104 research outputs found

    Nitrogen Compounds of the Soil

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    In examining for ammonia a soil-extract, prepared by digesting soil for three days in dilute HCl, the author noticed that Schloesing\u27s method (distilling the extract with excess of MgO) gave a continuous separation of ammonia, amounting in this case to.0024 per cent. Another portion of the extract was filtered after the addition of MgO and before boiling. In it the separation of ammonia ceased after boiling a comparatively short time, and the total separated was.0017 per cent. The evident inference is that part of the amides in Schloesing\u27s extract can be precipitated by magnesia; and, by the second method ‘results are obtained which are much nearer the truth in respect to the ammonia of the soil than by the original Schloesing\u27s method.’

    A New Distilling Flask for Use in the Kjeldahl Process

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    The only serious drawback to the Kjeldahl method of nitrogen determination is the breakage of distilling flasks, and in laboratories where many determinations of albuminoid nitrogen are made by the Stutzer process this breakage is often a matter of much annoyance and considerable expense, since only the best quality of flasks will long stand the requirements of the process

    1866-11-20 George D. Bisbee requests muster-out rolls of Company C

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    Feeding beets and potatoes for butter

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    The farmers of Iowa are growing sugar beets to learn the adaptation of the soils and climates of the state to sugar production. The feeding value of the beet entire without the sugar extracted, is a matter of interest to them. The crop of potatoes in 1891 was large, and where they were unsalable owing to remoteness from markets, or for other causes, it became interesting to ascertain feeding values for dairy products. In conformity with inquiries concerning these subjects, this station fed four cows during three months, beginning December 1st, 1891, and ending February 29, 1892

    Sugar beets in Iowa, 1891, not including those grown on the station grounds

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    The proposition made in Bulletin No. 12 for an extensive investigation of the possibilities of sugar beet culture in this state, to be made jointly by the farmers of the state and the chemical section of the station, has resulted in the work whose numerical data are reported in this article. The results here recorded are almost wholly those obtained in the laboratory. The information furnished by the growers regarding the character of the soil in which the beets were grown and its treatment before planting and during growth of the crop, must be brought into condensed form before it can be of much value to the public, (even if it then be), and as it will take considerable time to do this, that portion of our report is reserved for a future bulletin

    1864-08-08 G.D. Bisbee requests muster out rolls for James Hubbard, Silas H. Park and Columbus Bancroft

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    Sugar beets in Iowa, 1891

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    As agreed when this co-operative work was proposed, we have collated the reports made by all the growers and have attempted to gather therefrom whatever of general interest could be found. It was sought to discover what effects, if any, upon the saccharine quality of the crop had resulted from differences in— 1. Variety of the beet. 2. Kind of soil. 3. Mode of culture (in various particulars.

    Sweet versus sour cream butter

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    The objects of the work herein described were to compare the sweet-cream and the sour-cream methods of butter-making, with reference to the following points: 1. Relative losses of butter fat. 2. Relative amounts of butter produced. 3. Relative keeping qualities of the butter. 4. Relative amounts of casein in the butter. The work was done between January 13 and April 8, 1892

    1864-08-08 G.D. Bisbee requests muster out rolls for James Hubbard, Silas H. Park and Columbus Bancroft

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    Transfer of training in an academic leadership development program for program coordinators

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    The higher education sector has increasingly begun to pay more attention to academic leadership. This qualitative study explores how such an investment in a 20-week leadership development program influenced the behaviour of 10 academic staff in the role of program coordinator 6 to 12 months following participation in the program. Otherwise known as program directors or department chairs, academic staff in this role are responsible for coordinating and leading degree courses or programs. Leadership learning and changes in the behaviour of program coordinators was evident, particularly in regard to building influence, communicating more effectively and managing upwards. Improved confidence in their ability to perform the role was a lasting outcome and the use of peer learning and coaching was an important part of the success of the intervention. However, workload factors, succession planning and orientation were seen to be factors that impact on leadership development in this role. The findings suggest that participation in well designed academic leadership programs can result in a lasting transfer of training for program coordinators
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