14 research outputs found

    Coordination Chemistry of Perhalogenated Cyclopentadienes and Alkynes. 17. Reaction of Dichloroethyne With Platinum(0) Phosphine Complexes: Formation of a .pi.-Complex, Isomerization to .beta.-Chloroethynyl Complexes, and Syntheses of Diplatinioethyne Derivatives. Molecular Structures of (Ph3P)2Pt(.eta.2-ClC.tplbond.CCl) and Cl(Ph3P)2PtC.tplbond.CPt(PPh3)2Cl

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    Dichloroethyne ClCECCl reacts with Pt(PPh3)2(C2H4) or Pt(PPh& to give the a-complex Pt(PPh3)2(+21C=CC1) (l),w hich can be isomerized by prolonged refluxing in toluene to trans- (Ph3P)zC1Pt-C==CC1 (2). 2 easily undergoes exchange reactions with alkylphosphines and with halide anions to yield trans-(R3P)2ClPt-C=CCl (R = Et (3)) Bu (4)) and trans-(Ph3P)z- (X)Pt-C=CCl (X = F (5a), Br (5b), I (5c)), respectively. The alkylphosphine complexes 3 and 4 can also be obtained by reaction of Pt(PR3)4 (R = Et, “Bu) with ClCECCl or from 1 and the corresponding phosphine. When Pt(PPh&(CzH4) is added to a solution of 3, a dinuclear complex 6 is formed, in which the C=C-Cl group acts as a a,a-bridging ligand. Upon standing, oxidative addition of the remaining C-C1 bond occurs and the p-ethynediyl complex trans- C1(R3P)2Pt-C=C-Pt(PPh3)2C1-Cis (R = Et (7a)) can be obtained. The corresponding p-ethynediyl complex 7b (R = Ph) is formed directly from 2 and Pt(PPh&(CzH4). 7b isomerizes upon heating in toluene to the symmetrical all-trans isomer 8. The molecular structures of 1 and 8 were determined by X-ray diffraction (1: C ~ ~ H ~ ~ C ~ Z P ~ Pa ~=C 10H.3Z11C(3~) AZ,, b = 10.392(4) A, c = 33.675(16) A, P = 90.17(3)’, monoclinic, P21/n, 2 = 4. 8: C74H&1zP4Ptz9 a = 12.938(2) A, b = 19.964(3) A, c = 24.844(3) A, P = 96.14(1)’, monoclinic, C2/c, 2 = 4)

    Komplexchemie perhalogenierter Cyclopentadiene und Alkine

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    [C5Cl4Br]Mn(CO)3 reacts with butyllithium and Mn(CO)5Br or Au(PPh3)Cl to give the bimetallic cyclopentadienyl-bridged complexes [C5Cl4Mn(CO)5]Mn(CO)3 (1) and [C5Cl4Au(PPh3)]Mn(CO)3 (2), respectively. The molecular structures of 1 and 2 show no or very weak interactions between the metal centers. 1 reacts with BuLi and Au(PPh3)Cl in a formal substitution reaction to give 2. PPh3 replaces one CO ligand in 1 to yield [C5Cl4[Mn(CO)4(PPh3)]]Mn(CO)3 (3)

    CAMEA—A novel multiplexing analyzer for neutron spectroscopy

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    The analyzerdetector system continuous angle multiple energy analysis will be installed on the cold-neutron triple-axis spectrometer RITA-2 at SINQ, PSI. CAMEA is optimized for efficiency in the horizontal scattering plane enabling rapid and detailed mapping of excitations. As a novelty the design employs a series of several sequential upward scatteringanalyzer arcs. Each arc is set to a different, fixed, final energy and scattersneutrons towards position sensitive detectors. Thus, neutrons with different final energies are recorded simultaneously over a large angular range. In a single data-acquisition many entire constant-energy lines in the horizontal scattering plane are recorded for a quasi-continuous angular coverage of about 60°. With a large combined coverage in energy and momentum, this will result in a very efficient spectrometer, which will be particularly suited for parametric studies under extreme conditions with restrictive sample environments (high field magnets or pressure cells) and for small samples of novel materials. In this paper we outline the concept and the specifications of the instrument currently under construction

    Komplexchemie perhalogenierter Cyclopentadiene und Alkine

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    (1,2,3,4,5)Pentachlorferrocen reagiert mit Butyllithium und anschließend mit MeSSMe zu [C5Cl4(SMe)]FeCP (Cp = η5-C5H5) (1). Durch Wiederholung dieser Prozedur lassen sich [C5Cl3(SMe)2]FeCp (2) und [C5Cl2(SMe)3]FeCp (3) erhalten. Eine Kristallstrukturanalyse von 2 zeigt eine 1,3-Anordnung der beiden SMe-Gruppen. Eine Anzahl unsymmetrischer Cymantrenbis- und tristhioether (4–6) wurde auf ähnliche Weise aus [C5Cl4(SR)]Mn(CO)3 bzw. [C5Cl3(SR)2]Mn(CO)3 (R = Me, Ph) dargestellt. Auch Cymantrenyl-Selenoether [C5Cl5−n(SeR)n]Mn(CO)3 (7–10) (R = Me, n = 1, 2, 3; R = Ph, n = 2) konnten erhalten werden

    Tension of knotted surgical sutures shows tissue specific rapid loss in a rodent model

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Every surgical suture compresses the enclosed tissue with a tension that depends from the knotting force and the resistance of the tissue. The aim of this study was to identify the dynamic change of applied suture tension with regard to the tissue specific cutting reaction.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In rabbits we placed single polypropylene sutures (3/0) in skin, muscle, liver, stomach and small intestine. Six measurements for each single organ were determined by tension sensors for 60 minutes. We collected tissue specimens to analyse the connective tissue stability by measuring the collagen/protein content.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We identified three phases in the process of suture loosening. The initial rapid loss of the first phase lasts only one minute. It can be regarded as cutting through damage of the tissue. The percentage of lost tension is closely related to the collagen content of the tissue (r = -0.424; p = 0.016). The second phase is characterized by a slower decrease of suture tension, reflecting a tissue specific plastic deformation. Phase 3 is characterized by a plateau representing the remaining structural stability of the tissue. The ratio of remaining tension to initial tension of phase 1 is closely related to the collagen content of the tissue (r = 0.392; p = 0.026).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Knotted non-elastic monofilament sutures rapidly loose tension. The initial phase of high tension may be narrowed by reduction of the surgeons' initial force of the sutures' elasticity to those of the tissue. Further studies have to confirm, whether reduced tissue compression and less local damage permits improved wound healing.</p

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    XUV-Initiated Dissociation Dynamics of Molecular Oxygen (O2_2)

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    We performed a time-resolved spectroscopy experixment on the dissociation of oxygen molecules after the interactionwith intense extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) light from the free-electronlaser in Hamburg at Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron. Using anXUV-pump/XUV-probe transient-absorption geometry with asplit-and-delay unit, we observe the onset of electronic transitionsin the O2+^{2+} cation near 50 eV photon energy, marking the end ofthe progression from a molecule to two isolated atoms. We observetwo different time scales of 290 ± 53 and 180 ± 76 fs for theemergence of different ionic transitions, indicating differentdissociation pathways taken by the departing oxygen atoms.With regard to the emerging opportunities of tuning the centralfrequencies of pump and probe pulses and of increasing the probe−pulse bandwidth, future pump−probe transient-absorptionexperiments are expected to provide a detailed view of the coupled nuclear and electronic dynamics during molecular dissociatio