4 research outputs found

    Influence of Exclusive Enteral Nutrition Therapy on Bone Density and Geometry in Newly Diagnosed Pediatric Crohn’s Disease Patients

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    Background and Aims: Exclusive enteral nutrition (EEN) induces remissionin patients with Crohn’s disease (CD). We investigated the short-termimpact of EEN on bone quality and muscle mass in children with CD.Methods: Ten newly diagnosed CD patients (7 male, 10.6-17.7 years ofage) were assessed by peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT)at the forearm before starting an 8-weeks treatment with EEN, and after12 and 52 weeks. No steroids or biologicals were applied. Trabecular andcortical bone mineral density, total bone, and muscle cross-sectionalarea (CSA) were measured by pQCT and expressed as age- and sex-specificz-scores; size-dependent CSAs were corrected for low height for age.Wilcoxon rank sum test was applied. Results: Remission at week 12 wasachieved in 8 patients; 2 still had mild disease

    Reduced muscle mass and bone size in pediatric patients with inflammatory bowel disease

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    BACKGROUND: Decreased bone mineral density has been reported in children with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). We used peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) to assess bone mineralization, geometry, and muscle cross-sectional area (CSA) in pediatric IBD. METHODS: In a cross-sectional study, pQCT of the forearm was applied in 143 IBD patients (mean age 13.9 +/- 3.5 years); 29% were newly diagnosed, 98 had Crohn's disease, and 45 had ulcerative colitis. Auxological data, cumulative glucocorticoid dose, disease activity indices, laboratory markers for inflammation, and bone metabolism were related to the results of pQCT. RESULTS: Patients were compromised in height (-0.82 +/- 1.1 SD), weight (-0.77 +/- 1.0 SD), muscle mass (-1.12 +/- 1.0 SD), and total bone cross-sectional area (-0.79 +/- 1.0 SD) compared to age- and sex-matched healthy controls (z-scores). In newly diagnosed patients, the ratio of bone mineral mass per muscle CSA was higher than in those with longer disease duration (1.00 versus 0.30, P = 0.007). Serum albumin level and disease activity correlated with muscle mass, accounting for 41.0% of variability in muscle mass (P < 0.01). The trabecular bone mineral density z-score was on average at the lower normal level (-0.40 +/- 1.3 SD, P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Reduced bone geometry was explained only in part by reduced height. Bone disease in children with IBD seems to be secondary to muscle wasting, which is already present at diagnosis. With longer disease duration, bone adapts to the lower muscle CSA. Serum albumin concentration is a good marker for muscle wasting and abnormal bone development

    Full Breastfeeding and Allergic Diseases—Long-Term Protection or Rebound Effects?

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    A previous follow-up of the GINIplus study showed that breastfeeding could protect against early eczema. However, effects diminished in adolescence, possibly indicating a “rebound effect” in breastfed children after initial protection. We evaluated the role of early eczema until three years of age on allergies until young adulthood and assessed whether early eczema modifies the association between breastfeeding and allergies. Data from GINIplus until 20-years of age (N = 4058) were considered. Information on atopic eczema, asthma, and rhinitis was based on reported physician’s diagnoses. Adjusted Odds Ratios (aOR) were modelled by using generalized estimating equations. Early eczema was associated with eczema (aORs = 3.2–14.4), asthma (aORs = 2.2–2.7), and rhinitis (aORs = 1.2–2.7) until young adulthood. For eczema, this association decreased with age (p-for-interaction = 0.002–0.006). Longitudinal models did not show associations between breastfeeding and the respective allergies from 5 to 20 years of age. Moreover, early eczema generally did not modify the association between milk feeding and allergies except for rhinitis in participants without family history of atopy. Early eczema strongly predicts allergies until young adulthood. While preventive effects of full breastfeeding on eczema in infants with family history of atopy does not persist until young adulthood, the hypothesis of a rebound effect after initial protection cannot be confirmed