559 research outputs found
Annual Report - Marine Biological Laboratory, 2011
Annual report of the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole. 2011. Includes lists of students, faculty, and researchers.Published in two parts. Printed document includes message from the Chairman and the President, research highlights, education highlights, MBL at-a-glance, finanicals, gifts and leadership. On-line only additional information includes details for research, education, MBLWHOI LIbrary, and people. Lists of employees, students and faculty are contained in the additional information section.Publication
Changing climate, changing ocean
Prepared for the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP15), December 7 - 18 2009Observations show that climate warming is already having significant
impacts on the ocean. How the ocean and sea ice respond will
determine the trajectory of future global climate
Marine Biological Laboratory Ninety-third report for the year 1990. One-hundred and third year.
Annual report of the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole. 1990. Includes lists of students, faculty, and researchers.Publication
MBL Annual Report 2003
Annual report of the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole. 2003. Includes lists of students, faculty, and researchers.Publication
Collecting Net. v. 15, 1940
A weekly publication devoted to the scientific work at marine biological laboratories.Vol. 15. 10 numbered issues published from June 29-Aug. 31, 1940. Numbered both as issues 1-10 and issues 128-137.Publication
MBL Annual Report 2004
Annual report of the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole. 2004. Includes lists of students, faculty, and researchers.Publication
New or little-known Coleoptera from Japan and its adjacent Regions, XIII (MATHEMATICS AND NATURAL SCIENCE)
本報文に於ては, 日本(奄美大島を含む)及び沖縄に産する甲虫類(昆虫綱, 鞘翅目)の中から, 6科に属する15新種10新亜種について記載した。之ら新型の記載に使用した模式標本は一部を除き著者が所蔵する。終に当り, 著者の研究に対して常に温かい援助を与えられる方々に対し, 深い感謝を捧げたい。なお本報の一部は文部省科学研究助成補助金の援助によって行われたものである
Leaf Spodograms in the Genus Aegilops : I. General Morphology (MATHEMATICS AND NATURAL SCIENCE)
Spodograms of the leaves of Aegilops species were investigated. The silicified portion of the epidermis consists of elongated, small, quartziferous, spiniferous and round cells, and hairs. Overlying the veins are found to the highest degree silicified elongated, small, quartziferous, and spiniferous cells. Overlying the parenchyma rather weakly silicified elongated and small cells are chiefly found. In certain species the epidermis lacks in a few kinds of cells mentioned above
Contents of Embryo Factor in Developing Seeds of Datura and Lupinus (A. NATURAL SCIENCE)
1. In the seeds of Datura tatula and Lupinus, the content of embryo factor increases with the development of the seed. A rapid growth of the embryo occurs two or three days after a rapid increase of the factor. 2. The highest content of the factor is observed at the time of the most active growth of the embryo. 3. In the older seeds the content of the factor decreases, but in the fully mature Lupinus seed a considerable amount of it is found. 4. The embryo factor is found also in placenta and fruit coat of Datura and in pod of Lupinus. The authors are indebted to Prof. S. Imamura, Kyoto University, for his guidance and counsel during the course of this study
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