109 research outputs found

    TaCA: Upgrading Your Visual Foundation Model with Task-agnostic Compatible Adapter

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    Visual foundation models like CLIP excel in learning feature representations from extensive datasets through self-supervised methods, demonstrating remarkable transfer learning and generalization capabilities. A growing number of applications based on visual foundation models are emerging, including innovative solutions such as BLIP-2. These applications employ pre-trained CLIP models as upstream feature extractors and train various downstream modules to accomplish diverse tasks. In situations involving system upgrades that require updating the upstream foundation model, it becomes essential to re-train all downstream modules to adapt to the new foundation model, which is inflexible and inefficient. In this paper, we introduce a parameter-efficient and task-agnostic adapter, dubbed TaCA, that facilitates compatibility across distinct foundation models while ensuring enhanced performance for the new models. TaCA allows downstream applications to seamlessly integrate better-performing foundation models without necessitating retraining. We conduct extensive experimental validation of TaCA using different scales of models with up to one billion parameters on various tasks such as video-text retrieval, video recognition, and visual question answering. The results consistently demonstrate the emergent ability of TaCA on hot-plugging upgrades for visual foundation models. Codes and models will be available at https://github.com/TencentARC/TaCA

    Extremely large magnetoresistance in topologically trivial semimetal α\alpha-WP2_2

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    Extremely large magnetoresistance (XMR) was recently discovered in many non-magnetic materials, while its underlying mechanism remains poorly understood due to the complex electronic structure of these materials. Here, we report an investigation of the α\alpha-phase WP2_2, a topologically trivial semimetal with monoclinic crystal structure (C2/m), which contrasts to the recently discovered robust type-II Weyl semimetal phase in β\beta-WP2_2. We found that α\alpha-WP2_2 exhibits almost all the characteristics of XMR materials: the near-quadratic field dependence of MR, a field-induced up-turn in resistivity following by a plateau at low temperature, which can be understood by the compensation effect, and high mobility of carriers confirmed by our Hall effect measurements. It was also found that the normalized MRs under different magnetic fields has the same temperature dependence in α\alpha-WP2_2, the Kohler scaling law can describe the MR data in a wide temperature range, and there is no obvious change in the anisotropic parameter γ\gamma value with temperature. The resistance polar diagram has a peanut shape when field is rotated in ac\textit{ac} plane, which can be understood by the anisotropy of Fermi surface. These results indicate that both field-induced-gap and temperature-induced Lifshitz transition are not the origin of up-turn in resistivity in the α\alpha-WP2_2 semimetal. Our findings establish α\alpha-WP2_2 as a new reference material for exploring the XMR phenomena.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figure

    Long-distance continuous-variable quantum key distribution over 202.81 km fiber

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    Quantum key distribution (QKD) provides secure keys resistant to code-breaking quantum computers. The continuous-variable version of QKD offers the advantages of higher secret key rates in metropolitan areas, as well as the use of standard telecom components that can operate at room temperature. However, the transmission distance of these systems (compared with discrete-variable systems) are currently limited and considered unsuitable for long-distance distribution. Herein, we report the experimental results of long distance continuous-variable QKD over 202.81 km of ultralow-loss optical fiber by suitably controlling the excess noise and employing highly-efficient reconciliation procedures. This record-breaking implementation of the continuous-variable QKD doubles the previous distance record and shows the road for long-distance and large-scale secure QKD using room-temperature standard telecom components

    Stability of layer-by-layer nanofiltration membranes in highly saline streams

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    Layer-by-layer (LBL) assembly is an essential method for the preparation of nanofiltration (NF) membranes, offering tunable charge and pore size, high water permeability, and good anti-fouling properties, making them highly suitable for resource recovery, seawater desalination, and other fields. Despite their advantages, LBL NF membranes suffer from salinity instability, limiting their use in highly saline streams. This perspective review provides a summary of the fundamental physical and chemical principles of LBL assembly related to the salinity stability of LBL NF membranes. We critically analyze the driving force of LBL assembly, the binding strength of polyelectrolyte (PE) pairs, and the overcompensation of LBL membranes. We also discuss the factors affecting overcompensation level with respect to two different time scales. Furthermore, we examine the relationship between overcompensation level and salinity stability of LBL membranes, considering physical (osmotic pressure) and chemical (Le Chatelier's principle) aspects. Our analysis demonstrates that the salinity stability of LBL NF membranes in highly saline solutions can be improved by selecting PEs with stronger binding strength, increasing the overcompensation level, and chemical crosslinking. These methods not only enhance the salinity stability of LBL NF membranes but also offer greater potential for their future application in highly saline streams

    Nematic Fluctuations in Iron-Oxychalcogenide Mott Insulators

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    Nematic fluctuations occur in a wide range of physical systems from liquid crystals to biological molecules to solids such as exotic magnets, cuprates and iron-based high-TcT_c superconductors. Nematic fluctuations are thought to be closely linked to the formation of Cooper-pairs in iron-based superconductors. It is unclear whether the anisotropy inherent in this nematicity arises from electronic spin or orbital degrees of freedom. We have studied the iron-based Mott insulators La2_{2}O2_{2}Fe2_{2}OMM2_{2} MM = (S, Se) which are structurally similar to the iron pnictide superconductors. They are also in close electronic phase diagram proximity to the iron pnictides. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) revealed a critical slowing down of nematic fluctuations as observed by the spin-lattice relaxation rate (1/T11/T_1). This is complemented by the observation of a change of electrical field gradient over a similar temperature range using M\"ossbauer spectroscopy. The neutron pair distribution function technique applied to the nuclear structure reveals the presence of local nematic C2C_2 fluctuations over a wide temperature range while neutron diffraction indicates that global C4C_{4} symmetry is preserved. Theoretical modeling of a geometrically frustrated spin-11 Heisenberg model with biquadratic and single-ion anisotropic terms provides the interpretation of magnetic fluctuations in terms of hidden quadrupolar spin fluctuations. Nematicity is closely linked to geometrically frustrated magnetism, which emerges from orbital selectivity. The results highlight orbital order and spin fluctuations in the emergence of nematicity in Fe-based oxychalcogenides. The detection of nematic fluctuation within these Mott insulator expands the group of iron-based materials that show short-range symmetry-breaking
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