4,411 research outputs found

    Cavity QED with Multiple Hyperfine Levels

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    We calculate the weak-driving transmission of a linearly polarized cavity mode strongly coupled to the D2 transition of a single Cesium atom. Results are relevant to future experiments with microtoroid cavities, where the single-photon Rabi frequency g exceeds the excited-state hyperfine splittings, and photonic bandgap resonators, where g is greater than both the excited- and ground-state splitting.Comment: 6 pages, 10 figure

    Cavity QED with Single Atoms and Photons

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    Recent experimental advances in the field of cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) have opened new possibilities for control of atom-photon interactions. A laser with "one and the same atom" demonstrates the theory of laser operation pressed to its conceptual limit. The generation of single photons on demand and the realization of cavity QED with well defined atomic numbers N = 0, 1, 2,... both represent important steps toward realizing diverse protocols in quantum information science. Coherent manipulation of the atomic state via Raman transitions provides a new tool in cavity QED for in situ monitoring and control of the atom-cavity system. All of these achievements share a common point of departure: the regime of strong coupling. It is thus interesting to consider briefly the history of the strong coupling criterion in cavity QED and to trace out the path that research has taken in the pursuit of this goal

    Trapped atoms in cavity QED: coupling quantized light and matter

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    On the occasion of the hundredth anniversary of Albert Einstein's annus mirabilis, we reflect on the development and current state of research in cavity quantum electrodynamics in the optical domain. Cavity QED is a field which undeniably traces its origins to Einstein's seminal work on the statistical theory of light and the nature of its quantized interaction with matter. In this paper, we emphasize the development of techniques for the confinement of atoms strongly coupled to high-finesse resonators and the experiments which these techniques enable

    Observation of the Vacuum-Rabi Spectrum for One Trapped Atom

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    The transmission spectrum for one atom strongly coupled to the field of a high-finesse optical resonator is observed to exhibit a clearly resolved vacuum-Rabi splitting characteristic of the normal modes in the eigenvalue spectrum of the atom-cavity system. A new Raman scheme for cooling atomic motion along the cavity axis enables a complete spectrum to be recorded for an individual atom trapped within the cavity mode, in contrast to all previous measurements in cavity QED that have required averaging over many atoms.Comment: 5 pages with 4 figure

    A Counts-in-Cells Analysis of Lyman-break Galaxies at z~3

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    We have measured the counts-in-cells fluctuations of 268 Lyman-break galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts in six 9 arcmin by 9 arcmin fields at z~3. The variance of galaxy counts in cubes of comoving side length 7.7, 11.9, 11.4 h^{-1} Mpc is \sigma_{gal}^2 ~ 1.3\pm0.4 for \Omega_M=1, 0.2 open, 0.3 flat, implying a bias on these scales of \sigma_{gal} / \sigma_{mass} = 6.0\pm1.1, 1.9\pm0.4, 4.0\pm0.7. The bias and abundance of Lyman-break galaxies are surprisingly consistent with a simple model of structure formation which assumes only that galaxies form within dark matter halos, that Lyman-break galaxies' rest-UV luminosities are tightly correlated with their dark masses, and that matter fluctuations are Gaussian and have a linear power-spectrum shape at z~3 similar to that determined locally (\Gamma~0.2). This conclusion is largely independent of cosmology or spectral normalization \sigma_8. A measurement of the masses of Lyman-break galaxies would in principle distinguish between different cosmological scenarios.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 16 pages including 4 figure

    Fermi surface, possible unconventional fermions, and unusually robust resistive critical fields in the chiral-structured superconductor AuBe

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    The noncentrosymmetric superconductor (NCS) AuBe is investigated using a variety of thermodynamic and resistive probes in magnetic fields of up to 65~T and temperatures down to 0.3~K. Despite the polycrystalline nature of the samples, the observation of a complex series of de Haas-van Alphen (dHvA) oscillations has allowed the calculated bandstructure for AuBe to be validated. This permits a variety of BCS parameters describing the superconductivity to be estimated, despite the complexity of the measured Fermi surface. In addition, AuBe displays a nonstandard field dependence of the phase of dHvA oscillations associated with a band thought to host unconventional fermions in this chiral lattice. This result demonstrates the power of the dHvA effect to establish the properties of a single band despite the presence of other electronic bands with a larger density of states, even in polycrystalline samples. In common with several other NCSs, we find that the resistive upper critical field exceeds that measured by heat capacity and magnetization by a considerable factor. We suggest that our data exclude mechanisms for such an effect associated with disorder, implying that topologically protected superconducting surface states may be involved

    Role of social media and the Internet in pathways to care for adolescents and young adults with psychotic disorders and non-psychotic mood disorders

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    AIMS: Although psychosis often occurs during adolescence, there has been little research on how the ubiquitously used Internet and social media could impact pathways to care. We examined how youth with psychotic spectrum disorders (PSD) versus non-psychotic mood disorders (NPMD) use online resources in the early illness stages. METHODS: Social media use and pathways to care data were collected using a semi-structured interview from 80 youth (PSD = 40 and NPMD = 40) aged 12-21 years within 2 years of symptom onset. RESULTS: A total of 97.5% of participants (mean age = 18.3 years) regularly used social media, spending approximately 2.6 +/- 2.5 h per day online. There were 22.4% of our sample (PSD = 19.4%, NPMD = 25.0%, P = 0.56) who reported waiting to reach out for help believing that symptoms would disappear. A total of 76.5% (PSD = 67.5%, NPMD = 85.0%, P = 0.06) noticed social media habit changes during symptom emergence. Thirty per cent reported discussing their symptoms on social media (PSD = 22.5%, NPMD = 37.5%, P = 0.14). NPMD patients sought information most on how to stop symptoms (40.0% vs. 13.5%, P = 0.01), while PSD youth were more commonly interested in what caused their symptoms (21.6% vs. 15.0%, P = 0.45). More PSD patients (42.9% vs. 25.0%, P = 0.10) would prefer to receive mental health information via the Internet. Altogether, 63.6% (PSD = 64.9%, NPMD = 62.5%, P = 0.83) were amenable to clinicians proactively approaching them via social media during symptom emergence. A total of 74.3% (PSD = 78.4%, NPMD = 70.0%, P = 0.40) liked the idea of obtaining help/advice from professionals via social media. CONCLUSIONS: The Internet and social media provide an unparalleled opportunity to supplement and potentially transform early intervention services, and acceptance of this approach appears to be high

    Enhanced Spontaneous Emission Into The Mode Of A Cavity QED System

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    We study the light generated by spontaneous emission into a mode of a cavity QED system under weak excitation of the orthogonally polarized mode. Operating in the intermediate regime of cavity QED with comparable coherent and decoherent coupling constants, we find an enhancement of the emission into the undriven cavity mode by more than a factor of 18.5 over that expected by the solid angle subtended by the mode. A model that incorporates three atomic levels and two polarization modes quantitatively explains the observations.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, to appear in May 2007 Optics Letter
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