2,477 research outputs found

    Stability of the magnetic Schr\"odinger operator in a waveguide

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    The spectrum of the Schr\"odinger operator in a quantum waveguide is known to be unstable in two and three dimensions. Any enlargement of the waveguide produces eigenvalues beneath the continuous spectrum. Also if the waveguide is bent eigenvalues will arise below the continuous spectrum. In this paper a magnetic field is added into the system. The spectrum of the magnetic Schr\"odinger operator is proved to be stable under small local deformations and also under small bending of the waveguide. The proof includes a magnetic Hardy-type inequality in the waveguide, which is interesting in its own

    Elliptic operators in even subspaces

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    In the paper we consider the theory of elliptic operators acting in subspaces defined by pseudodifferential projections. This theory on closed manifolds is connected with the theory of boundary value problems for operators violating Atiyah-Bott condition. We prove an index formula for elliptic operators in subspaces defined by even projections on odd-dimensional manifolds and for boundary value problems, generalizing the classical result of Atiyah-Bott. Besides a topological contribution of Atiyah-Singer type, the index formulas contain an invariant of subspaces defined by even projections. This homotopy invariant can be expressed in terms of the eta-invariant. The results also shed new light on P.Gilkey's work on eta-invariants of even-order operators.Comment: 39 pages, 2 figure

    Abelian subgroups of Garside groups

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    In this paper, we show that for every abelian subgroup HH of a Garside group, some conjugate g1Hgg^{-1}Hg consists of ultra summit elements and the centralizer of HH is a finite index subgroup of the normalizer of HH. Combining with the results on translation numbers in Garside groups, we obtain an easy proof of the algebraic flat torus theorem for Garside groups and solve several algorithmic problems concerning abelian subgroups of Garside groups.Comment: This article replaces our earlier preprint "Stable super summit sets in Garside groups", arXiv:math.GT/060258

    Sufficient conditions for the existence of bound states in a central potential

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    We show how a large class of sufficient conditions for the existence of bound states, in non-positive central potentials, can be constructed. These sufficient conditions yield upper limits on the critical value, gc()g_{\rm{c}}^{(\ell)}, of the coupling constant (strength), gg, of the potential, V(r)=gv(r)V(r)=-g v(r), for which a first \ell-wave bound state appears. These upper limits are significantly more stringent than hitherto known results.Comment: 7 page

    Dual generators of the fundamental group and the moduli space of flat connections

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    We define the dual of a set of generators of the fundamental group of an oriented two-surface Sg,nS_{g,n} of genus gg with nn punctures and the associated surface Sg,nDS_{g,n}\setminus D with a disc DD removed. This dual is another set of generators related to the original generators via an involution and has the properties of a dual graph. In particular, it provides an algebraic prescription for determining the intersection points of a curve representing a general element of the fundamental group π1(Sg,nD)\pi_1(S_{g,n}\setminus D) with the representatives of the generators and the order in which these intersection points occur on the generators.We apply this dual to the moduli space of flat connections on Sg,nS_{g,n} and show that when expressed in terms both, the holonomies along a set of generators and their duals, the Poisson structure on the moduli space takes a particularly simple form. Using this description of the Poisson structure, we derive explicit expressions for the Poisson brackets of general Wilson loop observables associated to closed, embedded curves on the surface and determine the associated flows on phase space. We demonstrate that the observables constructed from the pairing in the Chern-Simons action generate of infinitesimal Dehn twists and show that the mapping class group acts by Poisson isomorphisms.Comment: 54 pages, 13 .eps figure

    Moment operators of the Cartesian margins of the phase space observables

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    The theory of operator integrals is used to determine the moment operators of the Cartesian margins of the phase space observables generated by the mixtures of the number states. The moments of the xx-margin are polynomials of the position operator and those of the yy-margin are polynomials of the momentum operator.Comment: 14 page

    Positive Measure Spectrum for Schroedinger Operators with Periodic Magnetic Fields

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    We study Schroedinger operators with periodic magnetic field in Euclidean 2-space, in the case of irrational magnetic flux. Positive measure Cantor spectrum is generically expected in the presence of an electric potential. We show that, even without electric potential, the spectrum has positive measure if the magnetic field is a perturbation of a constant one.Comment: 17 page

    Bound states in straight quantum waveguides with combined boundary conditions

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    We investigate the discrete spectrum of the Hamiltonian describing a quantum particle living in the two-dimensional straight strip. We impose the combined Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions on different parts of the boundary. Several statements on the existence or the absence of the discrete spectrum are proven for two models with combined boundary conditions. Examples of eigenfunctions and eigenvalues are computed numerically.Comment: 24 pages, LaTeX 2e with 4 eps figure

    Upper and lower limits on the number of bound states in a central potential

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    In a recent paper new upper and lower limits were given, in the context of the Schr\"{o}dinger or Klein-Gordon equations, for the number N0N_{0} of S-wave bound states possessed by a monotonically nondecreasing central potential vanishing at infinity. In this paper these results are extended to the number NN_{\ell} of bound states for the \ell-th partial wave, and results are also obtained for potentials that are not monotonic and even somewhere positive. New results are also obtained for the case treated previously, including the remarkably neat \textit{lower} limit N{{[σ/(2+1)+1]/2}}N_{\ell}\geq \{\{[\sigma /(2\ell+1)+1]/2\}\} with V(r)1/2]% \sigma =(2/\pi) \underset{0\leq r<\infty}{\max}[r| V(r)| ^{1/2}] (valid in the Schr\"{o}dinger case, for a class of potentials that includes the monotonically nondecreasing ones), entailing the following \textit{lower} limit for the total number NN of bound states possessed by a monotonically nondecreasing central potential vanishing at infinity: N\geq \{\{(\sigma+1)/2\}\} {(\sigma+3)/2\} \}/2 (here the double braces denote of course the integer part).Comment: 44 pages, 5 figure

    Necessary and sufficient conditions for existence of bound states in a central potential

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    We obtain, using the Birman-Schwinger method, a series of necessary conditions for the existence of at least one bound state applicable to arbitrary central potentials in the context of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. These conditions yield a monotonic series of lower limits on the "critical" value of the strength of the potential (for which a first bound state appears) which converges to the exact critical strength. We also obtain a sufficient condition for the existence of bound states in a central monotonic potential which yield an upper limit on the critical strength of the potential.Comment: 7 page