42 research outputs found

    Assessment of processing technologies which may improve the nutritional composition of dairy products – Overview of progress

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    Among consumers there is a growing demand for food products with a natural nutritional-physiological advantage over comparable conventional products. As part of an EU funded project, ALP is examining the possible impact of processing on nutritionally valuable milk components, using the example of conjugated linoleic acids (CLA). The extent to which processing influences the CLA content of the end product was determined by literature research and own investigations of organic and conventional butter. Furthermore, new chemical, sensory-based and bio crystallization methods were evaluated by ALP and the University of Kassel to determine the oxidation stability of butter. In a further step the storage stability of CLA enriched and conventional butter was examined and the different methods will be compared. As a third objective a process for low-input CLA enrichment of milk fat (with a focus on alpine butter) has been developed. Since the process selected for the work is a physical enrichment process, it is accepted by international organic farming and food groups. Among the many benefits ascribed to CLA, it is believed to be an effective agent against cancer. The demand for foods with properties that promote human health is growing. The dairy industry has the opportunity to meet this demand by developing new dairy products with a nutritional-physiological function for the functional food market

    Quantitatives Potenzial zur Verwertung von Molke in Lebensmitteln in der Schweiz

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    Aus der Käseherstellung ergeben sich in der Schweiz jährlich 1 300 000 t Molke. 24 % davon werden bereits für Lebensmittelzwecke genutzt, 31 % zu höherwertigen Futtermitteln verarbeitet und noch 45 % direkt an Schweine verfüttert. Eine stärkere Verwendung der Molke in Lebensmitteln ist wünschenswert, wird jedoch durch das dezentrale und damit transportintensive Anfallen vergleichsweise kleiner Molkenmengen erschwert. Je nach Käseherstellungsprozess sind die Molken zudem heterogen zusammensetzt, was verarbeitungstechnische Schwierigkeiten mit sich bringt und die Herstellung von Molkenproteinpulvern mit immer gleichen Eigenschaften erschwert. Dieses Problem könnte durch die Gewinnung «idealer» Molken umgangen werden, dies würde aber Prozessanpassungen bei der Käseherstellung erfordern, zudem ist die ökonomische Relevanz zu prüfen. Bei der Abschätzung der Umweltbelastung zeigt sich, dass diese positv oder negativ ausfallen kann, abhängig vom Ausmass der Proteinkonzentrierung beziehungsweise des Laktoseentzugs. Insgesamt liegen nur wenige Kenntnisse darüber vor, welche Assoziationen der Begriff Molke beim Konsumenten hervorruft und wie eine geeignete Strategie aussehen könnte, um die verzehrte Molkenproteinmenge zu erhöhen

    Flow Fields and Agents for Immersive Interaction in Mutator VR: Vortex

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    This paper discusses the challenges in creating Mutator VR: Vortex, a virtual reality experience based on interaction with semi-autonomous, organically-inspired agents. The work allows the immersant to morph between a vast number of procedurally- generated microworlds each with its own visual elements, sounds, agent dynamics, and user interactions. We outline two methods used for procedural generation that are based fundamentally on integration of di?erent modalities. Curve-based synthesis is used for simultaneous generation of entity sounds and shape and ?ow grains are employed to determine both agent dynamics and user interaction with the agents

    Dynamics and inertia of skyrmionic spin structures

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    Skyrmions are topologically protected winding vector fields characterized by a spherical topology. Magnetic skyrmions can arise as the result of the interplay of various interactions, including exchange, dipolar and anisotropy energy in the case of magnetic bubbles and an additional Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in the case of chiral skyrmions. Whereas the static and low-frequency dynamics of skyrmions are already well under control, their gigahertz dynamical behaviour has not been directly observed in real space. Here, we image the gigahertz gyrotropic eigenmode dynamics of a single magnetic bubble and use its trajectory to experimentally confirm its skyrmion topology. The particular trajectory points to the presence of strong inertia, with a mass much larger than predicted by existing theories. This mass is endowed by the topological confinement of the skyrmion and the energy associated with its size change. It is thereby expected to be found in all skyrmionic structures in magnetic systems and beyond. Our experiments demonstrate that the mass term plays a key role in describing skyrmion dynamics.

    Einfluss des Fütterungssystems auf die Fett- und Proteinzusammensetzung der Milch

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