1,353 research outputs found

    Generalized Gravi-Electromagnetism

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    A self consistant and manifestly covariant theory for the dynamics of four charges (masses) (namely electric, magnetic, gravitational, Heavisidian) has been developed in simple, compact and consistent manner. Starting with an invariant Lagrangian density and its quaternionic representation, we have obtained the consistent field equation for the dynamics of four charges. It has been shown that the present reformulation reproduces the dynamics of individual charges (masses) in the absence of other charge (masses) as well as the generalized theory of dyons (gravito - dyons) in the absence gravito - dyons (dyons). key words: dyons, gravito - dyons, quaternion PACS NO: 14.80H

    Observation of the Fresnel and Arago laws using the Mach-Zehnder interferometer

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    An experimental study is conducted to determine the effect of polarization on the interference of light waves. By using the temporal coherence property of light in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer, we verified the four important Fresnel and Arago laws for linearly polarized and circularly polarized light. This experiment provides a simple method for undergraduates to study the phenomena of interference and polarization. (C) 2008 American Association of Physics Teachers

    Command Agent Belief Architecture to Support Commander Decision Making in Military Simulation

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    In the war, military conflicts have many aspects that are consistent with complexity theory e.g., the higher commander’s decision is directed at animate entity that react under hierarchical and self-organised structure in decentralised command and control for the collectivist dynamism of decomposed elements due to nonlinear complexity of warfare on the battlefield. Agent technology have been found to be suitable for modelling tactical behaviour of entities at multiple level of resolution under hierarchical command and control (C2) structure and provide a powerful abstraction mechanism required for designing simulations of complex and dynamic battlefield situations. Intelligent agents can potentially reduce the overhead on such experiments and studies. Command agents, plan how to carry out the operation and assign tasks to subordinate agents. They receive information from battlefield environment and use such information to build situation awareness and also to respond to unforeseen situations. In the paper, we have proposed a mechanism for modelling tactical behaviour of an intelligent agent by which higher command level entities should be able to synthesize their beliefs derived from the lower level sub ordinates entities. This paper presents a role-based belief, desire and intention mechanism to facilitate in the representation of military hierarchy, modelling of tactical behaviour based on agent current belief, teammate’s belief propagation, and coordination issues. Higher commander can view the battlefield information at different levels of abstraction based on concept of aggregation and disaggregation and take appropriate reactive response to any unforeseen circumstances happening in battlefield

    Quaternion-Octonion Unitary Symmetries and Analogous Casimir Operators

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    An attempt has been made to investigate the global SU(2) and SU(3) unitary flavor symmetries systematically in terms of quaternion and octonion respectively. It is shown that these symmetries are suitably handled with quaternions and octonions in order to obtain their generators, commutation rules and symmetry properties. Accordingly, Casimir operators for SU(2)and SU(3) flavor symmetries are also constructed for the proper testing of these symmetries in terms of quaternions and octonions

    GEO 600 and the GEO-HF upgrade program: successes and challenges

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    The German-British laser-interferometric gravitational wave detector GEO 600 is in its 14th year of operation since its first lock in 2001. After GEO 600 participated in science runs with other first-generation detectors, a program known as GEO-HF began in 2009. The goal was to improve the detector sensitivity at high frequencies, around 1 kHz and above, with technologically advanced yet minimally invasive upgrades. Simultaneously, the detector would record science quality data in between commissioning activities. As of early 2014, all of the planned upgrades have been carried out and sensitivity improvements of up to a factor of four at the high-frequency end of the observation band have been achieved. Besides science data collection, an experimental program is ongoing with the goal to further improve the sensitivity and evaluate future detector technologies. We summarize the results of the GEO-HF program to date and discuss its successes and challenges

    Genetic and Genomic Resources of Grain Legume Improvement

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    Grain legumes, including common-bean, chickpea, pigeonpea, pea, cowpea, lentil and others, form important constituents of global diets, both vegetarian and non-vegetarian. Despite this significant role, global production has increased only marginally in the past 50 years. The slow production growth, along with a rising human population and improved buying capacity has substantially reduced the per capita availability of food legumes. Changes in environmental climate have also had significant impact on production, creating a need to identify stable donors among genetic resources for environmentally robust genes and designing crops resilient to climate change. Genetic and Genomic Resources of Grain Legume Improvement is the first book to bring together the latest resources in plant genetics and genomics to facilitate the identification of specific germplasm, trait mapping and allele mining to more effectively develop biotic and abiotic-stress-resistant grains. This book will be an invaluable resource for researchers, crop biologists and students working with crop development

    Quaternion-Octonion SU(3) Flavor Symmetry

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    Starting with the quaternionic formulation of isospin SU(2) group, we have derived the relations for different components of isospin with quark states. Extending this formalism to the case of SU(3) group we have considered the theory of octonion variables. Accordingly, the octonion splitting of SU(3) group have been reconsidered and various commutation relations for SU(3) group and its shift operators are also derived and verified for different iso-spin multiplets i.e. I, U and V- spins. Keywords: SU(3), Quaternions, Octonions and Gell Mann matrices PACS NO: 11.30.Hv: Flavor symmetries; 12.10-Dm: Unified field theories and models of strong and electroweak interaction

    Neural sensing and control in a kilometer-scale gravitational-wave observatory

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    Suspended optics in gravitational-wave (GW) observatories are susceptible to alignment perturbations, particularly slow drifts over time, due to variations in temperature and seismic levels. Such misalignments affect the coupling of the incident laser beam into the optical cavities, degrade both the circulating power and optomechanical photon squeezing, and thus decrease the astrophysical sensitivity to merging binaries. Traditional alignment techniques involve differential wave-front sensing using multiple quadrant photodiodes but are often bandwidth restricted and limited by the sensing noise. We present a successful implementation of neural-network-based sensing and control at a GW observatory and demonstrate low-frequency control of the signal-recycling mirror at the GEO 600 detector. Alignment information for three critical optics is simultaneously extracted from the interferometric dark-port camera images via a convolutional neural net-long short-term memory network architecture and is then used for multiple-input-multiple-output control using soft actor-critic-based deep reinforcement learning. The overall sensitivity improvement achieved using our scheme demonstrates the capabilities of deep learning as a viable tool for real-time sensing and control for current and next-generation GW interferometers
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