. In our recent paper published in Cell Death Discovery,6 we report several novel findings regarding the potential role of Cdc25A in neuron death. First, Cdc25A is required for activation of the apoptotic cell cycle pathway and neuron death in response to nerve growth factor (NGF) deprivation and Aβ treatment. Second, Cdc25A acts upstream of Cdk-mediated Rb phosphorylation and caspase-3 cleavage. Third, NGF deprivation and Aβ lead to rapid increases in Cdc25A mRNA and protein levels. NGF withdrawal causes an increase in Cdc25A activity as well. These events occur at about the same time that apoptotic insults lead to Cdk4 activation and Rb phosphorylation in our experimental systems and well precede evident signs of neuron death

    Light neutralino dark matter in the MSSM and its implication for LHC searches for staus

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    It was shown in a previous study that a lightest neutralino with mass below 30 GeV was severely constrained in the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM), unless it annihilates via a light stau and thus yields the observed dark matter abundance. In such a scenario, while the stau is the next-to-lightest supersymmetric particle (NLSP), the charginos and the other neutralinos as well as sleptons of the first two families are also likely to be not too far above the mass bounds laid down by the Large Electron Positron (LEP) collider. As the branching ratios of decays of the charginos and the next-to-lightest neutralino into staus are rather large, one expects significant rates of tau-rich final states in such a case. With this in view, we investigate the same-sign ditau and tri-tau signals of this scenario at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) for two MSSM benchmark points corresponding to light neutralino dark matter. The associated signal rates for these channels are computed, for the centre-of-mass energy of 14 TeV. We find that both channels lead to appreciable rates if the squarks and the gluino are not too far above a TeV, thus allowing to probe scenarios with light neutralinos in the 14 TeV LHC run with 10-100 fb^{-1}.Comment: 19p, 4 Fig

    Minimally invasive scoliosis surgery: an innovative technique in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

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    Minimally invasive spine surgery is becoming more common in the treatment of adult lumbar degenerative disorders. Minimally invasive techniques have been utilized for multilevel pathology, including adult lumbar degenerative scoliosis. The next logical step is to apply minimally invasive surgical techniques to the treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). However, there are significant technical challenges of performing minimally invasive surgery on this patient population. For more than two years, we have been utilizing minimally invasive spine surgery techniques in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. We have developed the present technique to allow for utilization of all standard reduction maneuvers through three small midline skin incisions. Our technique allows easy passage of contoured rods, placement of pedicle screws without image guidance, and allows adequate facet osteotomy to enable fusion. There are multiple potential advantages of this technique, including: less blood loss, shorter hospital stay, earlier mobilization, and relatively less pain and need for pain medication. The operative time needed to complete this surgery is longer. We feel that a minimally invasive approach, although technically challenging, is a feasible option in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Although there are multiple perceived benefits, long term data is needed before it can be recommended for routine use

    Characterization of an Nmr Homolog That Modulates GATA Factor-Mediated Nitrogen Metabolite Repression in Cryptococcus neoformans

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    Nitrogen source utilization plays a critical role in fungal development, secondary metabolite production and pathogenesis. In both the Ascomycota and Basidiomycota, GATA transcription factors globally activate the expression of catabolic enzyme-encoding genes required to degrade complex nitrogenous compounds. However, in the presence of preferred nitrogen sources such as ammonium, GATA factor activity is inhibited in some species through interaction with co-repressor Nmr proteins. This regulatory phenomenon, nitrogen metabolite repression, enables preferential utilization of readily assimilated nitrogen sources. In the basidiomycete pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans, the GATA factor Gat1/Are1 has been co-opted into regulating multiple key virulence traits in addition to nitrogen catabolism. Here, we further characterize Gat1/Are1 function and investigate the regulatory role of the predicted Nmr homolog Tar1. While GAT1/ARE1 expression is induced during nitrogen limitation, TAR1 transcription is unaffected by nitrogen availability. Deletion of TAR1 leads to inappropriate derepression of non-preferred nitrogen catabolic pathways in the simultaneous presence of favoured sources. In addition to exhibiting its evolutionary conserved role of inhibiting GATA factor activity under repressing conditions, Tar1 also positively regulates GAT1/ARE1 transcription under non-repressing conditions. The molecular mechanism by which Tar1 modulates nitrogen metabolite repression, however, remains open to speculation. Interaction between Tar1 and Gat1/Are1 was undetectable in a yeast two-hybrid assay, consistent with Tar1 and Gat1/Are1 each lacking the conserved C-terminus regions present in ascomycete Nmr proteins and GATA factors that are known to interact with each other. Importantly, both Tar1 and Gat1/Are1 are suppressors of C. neoformans virulence, reiterating and highlighting the paradigm of nitrogen regulation of pathogenesis

    Are we failing to protect threatened mangroves in the Sundarbans world heritage ecosystem?

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    The Sundarbans, the largest mangrove ecosystem in the world, is under threat from historical and future human exploitation and sea level rise. Limited scientific knowledge on the spatial ecology of the mangroves in this world heritage ecosystem has been a major impediment to conservation efforts. Here, for the first time, we report on habitat suitability analyses and spatial density maps for the four most prominent mangrove species - Heritiera fomes, Excoecaria agallocha, Ceriops decandra and Xylocarpus mekongensis. Globally endangered H. fomes abundances declined as salinity increased. Responses to nutrients, elevation, and stem density varied between species. H. fomes and X. mekongensis preferred upstream habitats. E. agallocha and C. decandra preferred down-stream and mid-stream habitats. Historical harvesting had negative influences on H. fomes, C. decandra and X. mekongensis abundances. The established protected area network does not support the most suitable habitats of these threatened species. We therefore recommend a reconfiguration of the network to include these suitable habitats and ensure their immediate protection. These novel habitat insights and spatial predictions can form the basis for future forest studies and spatial conservation planning, and have implications for more effective conservation of the Sundarbans mangroves and the many other species that rely on them

    Proteome Analysis Identifies the Dpr Protein of Streptococcus mutans as an Important Factor in the Presence of Early Streptococcal Colonizers of Tooth Surfaces

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    Oral streptococci are primary colonizers of tooth surfaces and Streptococcus mutans is the principal causative agent of dental caries in humans. A number of proteins are involved in the formation of monospecies biofilms by S. mutans. This study analyzed the protein expression profiles of S. mutans biofilms formed in the presence or absence of S. gordonii, a pioneer colonizer of the tooth surface, by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE). After identifying S. mutans proteins by Mass spectrometric analysis, their expression in the presence of S. gordonii was analyzed. S. mutans was inoculated with or without S. gordonii DL1. The two species were compartmentalized using 0.2-μl Anopore membranes. The biofilms on polystyrene plates were harvested, and the solubilized proteins were separated by 2-DE. When S. mutans biofilms were formed in the presence of S. gordonii, the peroxide resistance protein Dpr of the former showed 4.3-fold increased expression compared to biofilms that developed in the absence of the pioneer colonizer. In addition, we performed a competition assay using S. mutans antioxidant protein mutants together with S. gordonii and other initial colonizers. Growth of the dpr-knockout S. mutans mutant was significantly inhibited by S. gordonii, as well as by S. sanguinis. Furthermore, a cell viability assay revealed that the viability of the dpr-defective mutant was significantly attenuated compared to the wild-type strain when co-cultured with S. gordonii. Therefore, these results suggest that Dpr might be one of the essential proteins for S. mutans survival on teeth in the presence of early colonizing oral streptococci

    SpxA1 Involved in Hydrogen Peroxide Production, Stress Tolerance and Endocarditis Virulence in Streptococcus sanguinis

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    Streptococcus sanguinis is one of the most common agents of infective endocarditis. Spx proteins are a group of global regulators that negatively or positively control global transcription initiation. In this study, we characterized the spxA1 gene in S. sanguinis SK36. The spxA1 null mutant displayed opaque colony morphology, reduced hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) production, and reduced antagonistic activity against Streptococcus mutans UA159 relative to the wild type strain. The ΔspxA1 mutant also demonstrated decreased tolerance to high temperature, acidic and oxidative stresses. Further analysis revealed that ΔspxA1 also exhibited a ∼5-fold reduction in competitiveness in an animal model of endocarditis. Microarray studies indicated that expression of several oxidative stress genes was downregulated in the ΔspxA1 mutant. The expression of spxB and nox was significantly decreased in the ΔspxA1 mutant compared with the wild type. These results indicate that spxA1 plays a major role in H2O2 production, stress tolerance and endocarditis virulence in S. sanguinis SK36. The second spx gene, spxA2, was also found in S. sanguinis SK36. The spxA2 null mutant was found to be defective for growth under normal conditions and showed sensitivity to high temperature, acidic and oxidative stresses

    A generic travelling wave solution in dissipative laser cavity

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    A large family of cosh-Gaussian travelling wave solution of a complex Ginzburg–Landau equation (CGLE), that describes dissipative semiconductor laser cavity is derived. Using perturbation method, the stability region is identified. Bifurcation analysis is done by smoothly varying the cavity loss coefficient to provide insight of the system dynamics. He’s variational method is adopted to obtain the standard sech-type and the notso-explored but promising cosh-Gaussian type, travelling wave solutions. For a given set of system parameters, only one sech solution is obtained, whereas several distinct solution points are derived for cosh-Gaussian case. These solutions yield a wide variety of travelling wave profiles, namely Gaussian, near-sech, flat-top and a cosh-Gaussianwith variable central dip. A split-step Fourier method and pseudospectral method have been used for direct numerical solution of the CGLE and travelling wave profiles identical to the analytical profiles have been obtained. We also identified the parametric zone that promises an extremely large family of cosh-Gaussian travelling wave solutions with tunable shape. This suggests that the cosh-Gaussian profile is quite generic and would be helpful for further theoretical as well as experimental investigation on pattern formation, pulse dynamics andlocalization in semiconductor laser cavity