16 research outputs found

    Special Report on Global warming of 1.5°C (SR15) - Chapter 5:Sustainable Development, Poverty Eradication and Reducing Inequalities

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    The Special Report on 1.5°C assesses three main themes: • What would be required to limit warming to 1.5°C (mitigation pathways) • The impacts of 1.5°C of warming, compared to 2ºC and higher • Strengthening the global response to climate change; mitigation and adaptation options The connections between climate change and sustainable development and efforts to eradicate poverty are discussed throughout the report. This chapter takes sustainable development as the starting point and focus for analysis. It considers the broad and multifaceted bi-directional interplay between sustainable development, including its focus on eradicating poverty and reducing inequality in their multidimensional aspects, and climate actions in a 1.5°C warmer world. These fundamental connections are embedded in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The chapter also examines synergies and trade-offs of adaptation and mitigation options with sustainable development and the SDGs and offers insights into possible pathways, especially climate-resilient development pathways towards a 1.5°C warmer world

    How sustainable is food system in India? mapping evidence from the state of Punjab

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    Not AvailableThis study attempts to develop a composite index to highlight sustainability of food systems in 22 districts of Indian state of Punjab. The chosen framework for this study conceptualizes sustainable food security as a function of (i) sustainable food availability (ii) sustainable food access and (iii) food utilization. The selected 29 indicators were assigned weights based on principal component analysis. Geographically, the most secured districts were located across the northern parts of the state. Six districts, mostly located in western and southern Malwa region of the state, had low sustainable food security index (0.2937?0.4535). Promoting crossbred adoption and providing off-farm employment opportunities will be imperative for improving sustainable food access in these regions. Increasing female literacy rate by strengthening public education system and improving access of safe drinking water in rural areas are important recommendations for accentuating food utilization capacity across the state. Another important message emerged from the study is that improving food access and utilization capacity is more critical than food availability for improving sustainability of food systems in Punjab


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    Pashupalan se samandhit sarakari yojnayein

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    Constraints in adoption of agroforestry in semi-arid tropics of central India

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    Green fodder cultivation improves technical efficiency of dairy farmers in semi-arid tropics of central India: a micro-analysis.

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    Not AvailableThis study assessed the impact of improved green fodder production activities on technical efficiency (TE) of dairy farmers in climate vulnerable landscapes of central India. We estimated stochastic production frontiers, considering potential self-selection bias stemming from both observable and unobservable factors in adoption of fodder interventions at farm level. The empirical results show that TE for treated group ranges from 0.55 to 0.59 and that for control ranges from 0.41 to 0.48, depending on how biases are controlled. Additionally, the efficiency levels of both adopters and non-adopters would be underestimated if the selectivity bias is not appropriately accounted. As the average TE is consistently higher for adopter farmers than the control group, promoting improved fodder cultivation would increase input use efficiency, especially in resource-deprived small holder dairy farmers in the semi-arid tropics