50 research outputs found

    Proksimal femur patolojik kırıkları sonrası seçilen cerrahi tekniğin ve hasta özelliklerinin uzun dönem sürviye etkileri

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    Objective: Pathological fractures are among the most common complications of malign neoplasms. The femur is the most frequently involved bone following spinal metastasis. This study retrospectively analyzed patients who had been surgically treated for proximal femur metastasis and aimed to determine the factors that affect survival rates. Methods: This is an IRB approved, retrospective review of all patients diagnosed with pathological fractures due to proximal femur metastasis and treated surgically in a single institution from 2004 to 2012. The Karnovsky scoring system was also used to evaluate functionality. Statistical comparisons were made by forming patient subgroups based on the existence of a primary diagnosis, the surgical method selected, and the existence of complications. The analyses attempted to recognize the factors that affect mortality. Results: Our review of the archives showed that a total of 34 patients (20 female; 14 male). Mean patient age was 59.3±13.8. The primary tumor was already diagnosed in 27 patients on admission. Pathological fractures seemed to occur at an average of 53.4 (±44.5) months after primary diagnosis. Long-stemmed cemented arthroplasty was used in 15 patients and IM nail was used in 19 patients. Patients with IM nail were mobilized significantly earlier and hospitalization was shorter respectively (p=0.04, p=0.006). The need for a second surgical operation was statistically similar in the two groups (p=0.24). After an approximate follow-up of 26.5±21.9 months, the average Karnovsky score was similar (54.1 vs. 48.3; p=0.07). The patients who did not have a second skeletal system metastasis or other organ metastasis survived significantly longer (24.7 vs. 11.3; p=0.02). Conclusıons: Shorter hospitalization and earlier mobilization can be in patients who were treated with an IM nail. Higher survival is expected for patients who do not have distant organ or skeletal system metastases at the time of surgically treating pathological fractures.Amaç: Kemik metastazları,kanser hastalarının ciddi komplikasyonlarından birisi olup tedavisi hastaların hızlı mobilize edilmesi ve ağrı kontrolü için esastır. Özellikle son dönemlerde medikal onkolojk tedavinin de gelişmesi ile kemik metastazlarına sahip hastalarda da uzun yaşam beklenmekte ve bu nedenle bu lezyonların tedavisinde cerrahiye yönelim artmıştır. Biz bu çalışmada femur proksimal uç metastazlarında en yaygın tercih edilen iki cerrahi yöntem olan intrameduller osteosentezi ve protez ile rekonstüksiyonunun, hastaların diğer özellikleri de ele alınarak sürviye olan etkisi üzerinde çalışıldı. Yöntemler: Çalışmada, 2004-2013 yılları arasında kliniğimizde opere olan proksimal uç metastazı olan 34 hasta retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Hastaların ortalama yaşı 59,3±13,8 idi. 27 hastada primer tanı bilinmekte idi. Patolojik kırıklar primer tanı sonrası ortalama 53,4 (±44,5) ayda ortaya çıktığı görüldü.15 hastada uzun stemli femoral protez yapılırken, 19 hastada intramedüller çivi ile tespit yapıldı. Bulgular: İntramedüller çivi grubunda hastanede yatış süresi ve mobilizasyon süresi protez grubuna göre anlamlı düzeyde az olduğu görüldü (p=0,04, p=0,006). İkincil cerrahi gereksinimi arasında iki grup arasında anlamlı düzeyde fark yoktu(p=0,24). 26,5±21,9 ay takip süresi sonrasında her iki grup arasında ortalama karnofsky skorları benzerdi (54,1 vs. 48,3; p=0,07). iskelet ve uzak organ metastazı olmayan hastaların anlamlı düzeyde daha uzun sürvi sahibi olduğu görüldü (24,7 vs. 11,3; p=0,02). Sonuç: Patolojik proksimal femur kırıkları sonrası IM çivi uygulaması hastanede kalış süresi ve mobilizasyona geçiş süresini azaltmaktadır. Uzak organ ve iskelet metastazı olmayan hastaların uzun dönem sürvileri daha uzun olmaktadır. Kanıt düzeyi: IV retrospektif çalışma

    Simultaneous Bilateral Quadriceps Tendon Rupture in a Patient with Diffuse Idiopathic SkeletalHyperostosis after Minimal Trauma: Eight-Year Follow-Up.

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    Introduction:The purpose of this report was to describe a very rare case of simultaneous bilateral quadriceps tendon rupture seen in a patient who was diagnosed as having diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis.Case presentation:A man aged 64 years presented to the emergency department with bilateral quadriceps tendon rupture. Surgical repair was performed with suture anchors and a stainless steel cable. His legs were immobilized in casts for six weeks. After removal of the casts, physiotherapy was started. Four months after surgery, he was able to walk with 0°-120° range of motion and active extension. He was followed up for 8 years without rerupture or other complications.Conclusion:Bilateral rupture of the quadriceps tendon is a rare condition and generally related to metabolic disorders. Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis is a metabolic disorder that causes bilateral quadriceps tendon rupture, and it accounted for the differential diagnosis of the underlying condition