94 research outputs found

    Pemberian Latihan Aerobik Untuk Meningkatkan Kapasitas Sistem Energi Pada Anak Sekolah Dasar

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    Providing energy on human being is formed in a system, called as energy system. Energy system on human being is provided in some kinds, one of them is aerobic system (aerobic system capacity) and anaerobic system (anaerobic system capacity). To increase energy system on the body, so it requires a regular exercise. The exercise that we does has purpose to increase our energy provision as maximum as possible, whether it is done through effort to increase aerobic capacity system or effort to increase anaerobic capacity system. Aerobic system is a work done regularly as long as possible, a muscle work that is general in nature in aerobic condition, whereas anaerobic capacity is a work that make us able to do regularly as long as possible, a muscle work that is general in nature in anaerobic condition. The effort to increase energy system in aerobic exercise on children is an effort to create qualified human being resource

    Pendidikan Kesehatan Dan Aplikasinya Di SD/MI

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    Health education is part of the overall efforts of health (promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative) which focuses on efforts to increase healthy living behaviors. In the concept of health education is an effort to inflence /encourage others (individuals, groups and communities) in order to behave in a healthy life. Operationally in health education are all activities to provide / improve the knowledge, attitudes and practices of communitiesin maintaining and improving health. Health education is synonymous with health counseling because both of them are expected behavior changeoriented which is healthy behaviors, so it has the ability to recognize healthproblems himself, his family and his group in improving health. Health education is a part of health promotion is a process to improve the ability of communities to maintain and improve their health and not just relate themselves to increase the knowledge, attitudes and practices of health, but also increase or improve the environment (both physical and non-physical) in order to maintain and improve health

    Melatih Keterampilan Gerak Dasar Anak Madrasah Melalui Aktivitas Olahraga

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    Basic motor ability is the ordinary potency students do to improve the quality of life. Basic motor ability is divided to three categories namely: locomotor, nonlocomotor, and manipulative. Motor ability at all age levels will increase if it\u27s done through a learning process as learning Physical Education in schools. Motor skills can be coached to improve ability of madrasah children among others: basic motor run, walk, throw, jump, gymnastics, and sports games. Basic motor skills can help developing students toward perfection level of motor in accordance with their age level. Coaching of basic motor skill level is expected students to gain a good development level of motor

    Model Berbasis Agen untuk Pengenalan Produk Baru dengan Twitter

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    In less than 4 years since its introductions, Twitter has become the fastest growing social networking tool. Working very much the same as a blog, it has been used widely by businesses as well as individuals to share information, introduce new product/idea, etc. Using Twitter, a person has the choice whether or not to forward (re-tweet) the message from/to his/her friends or social networks that he/she belongs to. The result of online survey revealed some factors (taste, price, availability, packaging and image), which affect the decision to re-tweet or not an information pertaining new food product following the Diffusion of Innovations model. On the other hand, the independent and autonomous behavior of members in a social network such as Twitter satisfies the characteristics of Agent Based Simulation model. Using NetLogo software, this paper aims to disclose the result of an Agent Based Simulation model which showed when and why a person will or will not re-tweet a message that he/she received from his/her friends or social networks that he / she belongs to by applying the concept of Diffusion of Innovation

    Konstruksi Profesionalisme Aparat: Dukungan Pimpinan Dan Perbaikan Kesejahteraan

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    Capacity-building employees has become a global policy instrument in the New Public Management perspective to create the organization's effectiveness and efficiency in the bureaucracy. The release of the State Civil Administrative Law has strengthened efforts to establish the capacity of the officials who are competent and professional. This research uses purposive sampling technique. Respondent were choosen from Food Security Office and Archive and Library Office in 4 areas, namely Bojonegoro, Kapas, Balen, and Dander. In line with the results of the study, it appears that the construction capabilities of the apparatus has a high chance to realize the vision and mission of the new district. In addition, capacitybuilding apparatus in an area determined by the area of leadership role models, the regent than on education leadership. Professionalism apparatus constructed as a positive energy that is not only related to the knowledge and expertise as well as the achievement of an individual's performance, but is highly dependent on the creation of a conducive environment for professionalism itself, such as the feasibility of welfare officials, the clarity of sanctions and rewards as well as encouragement and ethos work

    Persistent Hypertension is Associated with Low Hdl in Young Adults: an Evidence from Taiwan Five Years Population Based Cohort Study

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    Background: Hypertension (HT) is one of major risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and its combination with other risk factors, i.e. dyslipidemia, could worsen the health. The burden of CVD is now shifting to younger age, and its development is even in the earlier life period. Young adults with rare health check and lack of awareness in CVD risk factor may result in suboptimal management. This study aimed to investigate the association of persistent HT and low HDL level in 5 years follow up among young adults aged 15-25 years. Subjects and Methods: This study was done using Tw3SHH, a Taiwan population based cohort study (2002 to 2007), among young adults 15-25 years of age. HT was defined as the SBP>120mmHg and/or DBP>80 mmHg and/or respondent was told of having HT by medical personnel. HT development was classified based on their HT status in 2002 and 2007: “Non-HT (no HT both in 2002 and 2007)”, “Improved HT (HT in 2002 and no HT in 2007)”, ”Worsened HT (no HT in 2002 and HT in 2007)”, and “Persistent HT (HT both in 2002 and 2007)”. HDL was grouped based on NCEP-ATP III, and the low HDL defined as HDL<40mg/dl. Exercise, fatty food consumption and smoking status were based in self-reported questions. The data were analyzed by a multiple logistic reg¬res¬sion model to estimate the association of persistent HT and low HDL level in 5-years. Covariates were sex, age, smoking habit, exercise habit, fatty food con¬sump¬tion, and HbA1C. Results: About 9.35% of 727 study subjects had persistent HT. Compared to non-HT group, persistent HT group had higher risk of having low HDL level (crude OR= 3.70; CI 95%= 1.90 to 7.2; p<0.001; adjusted OR= 2.44; CI 95%= 1.18 to 5.03; p= 0.015). This association persisted (crude OR= 4.90; CI 95% 2.29 to 10.49; p<0.001; adjusted OR= 2.89; CI 95%= 1.34 to 6.24; p= 0.007) in sub¬group analysis among study subjects without low baseline HDL. Conclusion: Persistent HT is associated with low HDL level in 5 years follow up among young adults 15-25 years of age. Although universal screening in lipid profile among children and youth is still controversial, awareness to this condition should be raised. Keywords: cardiovascular, hypertension, dyslipidemia, HDL, young adul

    Pemodelan Proses Pengeringan Mekanis Tepung Kasava dengan Menggunakan Pneumatic Dryer: Hubungan Kapasitas Output dengan Variabel Proses Pengeringan

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    Pada proses pengeringan, kapasitas output (Qo) merupakan salah satu parameter penting yang perlu diketahui. Parameter ini dapat dipakai untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas kinerja proses pengeringan. Pada metode pengeringan secara pneumatik, penentuan kapasitas output mesin pengering secara teoritis, masih relatif komplek. Diperlukan cara perhitungan yang lebih sederhana untuk dapat memprediksi kapasitas output mesin pengering pneumatik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menghubungkan secara matematis antara nilai Qo dengan beberapa variabel proses pengeringan pneumatik tepung kasava dengan menggunakan metode analisis dimensi. Hasil analisis data memberikan hubungan antara nilai Qo dengan variabel-variabel proses pengeringan sebagai berikut:Persamaan tersebut mempunyai nilai koefisien determinasi yang cukup besar, sehingga dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi kapasitas output pada pengeringan pneumatik. Hasil uji sensitivitas menunjukkan bahwa dimensionless product yang paling berpengaruh terhadap nilai Qo adalah ... yang mencapai 11,53%

    Pemodelan pada Proses Pengeringan Mekanis Tepung Kasava dengan Menggunakan Pneumatic Dryer: Hubungan Fineness Modulus dengan Variabel Proses Pengeringan

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    Metode pengeringan yang diterapkan dalam industri pembuatan tepung salah satunya adalah pneumatic drying. Berbagai macam variabel baik dari sifat-sifat bahan yang dikeringkan maupun kondisi proses pengeringan sangat mempengaruhi kualitas hasil pengeringan. Fineness Modulus (FM) dan diameter tepung rata-rata merupakan variabel-variabel yang penting dalam penentuan kualitas dari tepung. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mencari hubungan matematis antara FM dengan variabel-variabel kondisi proses pengeringan pneumatik. Untuk dapat mewujudkan tujuan tersebut telah dirancang peralatan pneumatic drying dan dilakukan pengujian dengan berbagai macam variasi perlakuan seperti kapasitas input, kecepatan udara pengering, diameter partikel tepung, dan temperatur udara pengering

    The Soaking Effect on Different Hydrocloride Acid Level and Soaking TIME on Ph, Swelling Percentage and Collagen Yield of Chicken Shank Bone

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    Collagen is the main ingredient in the gelatin manufacture. The purpose of the study was todetermine the pH value, the swelling percentage and collagen yield of chicken shank bones which weresoaked by different HCl concentration and soaking time. The pH value and swelling percentage ofchicken shank bones are indicator that determines amount of collagen yield. The research design usedwas factorial completely randomized design (CRD). Factor A was a concentration of HCl (2%, 3.5% and5%) and factor B was a soaking time (24, 36 and 48 hours) without replication (profile). The resultshows that the the increase of HCl concentration and soaking time affected on the decreasing of pHvalue profile (0.17-0.85), swelling percentage profile (80.25-97.49%) and also collagen yield (1.80-10.02%). The lowest collagen yield of chicken shank bones was suspected caused by the used of Hcl.The highest result of the study was using 2% of HCl concentration for 24 hours. The best result wasfound in the use of 2% HCl and was soaked for 24 hours. Based on those result, the collagen of chickenshank bones was recommended as a main ingredient for gelatin manufacture
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