55 research outputs found

    Can LLMs Demystify Bug Reports?

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    Bugs are notoriously challenging: they slow down software users and result in time-consuming investigations for developers. These challenges are exacerbated when bugs must be reported in natural language by users. Indeed, we lack reliable tools to automatically address reported bugs (i.e., enabling their analysis, reproduction, and bug fixing). With the recent promises created by LLMs such as ChatGPT for various tasks, including in software engineering, we ask ourselves: What if ChatGPT could understand bug reports and reproduce them? This question will be the main focus of this study. To evaluate whether ChatGPT is capable of catching the semantics of bug reports, we used the popular Defects4J benchmark with its bug reports. Our study has shown that ChatGPT was able to demystify and reproduce 50% of the reported bugs. ChatGPT being able to automatically address half of the reported bugs shows promising potential in the direction of applying machine learning to address bugs with only a human-in-the-loop to report the bug

    Mining Fix Patterns for FindBugs Violations

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    In this paper, we first collect and track a large number of fixed and unfixed violations across revisions of software. The empirical analyses reveal that there are discrepancies in the distributions of violations that are detected and those that are fixed, in terms of occurrences, spread and categories, which can provide insights into prioritizing violations. To automatically identify patterns in violations and their fixes, we propose an approach that utilizes convolutional neural networks to learn features and clustering to regroup similar instances. We then evaluate the usefulness of the identified fix patterns by applying them to unfixed violations. The results show that developers will accept and merge a majority (69/116) of fixes generated from the inferred fix patterns. It is also noteworthy that the yielded patterns are applicable to four real bugs in the Defects4J major benchmark for software testing and automated repair.Comment: Accepted for IEEE Transactions on Software Engineerin

    TBar: Revisiting Template-based Automated Program Repair

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    We revisit the performance of template-based APR to build comprehensive knowledge about the effectiveness of fix patterns, and to highlight the importance of complementary steps such as fault localization or donor code retrieval. To that end, we first investigate the literature to collect, summarize and label recurrently-used fix patterns. Based on the investigation, we build TBar, a straightforward APR tool that systematically attempts to apply these fix patterns to program bugs. We thoroughly evaluate TBar on the Defects4J benchmark. In particular, we assess the actual qualitative and quantitative diversity of fix patterns, as well as their effectiveness in yielding plausible or correct patches. Eventually, we find that, assuming a perfect fault localization, TBar correctly/plausibly fixes 74/101 bugs. Replicating a standard and practical pipeline of APR assessment, we demonstrate that TBar correctly fixes 43 bugs from Defects4J, an unprecedented performance in the literature (including all approaches, i.e., template-based, stochastic mutation-based or synthesis-based APR).Comment: Accepted by ISSTA 201

    You Cannot Fix What You Cannot Find! An Investigation of Fault Localization Bias in Benchmarking Automated Program Repair Systems

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    Properly benchmarking Automated Program Repair (APR) systems should contribute to the development and adoption of the research outputs by practitioners. To that end, the research community must ensure that it reaches significant milestones by reliably comparing state-of-the-art tools for a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. In this work, we identify and investigate a practical bias caused by the fault localization (FL) step in a repair pipeline. We propose to highlight the different fault localization configurations used in the literature, and their impact on APR systems when applied to the Defects4J benchmark. Then, we explore the performance variations that can be achieved by `tweaking' the FL step. Eventually, we expect to create a new momentum for (1) full disclosure of APR experimental procedures with respect to FL, (2) realistic expectations of repairing bugs in Defects4J, as well as (3) reliable performance comparison among the state-of-the-art APR systems, and against the baseline performance results of our thoroughly assessed kPAR repair tool. Our main findings include: (a) only a subset of Defects4J bugs can be currently localized by commonly-used FL techniques; (b) current practice of comparing state-of-the-art APR systems (i.e., counting the number of fixed bugs) is potentially misleading due to the bias of FL configurations; and (c) APR authors do not properly qualify their performance achievement with respect to the different tuning parameters implemented in APR systems.Comment: Accepted by ICST 201

    A Dataset of Android Libraries

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    Android app developers extensively employ code reuse, integrating many third-party libraries into their apps. While such integration is practical for developers, it can be challenging for static analyzers to achieve scalability and precision when such libraries can account for a large part of the app code. As a direct consequence, when a static analysis is performed, it is common practice in the literature to only consider developer code --with the assumption that the sought issues are in developer code rather than in the libraries. However, analysts need to precisely distinguish between library code and developer code in Android apps to ensure the effectiveness of static analysis. Currently, many static analysis approaches rely on white lists of libraries. However, these white lists are unreliable, as they are inaccurate and largely non-comprehensive. In this paper, we propose a new approach to address the lack of comprehensive and automated solutions for the production of accurate and "always up to date" sets of third-party libraries. First, we demonstrate the continued need for a white list of third-party libraries. Second, we propose an automated approach to produce an accurate and up-to-date set of third-party libraries in the form of a dataset called AndroLibZoo. Our dataset, which we make available to the research community, contains to date 20 162 libraries and is meant to evolve. Third, we illustrate the significance of using AndroLibZoo to filter libraries in recent apps. Fourth, we demonstrate that AndroLibZoo is more suitable than the current state-of-the-art list for improved static analysis. Finally, we show how the use of AndroLibZoo can enhance the performance of existing Android app static analyzers
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