1,236 research outputs found

    Propagating, evanescent, and localized states in carbon nanotube-graphene junctions

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    We study the electronic structure of the junctions between a single graphene layer and carbon nanotubes, using a tight-binding model and the continuum theory based on Dirac fermion fields. The latter provides a unified description of different lattice structures with curvature, which is always localized at six heptagonal carbon rings around each junction. When these are evenly spaced, we find that it is possible to curve the planar lattice into armchair (6n,6n) as well as zig-zag (6n,0) nanotubes. We show that the junctions fall into two different classes, regarding the low-energy electronic behavior. One of them, constituted by the junctions made of the armchair nanotubes and the zig-zag (6n,0) geometries when n is a multiple of 3, is characterized by the presence of two quasi-bound states at the Fermi level, which are absent for the rest of the zig-zag nanotubes. These states, localized at the junction, are shown to arise from the effective gauge flux induced by the heptagonal carbon rings, which has a direct reflection in the local density of states around the junction. Furthermore, we also analyze the band structure of the arrays of junctions, finding out that they can also be classified into two different groups according to the low-energy behavior. In this regard, the arrays made of armchair and (6n,0) nanotubes with n equal to a multiple of 3 are characterized by the presence of a series of flat bands, whose number grows with the length of the nanotubes. We show that such flat bands have their origin in the formation of states confined to the nanotubes in the array. This is explained in the continuum theory from the possibility of forming standing waves in the mentioned nanotube geometries, as a superposition of modes with opposite momenta and the same quantum numbers under the C_6v symmetry of the junction.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Open timelike curves violate Heisenberg's uncertainty principle

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    Toy models for quantum evolution in the presence of closed timelike curves (CTCs) have gained attention in the recent literature due to the strange effects they predict. The circuits that give rise to these effects appear quite abstract and contrived, as they require non-trivial interactions between the future and past which lead to infinitely recursive equations. We consider the special case in which there is no interaction inside the CTC, referred to as an open timelike curve (OTC), for which the only local effect is to increase the time elapsed by a clock carried by the system. Remarkably, circuits with access to OTCs are shown to violate Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, allowing perfect state discrimination and perfect cloning of coherent states. The model is extended to wave-packets and smoothly recovers standard quantum mechanics in an appropriate physical limit. The analogy with general relativistic time-dilation suggests that OTCs provide a novel alternative to existing proposals for the behaviour of quantum systems under gravity

    Calculating the local-type fNL for slow-roll inflation with a non-vacuum initial state

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    Single-field slow-roll inflation with a non-vacuum initial state has an enhanced bispectrum in the local limit. We numerically calculate the local-type fNL signal in the CMB that would be measured for such models (including the full transfer function and 2D projection). The nature of the result depends on several parameters, including the occupation number N_k, the phase angle \theta_k between the Bogoliubov parameters, and the slow-roll parameter \epsilon. In the most conservative case, where one takes \theta_k \approx \eta_0 k (justified by physical reasons discussed within) and \epsilon\lesssim 0.01, we find that 0 < fNL < 1.52 (\epsilon/0.01), which is likely too small to be detected in the CMB. However, if one is willing to allow a constant value for the phase angle \theta_k and N_k=O(1), fNL can be much larger and/or negative (depending on the choice of \theta_k), e.g. fNL \approx 28 (\epsilon/0.01) or -6.4 (\epsilon/0.01); depending on \epsilon, these scenarios could be detected by Planck or a future satellite. While we show that these results are not actually a violation of the single-field consistency relation, they do produce a value for fNL that is considerably larger than that usually predicted from single-field inflation.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure. v2: Version accepted for publication in PRD. Added greatly expanded discussion of the phase angle \theta_k; this allows the possibility of enhanced fNL, as mentioned in abstract. More explicit comparisons with earlier wor

    Conformal invariance and apparent universality of semiclassical gravity

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    In a recent work, it has been pointed out that certain observables of the massless scalar field theory in a static spherically symmetric background exhibit a universal behavior at large distances. More precisely, it was shown that, unlike what happens in the case the coupling to the curvature \xi is generic, for the special cases \xi=0 and \xi = 1/6 the large distance behavior of the expectation value turns out to be independent of the internal structure of the gravitational source. Here, we address a higher dimensional generalization of this result: We first compute the difference between a black hole and a static spherically symmetric star for the observables and in the far field limit. Thus, we show that the conformally invariant massless scalar field theory in a static spherically symmetric background exhibits such universality phenomenon in D\geq 4 dimensions. Also, using the one-loop effective action, we compute for a weakly gravitating object. These results lead to the explicit expression of the expectation value for a Schwarzschild-Tangherlini black hole in the far field limit. As an application, we obtain quantum corrections to the gravitational potential in D dimensions, which for D=4 are shown to agree with the one-loop correction to the graviton propagator previously found in the literature.Comment: 11 page

    Quantum Connectivity of Space-Time and Gravitationally Induced Decorrelation of Entanglement

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    We discuss an alternative formulation of the problem of quantum optical fields in a curved space-time using localized operators. We contrast the new formulation with the standard approach and find observable differences for entangled states. We propose an experiment in which an entangled pair of optical pulses are propagated through non-uniform gravitational fields and find that the new formulation predicts de-correlation of the optical entanglement under experimentally realistic conditions

    Loss of Spin Entanglement For Accelerated Electrons in Electric and Magnetic Fields

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    Using an open quantum system we calculate the time dependence of the concurrence between two maximally entangled electron spins with one accelerated uniformly in the presence of a constant magnetic field and the other at rest and isolated from fields. We find at high Rindler temperature the proper time for the entanglement to be extinguished is proportional to the inverse of the acceleration cubed.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, appendix and other discussion added, fixed some typographical errors and some references were correcte

    The Electronic Spectrum of Fullerenes from the Dirac Equation

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    The electronic spectrum of sheets of graphite (plane honeycomb lattice) folded into regular polihedra is studied. A continuum limit valid for sufficiently large molecules and based on a tight binding approximation is derived. It is found that a Dirac equation describes the flat graphite lattice. Curving the lattice by insertion of odd numbered rings can be mimicked by coupling effective gauge fields. In particular the C60C_{60} and related molecules are well described by the Dirac equation on the surface of a sphere coupled to a color monopole sitting at its center.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figures. IASSNS-HEP-92/5

    Algebraic Classification of Weyl Anomalies in Arbitrary Dimensions

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    Conformally invariant massless field systems involving only dimensionless parameters are known to describe particle physics at very high energy. In the presence of an external gravitational field, the conformal symmetry may generalize to Weyl invariance. However, the latter symmetry no longer survives after quantization: A Weyl anomaly appears. In this Letter, a purely algebraic understanding of the universal structure of the Weyl anomalies is presented. The results hold in arbitrary dimensions and independently of any regularization scheme.Comment: 4 pages - accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Naturalness in Cosmological Initial Conditions

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    We propose a novel approach to the problem of constraining cosmological initial conditions. Within the framework of effective field theory, we classify initial conditions in terms of boundary terms added to the effective action describing the cosmological evolution below Planckian energies. These boundary terms can be thought of as spacelike branes which may support extra instantaneous degrees of freedom and extra operators. Interactions and renormalization of these boundary terms allow us to apply to the boundary terms the field-theoretical requirement of naturalness, i.e. stability under radiative corrections. We apply this requirement to slow-roll inflation with non-adiabatic initial conditions, and to cyclic cosmology. This allows us to define in a precise sense when some of these models are fine-tuned. We also describe how to parametrize in a model-independent way non-Gaussian initial conditions; we show that in some cases they are both potentially observable and pass our naturalness requirement.Comment: 35 pages, 8 figure

    Not all adiabatic vacua are physical states

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    Adiabatic vacua are known to be Hadamard states. We show, however that the energy-momentum tensor of a linear Klein-Gordon field on Robertson-Walker spaces developes a generic singularity on the initial hypersurface if the adiabatic vacuum is of order less than four. Therefore, adiabatic vacua are physically reasonable only if their order is at least four. A certain non-local large momentum expansion of the mode functions has recently been suggested to yield the subtraction terms needed to remove the ultraviolet divergences in the energy-momentum tensor. We find that this scheme fails to reproduce the trace anomaly and therefore is not equivalent to adiabatic regularisation.Comment: 13 pages, LaTex2
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