3 research outputs found

    Dosage plasmatique et globulaire du magnesium dans l’exploration de la rhinite allergique

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    Objectives: The allergic rhinitis represents a real public health problem. The goal of this survey is to value the interest of the dosageplasmatical and globular of magnesium in the diagnosis of the allergic rhinitis.Materials and methods : Analytic and prospective survey of 80 files, on one period of 4 years and 5 months (from January 2004 to may2008), including the patients presenting an allergic rhinitis, matched to 80 witnesses for the sex and age. The blood withdrawals have been done in any case in the same conditions, the morning on an empty stomach. The dosage of magnesium has been achieved thanks to an atomic absorption spectrophotometer (SCREEN MASTER) according to the method colorimetrical. The parameters of survey were the next one: epidemiological features and clinical aspects of the allergic rhinitis; middle rates of magnesium plasmatical and globular, the pathologicaldoorsteps observed among the witness; values of magnesium plasmatical and globular lowered and pathological observed at the patients.Results : Our set included 43.75% of men and 56.25% of women aged of 6-45 years (average of age: 27 years). The slices of 16-35years represent 76.25% of the cases. The personal antecedents (20%) and familiar (60%) atopy was recovered. The length of the rhinitiswas of 1-20 years (average: 9 years). The classic triad made of aqueous rhinorrea (72%), sneezes in salvos (60.8%) and nasal obstruction(58.2%); as well as the pituitary paleness (56.2%), the pruritus (50.25%) were the dominant clinical elements. The illness evolvedunder the obstinate shape in the totality of the cases.The witnesses presented: a middle rate of magnesium plasmatical of 21.1 mg/l ± 0.98 and a pathological doorstep of 15.7 mg/l < 21.1mg/l < 26.5 mg/l; a middle rate of globular magnesium of 57.05 mg/l ± 2.42 and a pathological doorstep of 44.79 mg/l < 57.05 mg/l < 69.31 mg/l. The sick topics had in: 50% of the cases a lowered magnesium plasmatical; 68.75% of the cases lowered globular magnesium; 37.5%of the cases a magnesium plasmatical and globular lowered; 23.75% of the cases pathological globular magnesium; 5% of the cases amagnesium pathological plasmatic; 3.75% of the cases a magnesium plasmatical and globular pathological.Conclusion: The decrease of magnesium in blood concerns the globular fraction more than plasmatic. The dosage of the magnesiumis an element of decorate-clinic orientation in the diagnosis of the allergic rhinitis. The magnesotherapy presents a certain interest in thehold in charge of this pathology

    Les complications de la chirurgie thyroïdienne au CHu de Brazaville : À propos de 87 cas

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    La thyroïdectomie qu’elle soit totale ou partielle a toujours été considérée comme l’intervention la plus fréquente de la chirurgie cervicale [1]. Sa réalisation expose à des complications parfois graves qui peuvent mettre en jeu le pronostic vital. Il s’agit d’une étude rétrospective, portant sur 87 thyroidectomies. Les patients ont tous été opérés sous anesthésie générale au bloc opératoire après réalisation d’un bilan pré-opératoirecomplet. La recherche du nerf récurrent a été systématiquement faite chez tous les patients. Le drain de Redon a été posé chez tous les patients. Les suites opératoires comportaient le maintien en hospitalisation sur 3 jours avec une antibiothérapie systématique à base d’amoxicilline et du paracétamol. Nous avons réalisé 87 thyroïdectomies dont 50  thyroïdectomies partielles ((loboisthmectomies et isthmectomies) soit57% ; 17 thyroïdectomies totales soit 20% et 20 thyroïdectomies subtotales soit 23%. La durée moyenne de suivi était de 8 mois et 4 jours avec des extrêmes de 2 à 33 mois. Le taux de morbidité a été de 9% (n=8) représenté par les hypoparathyroïdies transitoires par atteintes desglandes parathyroïdes dans 5% des cas (n=4), les atteintes récurrentielles dans 2% (n=2), des hémorragies dans 2%(n=2) et des récidives tumoralesdans 1%(n=1).Mots clés: thyroïdectomie- complications- C de BrazzavilleThyroidectomy whether total or partial has always been considered as the most frequent intervention of cervical surgery [1]. Its realization exposed to potentially serious complications that may jeopardize the vital prognosis. This is a retrospective study of 87 thyroidectomy. The patients were operated under general anesthesia in the operating room after completion of a preoperative assessment and complete. Search the recurrent nerve was systematically done in all patients. The Redon drain was placed in all patients. The postoperative hospitalization included maintains over 3 days with a systematic treatment based on amoxicillin and paracetamol. We conducted 87 partial thyroidectomy with 50 ( ( loboisthmectomies and  isthmectomies ) 57 % 17 20% Total thyroidectomy and subtotal thyroidectomy 20 23% The average follow-up was 8 months and 4 days with extremes of 2 . to 33 months the morbidity rate was 9 % (n = 8 ) represented by the transient hyperparathyroidism affected by the  parathyroid glands in 5 % of cases ( n = 4) , with the récurrentiel lesions in2% ( n = 2) , hemorrhage in 2% ( n = 2) and tumor recurrence in 1% ( n = 1) .Key words : thyroidectomy- complications- teaching hospital of Brazzavill