43 research outputs found


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     ステッピングモーターは、定速回転をおこなうモーターとは異なり、デジタル制御により断続的に回転と停止を繰り返すことを目的として開発された特殊モーターである。研究の結果、モーターの種類、制御プログラムの開発、回転体部分(作品)の軽量化を試みることで、直径150mmの円盤に、25 個の合計100g のものを載せても駆動することが可能となった。このメカニズムにより、これまでの古典的なストロボを使用した立体アニメーション技術にあらたな表現の可能性が加わることとなった。もはや暗い部屋は不要であり、明るい環境で目の前で物体が動き出すのである。 研究の成果は神戸市と連携して、メディアイベント「KOBE078」、「MAKERS BAZAAR」に出展し、発表をおこなった。またオランダ、デザインアカデミー・アイントホーフェンと連携して共同研究をおこない、バート・ヘンゼル氏の来日に合わせてその成果を展示、関連したワークショップを開催した。研究のコアとなるモーターの制御プログラムはWEB および印刷物で公開している。 また、2018 年5 月には国際写真展「KYOTOGRAPHIEKG+」に出展し、作品としての発表をおこなった。Unlike a motor that performs constant speed rotation, the stepping motor is a special motor developed for the purpose of repeatedly rotating and stopping intermittently by digital control. As a result of the research, we tried to reduce the weight of the rotating body part by developing the type of motor, the control program, and driving weight even if loading 25 pieces totaling 100 g on a disk of 150 mm in diameter. It has become possible. With this mechanism, the possibility of new expression is added to the three-dimensional animation technology using classical strobe. The dark room is no longer needed, and the object moves in front of you in a bright environment. The results of the research collaborated with Kobe City and exhibited at the media event "KOBE 078", "MAKERS BAZAAR", and made an presentation. In collaboration with the Design Academy Eindhoven in the Netherlands, he collaborated with the workshop to display the results of Mr. Bart Haensel as he came to Japan and held related workshops. The control program of the motor, which is the core of research, is released on the web and printed matter. In addition, in May 2018 I participated in the international photo exhibition "KYOTOGRAPHIE KG +" and made a presentation as a work

    Mariko / Mariquita (Keshiki): 4

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    Kyojiro is a cultural anthropologist, days away from making the trip of his career when he meets Mariko, a free-spirited Japanese woman living on Guam, a remote island in the Pacific Ocean. Mariko is everything Kyojiro isn't adaptable, whimsical, and ready to make life-changing decisions with the changing tides. It is during their brief time together that Kyojiro is able to watch the woman he loves metamorphosize from Mariko into Mariquita, shedding her Japanese identity and becoming a woman who belongs to Guam. In Mariko / Mariquita, Ikezawa explores the shifting notions of Japanese cultural identity against a politically charged backdrop. Ikezawa's light, teasing dialogue, and the tone conveyed in Birnbaum's translation, delicately explore the seemingly inconsequential choices we make as part of our day-to-day existence, and friction this creates with our cultural identities

    Numerische Modellierung der Wechselwirkung zwischen Atmosphaere und Meereis in der arktischen Eisrandzone

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    In polar regions, sea ice strongly influences the momentum and energy transfer between the atmosphere and the ocean. In order to study mesoscale interactions a nonhydrostatic atmospheric model (METRAS) is coupled to a dynamic-thermodynamic sea ice model. The coupled model can be used on spatial and temporal scales up to 300 km and up to 1 week respectively. In the atmospheric model, the flux averaging method for determining the turbulent surface fluxes is modified by introducing a calculation of the atmospheric form drag of sea ice. With this extension modelled and measured drag and heat transfer coefficients for heterogeneous ice-water-surfaces agree well. Furthermore, drag and heat transfer coefficients for sea ice surfaces and open water surfaces are derived, which can be applied to sea ice or ocean models. The physical processes in the coupled atmosphere - sea ice - model are described in more detail than in other multi-dimensional models used for polar regions. The sea ice model has several ice thickness classes which are especially designed for simulating the development of thin ice and its influence on the heat exchange between the ocean and the atmosphere. The sea ice is vertically devided in several layers and a parametrization of the oceanic form drag of sea ice is included. The coupled model is applied to the Arctic marginal ice zone and a large polynya. The simulations are carried out for Arctic cold air outbreaks. It is shown that considerable changes of the spatial distribution of sea ice in marginal ice zones are likely to occur due to spatially varying ice thicknesses and ice concentrations. On the downwind side of the polynya the near surface wind speed is considerably reduced. For different drift velocities of the sea ice surrounding the polynya, its horizontal extension and, consequently, its influence on the atmosphere decreases. In case of freezing, even a thin layer of new ice homogenizes the atmospheric flow fields considerably. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RN 9219(268) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Location of cardiac arrests in the public access defibrillation trial

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    Background. The Public Access Defibrillation (PAD) Trial found an overall doubling in the number of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (CA) survivors when a lay responder team was equipped with an automated external defibrillator (AED), compared with cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) alone. Objectives. To describe the types of facilities that participated in the trial and to report the incidence of CA and survival in these different types of facilities. Methods. In this post-hoc analysis of PAD Trial data, the physical characteristics of the participating facilities and the numbers of presumed CAs, treatable CAs, and survivors are reported for each category of facilities. Results. There were 625 presumed CAs at 1,260 participating facilities. Just under half (n = 291) of the presumed CAs were classified as treatable CAs. Treatable CAs occurred at a rate of 2.9 per 1,000 person-years of exposure; rates were highest in fitness centers (5.1) and golf courses (4.8) and lowest in office complexes (0.7) and hotels (0.7). Survival from treatable CA was highest in recreational complexes (0.5), public transportation sites (0.4), and fitness centers (0.4) and lowest in office complexes (0.1) and residential facilities (0.0). Conclusions. During the PAD Trial, the exposure-adjusted rate of treatable CA was highest in fitness centers and golf courses, but the incidence per facility was low to moderate. Survival from treatable cardiac arrest was highest in recreational complexes, public transportation facilities, and fitness centers

    Location of cardiac arrests in the public access defibrillation trial

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    Background. The Public Access Defibrillation (PAD) Trial found an overall doubling in the number of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (CA) survivors when a lay responder team was equipped with an automated external defibrillator (AED), compared with cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) alone.\ud \ud Objectives. To describe the types of facilities that participated in the trial and to report the incidence of CA and survival in these different types of facilities.\ud \ud Methods. In this post-hoc analysis of PAD Trial data, the physical characteristics of the participating facilities and the numbers of presumed CAs, treatable CAs, and survivors are reported for each category of facilities.\ud \ud Results. There were 625 presumed CAs at 1,260 participating facilities. Just under half (n = 291) of the presumed CAs were classified as treatable CAs. Treatable CAs occurred at a rate of 2.9 per 1,000 person-years of exposure; rates were highest in fitness centers (5.1) and golf courses (4.8) and lowest in office complexes (0.7) and hotels (0.7). Survival from treatable CA was highest in recreational complexes (0.5), public transportation sites (0.4), and fitness centers (0.4) and lowest in office complexes (0.1) and residential facilities (0.0).\ud \ud Conclusions. During the PAD Trial, the exposure-adjusted rate of treatable CA was highest in fitness centers and golf courses, but the incidence per facility was low to moderate. Survival from treatable cardiac arrest was highest in recreational complexes, public transportation facilities, and fitness centers