996 research outputs found

    Design and development of a modified spouted bed coater for the micro-encapsulation of powders : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Technology in Chemical Technology, Massey University

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    A modified spouted bed coater was designed and constructed for the micro-encapsulation of solid particles. The coating of small particles with a polymer film can alter physical factors such as taste and release rate. These properties are particularly important in the field of pharmacology as the nature of the coating can be changed to prolong or target drug release based on physiological conditions such as pH and time. The spouted bed coater was modified to induce gas and particle recirculation through a draft tube containing a venturi to increase droplet and particle mixing, while a high velocity gas jet and large diameter draft tube promotes the recirculation of gas and solid within the apparatus. The effectiveness of the design was tested in terms of gas and solid mass flows through the draft tube using a venturi within the draft tube and an induction detector to measure the mass flow. To determine the effectiveness of the coater design in terms of coalescence and the influence of operational variables, a factorial experiment was conducted. The result of this experiment showed that the coalescence of particles was dominated by the relative humidity in the apparatus which was unable to be directly related to the operational variables. The capacity to micro-encapsulate particles was demonstrated by coating fine table salt with an acrylic polymer Eudragit NE 40D in combination with bentonite clay as a free flow agent or glident. The results of this trial showed the distribution of polymer/clay and the reduction in dissolution rate as a function of particle size

    Southern Ocean Overturning Compensation in an Eddy-Resolving Climate Simulation

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    The Southern Ocean’s Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) and meridional overturning circulation (MOC) response to increasing zonal wind stress is, for the first time, analyzed in a high-resolution (0.1° ocean and 0.25° atmosphere), fully coupled global climate simulation using the Community Earth System Model. Results from a 20-yr wind perturbation experiment, where the Southern Hemisphere zonal wind stress is increased by 50% south of 30°S, show only marginal changes in the mean ACC transport through Drake Passage—an increase of 6% [136–144 Sverdrups (Sv; 1 Sv ≡ 10^6 m^3 s^(−1))] in the perturbation experiment compared with the control. However, the upper and lower circulation cells of the MOC do change. The lower cell is more affected than the upper cell with a maximum increase of 64% versus 39%, respectively. Changes in the MOC are directly linked to changes in water mass transformation from shifting surface isopycnals and sea ice melt, giving rise to changes in surface buoyancy forcing. The increase in transport of the lower cell leads to upwelling of warm and salty Circumpolar Deep Water and subsequent melting of sea ice surrounding Antarctica. The MOC is commonly supposed to be the sum of two opposing components: a wind- and transient-eddy overturning cell. Here, the transient-eddy overturning is virtually unchanged and consistent with a large-scale cancellation of localized regions of both enhancement and suppression of eddy kinetic energy along the mean path of the ACC. However, decomposing the time-mean overturning into a time- and zonal-mean component and a standing-eddy component reveals partial compensation between wind-driven and standing-eddy components of the circulation

    Exploring Play and Creativity in Pre-schooler's use of apps: Final Project Report

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    This report outlines the key findings of a co-produced study, developed in collaboration between academics at the Universities of Sheffield and Edinburgh, the BBC (CBeebies), Monteney Pirmary School and the children’s media companies Dubit and Foundling Bird (Appendix 1 outlines the project team members and Advisory Board members). The project was co-produced in that all project partners contributed to the development of the project aims and objectives and were involved in data collection, analysis and dissemination. The aim of the study was to identify pre-school children’s (aged 0-5) uses of and responses to tablet apps in terms of the impact on their play and creativity

    Constraints on the Progenitor of SN 2016gkg From Its Shock-Cooling Light Curve

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    SN 2016gkg is a nearby Type IIb supernova discovered shortly after explosion. Like several other Type IIb events with early-time data, SN 2016gkg displays a double-peaked light curve, with the first peak associated with the cooling of a low-mass extended progenitor envelope. We present unprecedented intranight-cadence multi-band photometric coverage of the first light-curve peak of SN 2016gkg obtained from the Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope network, the Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System, the Swift satellite and various amateur-operated telescopes. Fitting these data to analytical shock-cooling models gives a progenitor radius of ~25-140 solar radii with ~2-30 x 10^-2 solar masses of material in the extended envelope (depending on the model and the assumed host-galaxy extinction). Our radius estimates are broadly consistent with values derived independently (in other works) from HST imaging of the progenitor star. However, the shock-cooling model radii are on the lower end of the values indicated by pre-explosion imaging. Hydrodynamical simulations could refine the progenitor parameters deduced from the shock-cooling emission and test the analytical models.Comment: Accepted by ApJ

    Southern Ocean Overturning Compensation in an Eddy-Resolving Climate Simulation

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    The Southern Ocean’s Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) and meridional overturning circulation (MOC) response to increasing zonal wind stress is, for the first time, analyzed in a high-resolution (0.1° ocean and 0.25° atmosphere), fully coupled global climate simulation using the Community Earth System Model. Results from a 20-yr wind perturbation experiment, where the Southern Hemisphere zonal wind stress is increased by 50% south of 30°S, show only marginal changes in the mean ACC transport through Drake Passage—an increase of 6% [136–144 Sverdrups (Sv; 1 Sv ≡ 10^6 m^3 s^(−1))] in the perturbation experiment compared with the control. However, the upper and lower circulation cells of the MOC do change. The lower cell is more affected than the upper cell with a maximum increase of 64% versus 39%, respectively. Changes in the MOC are directly linked to changes in water mass transformation from shifting surface isopycnals and sea ice melt, giving rise to changes in surface buoyancy forcing. The increase in transport of the lower cell leads to upwelling of warm and salty Circumpolar Deep Water and subsequent melting of sea ice surrounding Antarctica. The MOC is commonly supposed to be the sum of two opposing components: a wind- and transient-eddy overturning cell. Here, the transient-eddy overturning is virtually unchanged and consistent with a large-scale cancellation of localized regions of both enhancement and suppression of eddy kinetic energy along the mean path of the ACC. However, decomposing the time-mean overturning into a time- and zonal-mean component and a standing-eddy component reveals partial compensation between wind-driven and standing-eddy components of the circulation

    Anatomically grounded estimation of hindlimb muscle sizes in Archosauria

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    In vertebrates, active movement is driven by muscle forces acting on bones, either directly or through tendinous insertions. There has been much debate over how muscle size and force are reflected by the muscular attachment areas (AAs). Here we investigate the relationship between the physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA), a proxy for the force production of the muscle, and the AA of hindlimb muscles in Nile crocodiles and five bird species. The limbs were held in a fixed position whilst blunt dissection was carried out to isolate the individual muscles. AAs were digitised using a point digitiser, before the muscle was removed from the bone. Muscles were then further dissected and fibre architecture was measured, and PCSA calculated. The raw measures, as well as the ratio of PCSA to AA, were studied and compared for intra-observer error as well as intra- and interspecies differences. We found large variations in the ratio between AAs and PCSA both within and across species, but muscle fascicle lengths are conserved within individual species, whether this was Nile crocodiles or tinamou. Whilst a discriminant analysis was able to separate crocodylian and avian muscle data, the ratios for AA to cross-sectional area for all species and most muscles can be represented by a single equation. The remaining muscles have specific equations to represent their scaling, but equations often have a relatively high success at predicting the ratio of muscle AA to PCSA. We then digitised the muscle AAs of Coelophysis bauri, a dinosaur, to estimate the PCSAs and therefore maximal isometric muscle forces. The results are somewhat consistent with other methods for estimating force production, and suggest that, at least for some archosaurian muscles, that it is possible to use muscle AA to estimate muscle sizes. This method is complementary to other methods such as digital volumetric modelling

    Musculoskeletal modelling of the Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) hindlimb: Effects of limb posture on leverage during terrestrial locomotion.

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    We developed a three-dimensional, computational biomechanical model of a juvenile Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) pelvis and hindlimb, composed of 47 pelvic limb muscles, to investigate muscle function. We tested whether crocodiles, which are known to use a variety of limb postures during movement, use limb orientations (joint angles) that optimise the moment arms (leverages) or moment-generating capacities of their muscles during different limb postures ranging from a high walk to a sprawling motion. We also describe the three-dimensional (3D) kinematics of the crocodylian hindlimb during terrestrial locomotion across an instrumented walkway and a treadmill captured via X-ray Reconstruction of Moving Morphology (biplanar fluoroscopy; 'XROMM'). We reconstructed the 3D positions and orientations of each of the hindlimb bones and used dissection data for muscle lines of action to reconstruct a focal, subject-specific 3D musculoskeletal model. Motion data for different styles of walking (a high, crouched, bended and two types of sprawling motion) were fed into the 3D model to identify whether any joints adopted near-optimal poses for leverage across each of the behaviours. We found that (1) the hip adductors and knee extensors had their largest leverages during sprawling postures and (2) more erect postures typically involved greater peak moment arms about the hip (flexion-extension), knee (flexion) and metatarsophalangeal (flexion) joints. The results did not fully support the hypothesis that optimal poses are present during different locomotory behaviours because the peak capacities were not always reached around mid-stance phase. Furthermore, we obtained few clear trends for isometric moment-generating capacities. Therefore, perhaps peak muscular leverage in Nile crocodiles is instead reached either in early/late stance or possibly during swing phase or other locomotory behaviours that were not studied here, such as non-terrestrial movement. Alternatively, our findings could reflect a trade-off between having to execute different postures, meaning that hindlimb muscle leverage is not optimised for any singular posture or behaviour. Our model, however, provides a comprehensive set of 3D estimates of muscle actions in extant crocodiles which can form a basis for investigating muscle function in extinct archosaurs

    A proposed standard for quantifying 3-D hindlimb joint poses in living and extinct archosaurs

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    The last common ancestor of birds and crocodylians plus all of its descendants (clade Archosauria) dominated terrestrial Mesozoic ecosystems, giving rise to disparate body plans, sizes, and modes of locomotion. As in the fields of vertebrate morphology and paleontology more generally, studies of archosaur skeletal structure have come to depend on tools for acquiring, measuring, and exploring three-dimensional (3-D) digital models. Such models, in turn, form the basis for many analyses of musculoskeletal function. A set of shared conventions for describing 3-D pose (joint or limb configuration) and 3-D kinematics (change in pose through time) is essential for fostering comparison of posture/movement among such varied species, as well as for maximizing communication among scientists. Following researchers in human biomechanics, we propose a standard methodological approach for measuring the relative position and orientation of the major segments of the archosaur pelvis and hindlimb in 3-D. We describe the construction of anatomical and joint coordinate systems using the extant guineafowl and alligator as examples. Our new standards are then applied to three extinct taxa sampled from the wider range of morphological, postural, and kinematic variation that has arisen across >250 million years of archosaur evolution. These proposed conventions, and the founding principles upon which they are based, can also serve as starting points for measuring poses between elements within a hindlimb segment, for establishing coordinate systems in the forelimb and axial skeleton, or for applying our archosaurian system more broadly to different vertebrate clades
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