5 research outputs found

    Socioeconomic position, immune function, and its physiological markers

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    The development of costly traits such as immune function and secondary sexual traits is constrained by resource availability. The quality of developmental conditions and the availability of resources in ontogeny may therefore influence immune system functions and other biological traits. We analyzed causal pathways between family socioeconomic position, strength of immune response, and five physiological biomarkers in young Latvian men (n = 93) using structural equation modeling. Men from wealthier families had higher testosterone levels (rs = 0.280), stronger immune response (rs = 0.551), and higher facial attractiveness (rs = 0.300). There were weak, non-significant correlations between family income, body fat percentage (rs = āˆ’0.147), and fluctuating asymmetry (rs = āˆ’0.159). Testosterone partially (33.8%) mediated the effect of family income on facial masculinity. Testosterone (positively) and adiposity (negatively) partially (4%) mediated the relationship between family income and immune function. Higher facial masculinity, higher facial symmetry, and lower adiposity were reliable and independent cues of better immune function (R2 = 0.238) in a larger sample of young Latvian men (N = 146). Resource availability in ontogeny has an important role for the development of immune function and physical appearance, and it is a key parameter to be included in human eco-immunological research

    Genetic diversity of the reintroduced Hyla (Laurenti, 1768) tree frog in Latvia.

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    Ä¢enētiskā daudzveidÄ«ba ir sugu aizsardzÄ«bā svarÄ«gs parametrs, kas raksturo populāciju izdzÄ«voÅ”anas spēju. Darba mērÄ·is bija raksturot Eiropas kokvaržu sugu kompleksa Ä£enētisko daudzveidÄ«bu, diferencēt Latvijā reintroducētās kokvardes sugu un noteikt tās Ä£enētisko daudzveidÄ«bu. Sistemātiskās literatÅ«ras analÄ«zē tika apkopotas biežāk izmantotās metodes Ä£enētiskās daudzveidÄ«bas analÄ«zē un izveidots sistemātisks literatÅ«ras pārskats par Eiropas kokvaržu Ä£enētisko daudzveidÄ«bu. Sugas diferenciācijas rezultāti pierādÄ«ja, ka Latvijā reintroducētā kokvarde pieder Austrumu kokvardes Hyla orientalis sugai. Analizētās kokvardes no Kurzemes Ä£enētiski veidoja vienu populāciju ar zemu haplotipu un nukleotÄ«du daudzveidÄ«bu. Secināts, ka Latvijas kokvaržu populācija ir apdraudēta un tai ir nepiecieÅ”ama jaunu Ä£enētisko lÄ«niju introducÄ“Å”ana.Genetic diversity is an important factor in species conservation, that describes population survival capabilities. The aim of this study was to describe the genetic diversity of European tree frog species complex, differentiate the species of the reintroduced tree frog in Latvia and analyse its genetic diversity. With the systematic literature review an overview was created of European treefrog genetic diversity and the used methods of genetic diversity analysis and results. Species differentiation revealed that the reintroduced tree frog in Latvia belongs to the Eastern tree frog Hyla orientalis species. The treefrogs in Kurzeme formed one genetic population with low haplotype and nucleotide diversity. It was concluded that the tree frog population in Latvia is endangered and in need of introduction of new genetic lines

    The effect of radiation on fluctuating asymmetry in red firebugs Pyrrhocoris apterus

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    Vides radiācijai var bÅ«t negatÄ«va ietekme uz organismu attÄ«stÄ«bu. Fluktuālās asimetrijas mērÄ«Å”ana ir salÄ«dzinoÅ”i jauna metode, kas atzÄ«ta par efektÄ«vu vides izraisÄ«ta stresa noteikÅ”anā un izpētē. Darba mērÄ·is ir veikt sarkanblakÅ”u fluktuālās asimetrijas mērÄ«jumus no teritorijām ar dažādām vides radiācijas intensitātēm un, novērojot morfoloÄ£isko pazÄ«mju izmaiņas, izmantot to kā indikatoru vides izraisÄ«tam stresam. Sarkanblaktis tika ievāktas piecās pilsētās un vienā kontroles teritorijā. TrÄ«s taustekļu posmiem tika veikti fluktuālās asimetrijas mērÄ«jumi un segspārnu ornamentiem noteikta deformāciju sastopamÄ«ba. Novērota bÅ«tiska pozitÄ«va korelācija starp vides radiācijas intensitāti un taustekļu fluktuālo asimetriju. Fluktuālās asimetrijas izpausmes starp sarkanblakÅ”u dzimumiem bija dažādas, iespējams norādot uz atŔķirÄ«gu radiorezistenci. Segspārnu ornamentu deformāciju skaits pieauga lÄ«dz noteiktai radiācijas intensitātei un tad samazinājās, norādot uz iespējamu dabiskās atlases veidoÅ”anos. Secināts, ka palielinoties apkārtējās vides radiācijas intensitātei, pieaug sarkanblakÅ”u fluktuālā asimetrija.The level of environmental radiation has an effect on the development of animals. Measuring fluctuating asymmetry is a comparatively new method, that is considered to be effective in determining environmental stress. The aim of this study is to measure fluctuating asymmetry of red firebugs collected from territories with various intensities of environmental radiation and with observing the changes in morphological traits, use it as an indicator of the presence of environmental stress. Firebugs were collected in five cities and one control territory. Measurements of fluctuating asymmetry were done on three segments of the antennae. The occurrence of wing ornament deformations was also assessed. A significant positive correlation between environmental radiation and fluctuating asymmetry of antennae was observed. Differences between fluctuating asymmetry in sexes of red firebugs were observed, potentially because of different abilities of radioresistance. Percentage of wing ornament deformations increased until a specific radiation intensity and then decreased, possibly because of increased natural selection. It was concluded, that increase of environmental radiation intensity increases fluctuating asymmetry in red firebugs

    Genetic diversity of European tree frogs (Hyla arborea group): A systematic review

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    Amphibian populations are increasingly threatened by global change and the study of their genetic diversity is a major conservation priority. Western palearctic tree frog species of theĀ Hyla arboreaĀ group are commonly distributed across Europe and the Middle East and many have declining populations. We performed a PRISMA systematic review to gain insight into the genetic diversity ofĀ H. arboreaĀ group. Sixteen published studies were included in the final qualitative analysis. While the genetic diversity ofĀ H. arboreaĀ group species was widely variable, it could often be explained by phylogeographic history. Populations in Western and Northern Europe had lower genetic diversity, with some populations also affected by habitat fragmentation. However, important regions of high genetic diversity were found in the Balkan peninsula forĀ H. arboreaĀ sensu stricto and around the Black Sea forĀ H. orientalis. Genetic diversity ofĀ H. molleri,Ā H. savignyi,Ā H. meridionalis,Ā H. felixarabica, H. intermedia,Ā H. sardaĀ has been investigated only across extensive phylogeographical studies, while data regarding their genetic diversity at the local level are missing. Through our review, we identify knowledge gaps about the genetic diversity of theĀ H. arboreaĀ group that require further investigation, of and illustrate how filling these gaps might translate into future conservation efforts