7 research outputs found

    We need to teach human rights in medical schools

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    There are protocols of the questioning of a young military physician in the Israeli Defense Forces, who performed a vaginal examination on a Palestinian woman under arrest, against the latter’s expressed will and without a medical indication. In support of the WMA guidelines on including human rights courses in medical schools, we call on medical schools to integrate a human rights perspective and introduce sufficient material on human rights, prisoners’ rights and medical ethics to help physicians like her make the right decisions in challenging situations such as the one described

    Recognition and treatment of law enforcement violence against detainees and prisoners: A survey among Israeli physicians and medical students

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    Introduction: Physicians regularly encounter victims of violence. Although some at-risk groups are increasingly recognized as such, the risks faced by prisoners and detainees are often overlooked. The scope of violence against them is unknown and their treatment is often hampered by unique social and institutional impediments. This article reviews the need for improved recognition and protection of such patients and the associated obstacles, while presenting information on the experience, knowledge and attitudes of physicians in Israel regarding the maltreatment of prisoners and detainees. Methods: We sent a questionnaire to physicians and medical students in Israel to enquire about their knowledge concerning examination and treatment of persons under police custody who appear to be victims of violence as well as their attitude concerning torture. Results: We received answers from443 physicians and 114 medical students. Most physicians would correctly examine and document the injuries, but only 59% would report their suspicions of violence to the Ministry of Health. Though 60% of physicians objected in principle to the use of torture, a majority endorsed the use of physical and psychological pressure during interrogation. Moreover, 29% of physicians thought it is permissible for physicians to examine detainees and verify their health so that torture can begin or continue. Discussion: Our study shows that there is a need for development and implementation of treatment and reporting protocols as well as educational programs concerning the ethical and legal requirements of physicians towards detainees and prisoners in Israel. Limitations of our study are discussed

    Experiences regarding nutrition and exercise among women during early postpartum: A qualitative grounded theory study

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    Background: Excess gestational weight gain has long- and short-term implications for women and children, and postpartum weight retention is associated with an increased risk of long-term obesity. Despite the existence of dietary and exercise guidelines, many women struggle to return to pre-pregnancy weight. Experiences of women in tackling postpartum weight loss are poorly understood. We undertook this study to explore experiences related to nutrition, exercise and weight in the postpartum in women in Ontario, Canada. Methods: This was a nested qualitative study within The Be Healthy in Pregnancy Study, a randomized controlled trial. Women randomized to the control group were invited to participate. Semi-structured focus groups were conducted at 4-6 months postpartum. Focus groups were audio recorded, transcribed verbatim, coded and analyzed thematically using a constructivist grounded theory approach. Results: Women experienced a complex relationship with their body image, due to unrealistic expectations related to their postpartum body. Participants identified barriers and enablers to healthy habits during pregnancy and postpartum. Gestational weight gain guidelines were regarded as unhelpful and unrealistic. A lack of guidance and information about weight management, healthy eating, and exercise in the postpartum period was highlighted. Conclusion: Strategies for weight management that target the unique characteristics of the postpartum period have been neglected in research and in patient counselling. Postpartum women may begin preparing for their next pregnancy and support during this period could improve their health for subsequent pregnancies

    Spinal Cord Involvement in Uncomplicated Herpes Zoster

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    We prospectively evaluated herpes zoster patients during the acute phase of the disease for central nervous system involvement. Of 24 patients with spinal zoster, 13 (54%) had spinal cord abnormality, which was asymptomatic in 12 of the 13. Age but not lack of acyclovir treatment was associated with such involvement. In all but 2, neurological involvement resolved within 6 months. Although the mechanism responsible for the neurological abnormalities is unknown, findings may support the hypothesis that zoster is associated with spread of viral infection into the spinal cord and therefore support the possibility that zoster is due to active viral replication in the ganglion

    Statement of the Independent Forensic Expert Group on Conversion Therapy

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    Conversion therapy is a set of practices that aim to change or alter an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity. It is premised on a belief that an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity can be changed and that doing so is a desirable outcome for the individual, family, or community. Other terms used to describe this practice include sexual orientation change effort (SOCE), reparative therapy, reintegrative therapy, reorientation therapy, ex-gay therapy, and gay cure. Conversion therapy is practiced in every region of the world. We have identified sources confirming or indicating that conversion therapy is performed in over 60 countries.1 In those countries where it is performed, a wide and variable range of practices are believed to create change in an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity. Some examples of these include: talk therapy or psychotherapy (e.g., exploring life events to identify the cause); group therapy; medication (including anti-psychotics, anti- depressants, anti-anxiety, and psychoactive drugs, and hormone injections); Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (where an individual focuses on a traumatic memory while simultaneously experiencing bilateral stimulation); electroshock or electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) (where electrodes are attached to the head and electric current is passed between them to induce seizure); aversive treatments (including electric shock to the hands and/or genitals or nausea-inducing medication administered with presentation of homoerotic stimuli); exorcism or ritual cleansing (e.g., beating the individual with a broomstick while reading holy verses or burning the individual’s head, back, and palms); force-feeding or food deprivation; forced nudity; behavioural conditioning (e.g., being forced to dress or walk in a particular way); isolation (sometimes for long periods of time, which may include solitary confinement or being kept from interacting with the outside world); verbal abuse; humiliation; hypnosis; hospital confinement; beatings; and “corrective” rape. Conversion therapy appears to be performed widely by health professionals, including medical doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, sexologists, and therapists. It is also conducted by spiritual leaders, religious practitioners, traditional healers, and community or family members. Conversion therapy is undertaken both in contexts under state control, e.g., hospitals, schools, and juvenile detention facilities, as well as in private settings like homes, religious institutions, or youth camps and retreats. In some countries, conversion therapy is imposed by the order or instructions of public officials, judges, or the police. The practice is undertaken with both adults and minors who may be lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, or gender diverse. Parents are also known to send their children back to their country of origin to receive it. The practice supports the belief that non-heterosexual orientations are deviations from the norm, reflecting a disease, disorder, or sin. The practitioner conveys the message that heterosexuality is the normal and healthy sexual orientation and gender identity. The purpose of this medico-legal statement is to provide legal experts, adjudicators, health care professionals, and policy makers, among others, with an understanding of: 1) the lack of medical and scientific validity of conversion therapy; 2) the likely physical and psychological consequences of undergoing conversion therapy; and 3) whether, based on these effects, conversion therapy constitutes cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or torture when individuals are subjected to it forcibly2 or without their consent. This medico-legal statement also addresses the responsibility of states in regulating this practice, the ethical implications of offering or performing it, and the role that health professionals and medical and mental health organisations should play with regards to this practice. Definitions of conversion therapy vary. Some include any attempt to change, suppress, or divert an individual’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. This medico-legal statement only addresses those practices that practitioners believe can effect a genuine change in an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity. Acts of physical and psychological violence or discrimination that aim solely to inflict pain and suffering or punish individuals due to their sexual orientation or gender identity, are not addressed, but are wholly condemned. This medico-legal statement follows along the lines of our previous publications on Anal Examinations in Cases of Alleged Homosexuality1 and on Forced Virginity Testing.2 In those statements, we opposed attempts to minimise the severity of physical and psychological pain and suffering caused by these examinations by qualifying them as medical in nature. There is no medical justification for inflicting on individuals torture or other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment. In addition, these statements reaffirmed that health professionals should take no role in attempting to control sexuality and knowingly or unknowingly supporting state-sponsored policing and punishing of individuals based on their sexual orientation or gender identity